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Thursday, January 16, 2025

Intelligent Design Creationists launch a new attack on junk DNA (are they getting worried?)

The Center for Science and Culture (sic) and the Discovery Institute (sic) have published another propaganda video on junk DNA. The emphasis is on their claim that ID predicted a functional genome and that prediction turned out to be correct! The difference between this video an previous attempts to rationalize their failures is that I now get a personal mention and a caricature in this latest video.

I think I understand the problem. The ID creationists are getting worried about junk DNA as they realize that more and more scientists are beginning to understand the real problems with the ENCODE data and previous claims of function. This is why they are attempting to rebut the science behind junk DNA. But the real problem is that they simply don't understand the science as you can see in the video.

Once again, we are faced with a question about whether Intelligent Design Creationists are stupid or lying (or both).

1 comment :

Ted said...

10 years after ENCODE, creationism still doing same-old, same-old on junk DNA: they have an inch but they pretend it's a mile. With vast amounts of unused DNA lying around, it is only to be expected that evolution will opportunistically enlist small amounts to do something, especially as yet another regulator of some gene. They continually gloat over some tiny bit of "Junk DNA" that has been shown to be useful (by mainstream biologists, of course). But they still ignore the vast amounts of DNA with no known function, and the arguments why most of it is almost certainly useless. Also, the function of the non-coding DNA is often not nearly as "information rich" as coding DNA is.