It's interesting that the blurbs for the two version also differ ...
Natural selection of random genetic mutation isn't the only way to adapt, argues evolutionary biologist Kevin Lala. (print version)
Natural selection isn't just something that happens to organisms, their activities also play a role, giving some species – including humans – a supercharged ability to evolve. (online version)
Kevin Lala is a proponent of the "Extended Evolutionary Synthesis" (EES). His particular schtick is niche construction meaning that evolution is promoted by organisms that help create their own environment. This behaviorial characteristic of animals is supposed to call into question the fundamentals of modern evolutionary theory based on population genetics.
Recall that evolution is defined as a change in the frequency of alleles in a population and the main mechanisms of change are natural selection and random genetic drift. Variation (creation of alleles) is caused by mutation.
Let's see what Kevin Lala has to say about evolution.Living in the desert is a challenge. But the Mojave desert woodrat has an ace to play: it can eat poison. This allows the cute little rodent to survive and thrive by feeding on toxic creosote bushes. Remarkably, it hasn’t evolved the genes required to do so. Instead, it eats the faeces of other woodrats and thereby inherits detoxifying bacteria that take up residence in its gut.
The desert woodrat is an example of how the things organisms do can affect their evolution. And it is far from a one-off: in recent years, it has become clear that many organisms influence their own evolution by creating non-genetic traits that can become subject to natural selection. This challenges traditional Darwinian thinking, which sees evolution as a process rooted in random genetic mutation. But that’s not all. These non-genetic ways of adapting may also help explain another puzzling aspect of evolution – evolvability, or why some organisms have a greater capacity to evolve than others.
Oh dear! Not all adaptation is evolution. If the woodrat survives better by eating shit then good for it. That's not evolution because there's no change in the frequency of alleles in the population. And it's not an example of evolvability.
There's more, and I bet you can guess where this is going.
Historically, evolutionary biologists have assumed that since all organisms evolve through natural selection acting on their genes, they should all change at roughly the same rate per generation. Only in recent years has it become clear this isn’t the case – some species and some traits are more evolvable than others. Until now, research has focused on genetic change, and genes undoubtedly are part of the explanation. But emerging evidence indicates that extragenetic processes are important, too.
This idea features in a new book that I co-authored – Evolution Evolving: The developmental origins of adaptation and biodiversity. A variety of processes are involved, but here I will focus on three of the most important and intriguing: epigenetics, symbiotic inheritance and culture. These phenomena aren’t just analogous to biological evolution: they are biological evolution. They allow organisms to invade new environments, cope with change and stress, evolve new phenotypes and resist extinction until adaptive genetic mutations appear.
I won't bore you with any more quotes from the article. Regular readers will know the real facts about epigenetics. Some species have evolved mechanisms to regulate gene expression in response to the environment. The classic example is the regulation of genes involved in the utilization of lactose in E. coli. If lactose is present the genes are expressed but their transcription is repressed in the absence of lactose. In eukaryotes, the binding of transcription factors to specific regulatory sequences triggers changes in chromatin and DNA (methylation) but the evolution of such regulation in response to the environment is the same as in bacteria—it requires changes in the DNA sequence at the transcription factor binding site.
There's nothing radical about epigenetics. It's perfectly normal evolution.
Symbiosis is a rare example of substantial change in the frequency of alleles in a population. It helps explain some of the changes we see in the history of life. It does not require a revision of population genetics.
Cultural change is not biological evolution.
It's easy to see why New Scientist would want to publish such trash; it's because it sells magazines. What we have to do as responsible scientists is to call out such behavior because it undermines respect for science and that is having severe consequences in modern societies.
Seems like a form of symbiosis. One of every so many. It is a learned behavior? OK, that's fine.
Besides the other issues there seem to me lots of people who confuse interesting biology with the process of evolution. Organisms do lots of cool things, evolution is the change in allele frequencies in the population.
That was me. I didn't sign in. So now I won't get notified.
I've never figured out what makes niche construction any different from Darwin's original notion of behavioral change preceding morphological adaptation, as with the famous bug-eating bear.
Larry, you wrote a critique of an article in the New Scientist by Kevin Laland/Kevin Lala. You include a picture of John Odling-Smee showing his recent book 'Niche Construction. How Life Contributes to Its Own Evolution'. This is another person, with another book!
Further: first you define evolution, than you note that another scientist uses a broader definition, and next you conclude that his definition is wrong. That implies that your definition is written in stone for eternity, a golden standard, and any scientist proposing a broader definition, is automatically dismissed without any information exchange, without any discussion, without reading the book, without any thinking.
There is a lot wrong with that approach, among other things: Darwin did not / never wrote about evolution, Darwin did not understand evolution, because he did not know 'change in the frequency of alleles in populations'. So he did not use your definition.
Surely the rodents' coprophagy behaviour is likely to be the result of genetically governed behaviour and just an old fashioned Darwinian adaptation? Just like the instinctive behaviour of hatchling green iguanas to eat adults faeces to acquire the necessary gut bacteria for a herbivorous diet.
Apparently 'Nature' is jumping on the Lala bandwagon too.
The Nature article referred to by Cool Bill is a book review of Kevin Lala(nd)’s new book, ‘Evolution Evolving: The developmental origins of adaptation and biodiversity’, mentioned in the main text above.
The reviewer is Eva Jablonka. So guess its content. It is recommended by Marc Gerhart on the blurb.
The review leaves the impression the book says nothing new. The roles of development, behaviour, gene regulation in evolution etc are mainstream science.
The problem is that Lala, Jablonka, Gerhart, etc refuse to acknowledge it is mainstream science. They seem have got stuck in the position that main stream evolutionary biology is about the replacement of point mutations.
@gert korthof The photo shows Kevin Lala holding John Odling-Smee's book.
The standard definition of evolution used in population genetics is (roughly) "a change in the frequency of alleles in a population."
Lala (Laland) and his colleagues criticize the Modern Synthesis, which means they criticize the standard definition used in most evolutionary biology textbooks. In his New Scientist article he write about "non-genetic ways of adapting" and claims that he's one of a growing group of evolutionary biologists who think that "non-genetic inheritance plays a vital role in evolvability."
I'd love to hear from you what definition of evolution Lala must be using if he thinks that evolution can occur without changing allele frequencies in a population. He declares that things like epigenetics and culture ARE biological evolution but he dismisses the standard textbook definition without any discussion about why everyone should throw out the old definition and adopt his version.
(It's clear that he doesn't understand epigenetics but that's a separate issue.)
So, now we know that species are not total snowflakes -they toughen up when faced with non-optimum conditions. It can get ugly, but as long as sufficient reproduction occurs, the species survives long enough for favorable mutations to make things more comfortable. To be charitable, the study of the non-mutational adaptations that a species undergoes when it finds itself living in non-optimum environments could be important for related species vis-a-vis what challenges to expect due to climate change.
The idea that living with long-term challenging conditions, or finding a niche with fewer challenging conditions, opens the door for morphological genetic change is just the evolutionary status quo. To have a valid claim to go beyond that, I think the authors have to show that some environmentally-induced change (e.g., methylation?) can result in a beneficial, targeted mutation that addresses that change. However, I'm not holding my breath because there really is no necessity for such a mechanism. I'm a little sad about this because in the early 2000's it was so exciting to learn that those surviving the WWII Dutch Famine showed some six decades of persistent epigenetic differences. At first blush it seemed like there might be a Lamarkian-flavored shortcut that would bring an environmental stimulus to the attention of DNA and, maybe, somehow, effect a genetic change. I guess we are still waiting.
Larry, thanks for your reply. You are right that without some kind of inheritance, evolution cannot occur. There would be no life as we know it.
In my view evolution is everything that happened to living organisms during the last 4.5 billion years on planet Earth. Genetics is only (an important and necessary) part of it.
You see what I mean in my latest blog 'Evolution textbooks are suffocating: very low levels of Oxygen!' what crazy things happen when one clings to a too narrow definition of 'evolution'.
Your insistence on the definition "Evolution is a change in the frequency of alleles in a population over time" results in outrageous statements such as "Symbiosis is a rare example of substantial change in the frequency of alleles in a population. (...) It does not require a revision of population genetics."
This is a gross distortion of what the Eukaryotic symbiosis entails. Endosymbiosis is the permanent incorporation of one complete genome of one species in a single cell of another species resulting in two different genomes in one cell. This event has nothing to do with a change in allel frequencies. Therefore your definition of evolution implies that the Eukaryotic symbiosis event is not evolution. However, the Eukaryotic merger is the single most important event in the history of life on Earth. Without it no animals and plants. This event can in no way properly be described by your definition. Furthermore, describing it as "Symbiosis is a rare example of *substantial* change", violates the gradualness of 'evolution'.
WOI and WOII, Gulag, Shoa, Killing Fields, would all fit Larry’s definition
The theory of evolution doesn't require all change to be gradual, so no violation there. Whole genome duplication is a standard part of the theory for some lineages, as one example.
It's also straightforward to model symbiotic relationships within the theory of evolution. The environment for the symbiont is the inside of the host cell, and so fitness is defined within that environment. The same for the host cell.
Seemingly, our tried to evolve by eating shit.
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