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Friday, May 21, 2010

Dear Royal Ontario Museum ...

Indicate in the comments whether you'd like to sign this letter as a supporter of the Committee for the Advancement of Scientific Skepticismat the Center for Inquiry (Canada). Include your name, title, and affiliation. Email me if you'd rather not post a comment. (My name is "l.moran" and my domain is "")

See Shame on the Royal Ontario Museum for more information about the event.
William Thorsell
Director, the Royal Ontario Museum
100 Queen's Park
Toronto, ON
M5S 2C6

Mr. Thorsell,

We at the Committee for the Advancement of Scientific Skepticism (CASS) at the Centre for Inquiry (Canada) and its supporters were dismayed  to learn that the Royal Ontario Museum will be sponsoring a talk by Deepak Chopra at the University of Toronto in connection with the Director's Signature Series: The Warrior Emperor and China's Terracotta Army.

While we fully support the concept of academic freedom, we are baffled by this invitation and wonder how it fits into the mandate of the museum to "serve as an advocate for science in the study of nature," as stated in your message on the ROM website.  Mr. Chopra's new age psycho-babble may be attractive to the general public, but by inviting him to speak at the ROM, you lend undeserved scientific credibility to his pseudo-scientific claims about quantum physics, psychology, chemistry and medicine. These claims are rightly rejected as absurd by the scientific community and by promoting them you tarnish the otherwise excellent scientific reputation of the Royal Ontario Museum.

CASS will be publishing the standard rebuttals of Deepak Chopra's fanciful quackery in order to help the public understand where he goes off the rails. Our hope is to turn this otherwise embarrassing event into a learning opportunity.  We are also contacting the sponsors of the event and the ROM's other private donors in order to voice our concern about Mr. Chopra's presentation. We would like the ROM to clarify how Mr. Chopra's visit fits into this lecture series, as it seems this is just another opportunity for him to promote his new book.  

We look forward to hearing from you.


The Committee for the Advancement of Scientific Skepticism (CASS) at the Centre for Inquiry Canada


«Oldest   ‹Older   401 – 598 of 598
Anonymous said...

I'll sign:

Charles Banks B.Sc
PhD student - Biochemistry
Kansas City MO, USA

Vinoy Vijayan said...

Please count me in. Thanks for your efforts.

Vinoy Vijayan
Phd Student - Genetics
Dartmouth College

A. Velyvis said...

I'll sign this too.

Algirdas Velyvis, PhD
University of Toronto

Anonymous said...

Please add me to the list

Stefan Andrei Anghel
Undergraduate student
Harvard University

T Skid C said...

I am saddened by the ROM's decision. Let's hope they reverse it.

Scott Campbell
Toronto, ON

Stannous Flouride said...

Stan Flouride

artist, science geek
San Francisco

Anonymous said...

There are still so many Chopras around us! Some of them call themselves chiropractors, homeo-practors, etc.

I will sign:
Mark Branecki, M.Sc.
Professor of Radiation Safety
Algonquin College
Pembroke ON

Borin said...

R. Benjamin Dexter
Honors Statistics Student
Dalhousie University

Premee said...

Please include me too.

Premee Mohamed, B.Sc. (Hon)
Environmental Advisor

Anonymous said...

I'd be proud to add my name to the list.

Tony Burns
Toronto, ON

Adel Amodwala said...

I would be glad to sign it.

Adel Amodwala
BSc Student- Statistics
University of Toronto

Igitur said...

Jason Hatherly, B.A., L.L.B.
Winnipeg, MB

gman said...

I'm in

Guillermo Barron, PhD
Red Deer College

Anonymous said...

Yes, let's not be silly.

Adrian Johnson

John Dalton said...

Where do I sign?

John Dalton

Emperor Lib said...

Good sir, I would also like to sign this petition. It is truly a shame on Canadian scientific standards - nay, scientific standards period.

David Gass
MA Student - Experimental Psychology
Laurentian University

LRL said...

I'm in.

Louis R. Lapierre, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher
Sandford-Burnham Research Institute
La Jolla, CA

Steeve said...

I'll sign to keep the pseudo-scientist quacks from official recognition,

Steeve McCauley
Montreal, QC
Chemistry, Physics and a smattering of Geology

"Budge" Burgess said...

Count me in

Brian Burgess
Rodney, Ontario

Anonymous said...

I'm in.

Dan Augusta
B.A. Student
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Anonymous said...

Fern Yates
Boston, MA

Anonymous said...

I'll sign as well.

Richard Robichau
Peabody, MA

theo said...

Count me as well.

theo nelson
Calgary, AB

mims h. carter said...

I would like my name included in your letter.
Mims H. Carter
Pass Christian, Mississippi
Plant Biologist and member of the Great Southern Humanist Society

Anonymous said...

Please add my name to the letter to the Royal Ontario Museum and its engagement of Deepak Chopra as a speaker.

John Donaldson

Dioscorides said...

Sounds good to me.

Alex Hammel
Undergraduate [BSc. (Hons.) Evolutionary Biology]
University of Alberta

Anonymous said...

add my sig.

Anonymous said...

Count me in as well..

Mark Tupling
London, Ontario

John said...

We need to expect more from an institution such as the ROM. Shame.

John Underhay MSc, Bsc

mike said...

Michael Gillard
Medical Physicist
Eastern Health

Unknown said...

I sign...

Brandon Frederick
Environmental Science Major and
Lab Tech
Creighton University
Omaha, Nebraska

Anonymous said...

Ron Brown
University of Toronto Hon.B.Sc graduate
Masters of Occupational Therapy student, University of Western Ontario
Resident of London, Ontario.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I'll sign that.

Mark Fagan, B.Sc., M.A.
Helter Investments Ltd.
alumnus of University of Toronto

Anonymous said...

I will definitely sign this. Keep up the good fight.

Carmen Finnigan
Saskatchewan Skeptics
Saskatoon, SK

Rob said...

I will sign,

Rob Sutherland
Director, Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience
The University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge & District Skeptics
Lethbridge, AB

Unknown said...

I am in full support. I will sign the letter.

Anonymous said...

Definitely supported.

Lars Martin
Friend of CFI
PhD student Physics
Vancouver, BC

Fibro said...

Sign me up.

John Coady, PhD,
Qualicum Beach,
BC. said...

Gary Jones,
Layman Physics Enthusiast and vitriolic opponent of Quantum Mysticism and Pseudoscientific Woo

Unknown said...

I'll sign on

Natasha Yar-Routh
Network Engineer
Los Anegeles, CA

Anonymous said...

I'm in.

Joshua Johnson, PhD.
Lecturer in Molecular Biology
Victoria University
Melbourne, Australia.

Alison said...

Count me in. Why would the ROM support this drivel?

Alison Streight
(not a scientist, but interested)
Montreal, Quebec

Jeremie Choquette said...

Jeremie Choquette
Undergraduate Student-Physics
McMaster University

DianaMac said...

I'll sign that!

Diana MacPherson
Freethinker and Canadian

Anonymous said...

I am horrifed that any institution dedicated to the understanding of science would give Deepak Chopra a platfrom from which to spout his pseudo-scientific drivel.

Julia D Atkinson
Contributor to UK-Sceptics and investigator of paranormal claims

Anonymous said...

I can think of no more serious danger to the advancement of science than the encouragement of this sort of garbage.

Count me in.

Michael Reid B.Sc, M.Sc
Raleigh, North Carolina

Unknown said...

I'll gladly sign

Jack McLean PhD
Vancouver Island B.C.
Retired Res Scientist

Jeff Dee said...

You don't have to twist my arm - I'll sign! :)

Anonymous said...

Neil Erickson,BSc.
Victoria, BC

Keith Drader said...


Keith Drader
Calgary AB

Anonymous said...

I'm in.

D Dorn
Rochester, MN USA

Rob Paton said...

Rob Paton
MEng Student - Computer Science
Bristol University

speconadot said...

I'll sign that, I love the ROM.
Milton Ontario

Leon Stander said...

I'll sign. The only legitimate reason for Chopra to speak would have been if he had expert knowledge of the topic and kept strictly to the topic.

Leon Stander, D. Phil
Blogger @ Occam's Donkey

waldteufel said...

I suggest not only signing the petition, but contacting the ROM thru their website:

I identified myself as a concerned scientist, which I am, and expressed my concern that the ROM has damaged its credibility by providing a pulpit for pseudo-scientific garbage.

Unknown said...

Most definitely would sign this! I'm a resident of Toronto and patron of the ROM. The last speaker I saw there was Christopher Hitchens on the 10 Commandments. We don't need our museums to start showcasing Deepak Chopra's woo-ful, embarrassing display and butchery of quantum physics into happy sounding assertions.

Mike said...

Sign me up:

Michael Fraser, Ph.D.
Terry Fox Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellow
Ontario Cancer Institute
Toronto, ON

RobMagus said...


Robert Teszka
Cognitive Psychologist
UBC, Vancouver, Canada

Anonymous said...

Add me please.

Jason Cassels
Lead Designer

Unknown said...

Add my endorsement:

Dr Chris Newell, MIET

Unknown said...

I will gladly sign that.

Michael Brazeau
Toronto, Ontario

Devin said...

Devin Trudeau
PhD Student, Bioengineering
California Institute of Technology
(HBSc in Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto)

Randall J. Scalise said...

Dr. Randall J. Scalise
Southern Methodist University
Department of Physics

David Tweddell said...

Yes please.

David Tweddell, MASc, P.Eng.
London, ON

daftnewt said...

I will sign.

Christopher Murray
Kingston, Ontario

Unknown said...

I'll sign.
Andre D. King P.Eng
Burlington, Ontario

GaryB said...

Put my name down

Gary Bohn B.Sc, B.A.
Computer Science
Regina, SK.

Anonymous said...

My signature:

Jack Brzezinski B.Sc. MD
Toronto, ON

Andrew said...

Andrew Delong
PhD candidate (Computer Science)
London, Ontario.

Unknown said...

William Hyde, PhD. Retired.

Unknown said...

Add me too, please.

Anna Yeung, MPH
University of Melbourne
(and forever Torontonian)

Anonymous said...

I'll gladly sign.

Daniel Bourque
B.A. Student - Philosophy (Philosophy of Science)
Mount Allison University

Anonymous said...

I'm signing that:

Antoine Vekris
Research fellow, Neurobiology of myelin disorders
University Victor Segalen
Bordeaux, France

Faizal Ali said...

Count me in.

Faizal Ali MD, FRCPC
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry
University of Toronto

Dave Fader said...

Deepak Chopra indeed....

There is no room for this tripe @ the ROM.

Please add my signature to this letter.

David Fader
Brantford, Ontario

Anonymous said...

William Leddy

Unknown said...

I'll sign too. Toby North - UK - No-one special

Anonymous said...

An evening with Deepak at The Learning Annex, maybe, but not the ROM. Embarrassing for the city of Toronto.
Sign me up,
Toronto, Ontario

Chakat Firepaw said...

Rick Pikul, BSc
University of Waterloo

Ingo Brigandt said...

In addition to this being "another opportunity for him to promote his new book", more importantly this is Choprak being keen on making financial gain (well beyond the meagre honoraria of academic speakers).

Feel free to add me to the petition:
Ingo Brigandt, PhD
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
University of Alberta

John W Duskin Ph.D said...

I'll certainly sign that. Chopra is the perfect example of a pseudoscientist.

Anonymous said...

Great letter! Please add my name
Bridget Holmes
Toronto, On.

Anonymous said...

please add my name to the list

Mike Q Jackson, BASc
North Vancouver, BC

Anonymous said...

Kim Madden
BSc Candidate - Health Studies
University of Waterloo

Anonymous said...


Tyson Bodin
Victoria , BC

Anonymous said...

Carolyn Pearce-Lipari
Colonia, NJ

Anonymous said...

I'll sign too: I am a long term ROM donor, and think this is a very annoying way to spend good money.

E R Harvey
Professor emeritus, U of Toronto

Anonymous said...

I too, would like this fraud to have a much harder time finding his credulous audiences, and hate the fact that we're giving them a forum.

Rob Bos,
Vancouver, British Columbia.

Do-Ming Lum said...

I would support that.

Do-Ming Lum
President and Principal Consultant
Ursa Major Systems Integration Group Inc.

Unknown said...

Thank you for organizing this and writing this excellent letter. I fully support the statement.

Brett Simms
Toronto, ON

Anonymous said...

I will gladly sign that letter.

James Logan

Anonymous said...


Ms. Stefanie Kischak
University of Toronto - Industrial Engineering student

Mr. Doubtfire said...


Anonymous said...

Include me please
Julie Stahlbaum
Dundas, Ontario

Anonymous said...

Carolyn MacLeod
PhD Student, University of Toronto

Jason Wilkes said...

Count me in too!

Jason Wilkes
Ph.D student - Mathematical Physics
University of Alberta

Anonymous said...

Natasha Bockus
Montreal, Quebec

Yes Im Peter Ing said...

Jason Karp
Toronto, Ontario

G. Landry said...

Gaëtan Landry
Master's Student in Physics
Université de Moncton
Moncton, NB

Stephen Tapply said...

We're embarrassed in the UK too...

Stephen Tapply BA, MEd
Retired Teacher

satan augustine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
satan augustine said...

I have no title, but I'll gladly sign.

Frank Wall
Dayton, OH, USA

Anonymous said...

Argir Argirov
Engineering Student
Ryerson University

Kristine Danowski said...

I will sign this letter.

Kristine Danowski, M.Ed., M.S.
Bioanalytical Chemistry

Anonymous said...

Better late than never: please add my name to the list.

Michael MacKay
Mississauga, Ontario

Peter Newton said...

Please add me too, thanks.

Peter Newton, MD FRCPC
Associate professor, Anesthesia.
University of Western Ontario

Unknown said...

I'll sign as well--

Bryson Brown
Professor of Philosophy,
President of the Canadian Philosophy Association
University of Lethbridge,
Lethbridge, AB
403 329-2506

Unknown said...

This definitely stinks. The ROM should be preserving its mandate as an institution of proper scientific research and study, not lending credence to bad science (or sophistry masquerading as science), however well intentioned. The ROM should be deeply embarrassed at sullying its heretofore well-deserved reputation like this.

James Munroe
Sydney, NS (but of Toronto, ON from 1981-2003)

Godless Evangelist said...

Please add my name:
Doug Stewart, M.Sc.
Mandeville, Louisiana.

Yes, that’s right. I live in Louisiana! Home of the Science Education Act that legally allows bullshit creationism to be taught to public school students. But still, Chopra’s bullshit exceeds even that. It’s nice to know that the Royal Ontario Museum is “catching up” with Louisiana in its scientific “achievement”.

Unknown said...

Matt Russo
MSc. Student Astrophysics
University of Toronto

glen1753 said...

Pass the pen please.

Glen Hopping
High School drop out

Anonymous said...

Denis Robert
Syntach Solutions
Toronto ON

Neil Schipper said...

Let Chopra peddle his universal consciousness claptrap to the same people who bought into "The Secret", but not in a public museum.

Neil Schipper, B.Sc.
Winnipeg, MB

Kristjan said...

I would like to sign as well.

Kristjan Wager, BSc
Copenhagen, Denamrk

p51dray said...

Raymond Chiang
Vancouver, BC

Trevor said...

Trevor Padgett B.Sc. B.Ed.
Peterborough, Ontario

Its not that he cant pronounce his woo, its that it will go unquestioned and this venue is one of science, reality and advancement of knowledge. This will not help the public understand anything.

Unknown said...

Count me in!

Horacio Cazarin Ruiz
Mexico City, MEX
Deeply offended by Choprah´s quantum quackery. That idiot can´t add, much less understand the beautiful subtleties of the mathematics of quantum physics.

Unknown said...

Count me in!

Horacio Cazarin Ruiz
Mexico City, MEX
Deeply offended by Choprah´s quantum quackery. That idiot can´t add, much less understand the beautiful subtleties of the mathematics of quantum physics.

Anonymous said...

Please add my signature to the letter.

Mr. Chopra's appropriates words used in science to lend credibility to his unintelligible "philosophy". The R.O.M might as well invite a young earth creationist to speak.

Geoffrey Craig, J.D.
122 Leighton Rd.
London NW5 2RG

Anonymous said...

Count me in:

Brad Wisler
Sandusky, OH

Anonymous said...

count me in:

Brad Wisler
Sandusky, OH

Richard Healy said...


Richard Healy, BA, MA, PGCE and now BTEC Applied Science.
Chesterfield, Derbyshire,

Sara said...

I remember seeing an ad for this somewhere and it boggled my mind. So I'll sign that

Sara Mallory
Ottawa, Ontario

Michael said...

Shame on the ROM.

Michael Parker
Kitchener, Ontario

Anonymous said...

Count me in.

M. FitzGibbon, B.A., B.Ed.
Edmonton, Alberta

Anonymous said...

Add me to your list.

Craig Coady

bruno said...

count me in

Bruno Ferreira
Ungerdraduate Student with an integrational scholarship in Ecology
Minho University

xinit said...

Re-evaluating my decision to support the ROM.

Richard Murray
ROM "Curatorial Circle" Member

John Snodgrass said...

Simply as a thinking person, I have to disagree with quacks and pseudoscientists peddling their nonsense in legitimate institutions.

-John Snodgrass

Anonymous said...

Larry, I´ll sing also.

Miguel Solera

asdasdasd said...

D Tash
Simon Fraser University

Unknown said...

Jenelle Power
Ph.D. Student -- Forensic Psychology
Carleton University

Deepak said...

I agree with the petition.

Physics graduate student,
University of Toronto

Anonymous said...

I'm on board

Colm Carraher
New Zealand

Bandon Decker said...

I'd love to sign:

Bandon Decker, BS
Kirksville, MO, USA

koshka1969 said...

I will sign that...

Kurt Zecman
Pennsylvania Steel Corporation

Jelle Praagmaan said...

no quacks in respectable museums please...
Jelle Praagmaan,
Utrecht, the Netherlands

ExPatMatt said...

Count me in, too.

Matthew Browning
ROM Member (for now...)

Unknown said...

I cannot believe this! Has the universe just imploded? We seem to be traveling back in time.

Please sign my name to this letter.

Robert Hicks,
drug dealer, Toronto

Anonymous said...

Larry, here is my signature--

John Ward, MD
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Anonymous said...

I'm in (if its OK i'm not in the USA)

George Cunningham
BSc (Hons), BA, Dip Ed.
Melbourne, Australia

Anonymous said...


Martin Anderson said...

Happy to sign

Martin Anderson
PhD - King's College London

Youssef Elmasri said...

I will sign that.

Shadi Youssef
PhD Student - Electronics Engineering
University of Twente

Unknown said...

Meade Pimsler
Ph.D., Microbiology

Unknown said...

Larry: Please add my signature -
Stu Hillman. Retired US Govt. MS Applied Physics, University of Seattle 83.

LeMug said...

Please cancel Mr. "Aging is ... a choice...” who seems to be aging along with the rest of us.

Michael Mugridge
BComm (Concordia University_
resident of Beaconsfield,QC

B Neuenschwander said...

I love ROM!
You are better than this!

Benjamin Neuenschwander
Undergrad Student of Mathematics
Bowling Green State University

Peter Trzeciak said...

I support this!!!

Peter Trzeciak
M.A. Computer Science

Anonymous said...

Add my signature to this. No place for loonies at the ROM.

- Andres

Anonymous said...

Christina Thomsen
Undergraduate (BSc)
University of Toronto

Anonymous said...

Christina Thomsen
Undergraduate (BSc)
University of Toronto

Anonymous said...

Sign me on please:

Chris Carroll
Senior Aerodynamic Engineer
Middletown Connecticut.

Ashley Davis said...

I'll sign it.

Anonymous said...

Despite Deepak's powers to cause earthquakes in Southern California, I don't fear him! Sign me up,

Jeff Glover
Toronto, ON

Jimi MCCusker said...

Sign me up!!!!

Jim McCusker
Biology Teacher
Ridley High School

dsm said...

I'll sign it.

DS Martin

Unknown said...

Algeron Waterschoot

Y. Raczynski Henk said...

I wholeheartedly agree with your objections, and I wish to emphasise that by signing your petition.

Y. Raczynski Henk MA
Prehistoric Archaeologist,
Leiden, the Netherlands

Billy said...

William W. Crook
Father, Husband, Rational Human Being
Longmont, CO

Unknown said...

I'll sign this.

Ian D'Souza, Ph.D. (physics)
Waterloo, ON

Anonymous said...

I sign this letter.

Roel Winters
Member of SKEPP

Unknown said...

I'll sign this as well.

Ian Selleck
Student - BSc. Chemical Engineering
University of Alberta

alk86 said...

Add me to the list.

Allison Kwok
Honors B.Sc. (Biology)

Unknown said...

I hope I'm not to late to sign ...

Karly Larson
Menlo Park, California

Johnd said...

Please add my name.

John F. Dehls, PhD, P.Geol.
Geological Survey of Norway
Trondheim, Norway

Lorne said...

Count me in

Unknown said...

PLease add me as well.

Amanda Scott, BSc BIT (biologist-in-training)

Edmonton, Alberta

Anonymous said...

I will sign that - I'm a Torontonian, an Engineer, a magician, and a skeptic.

Andy Blau - Toronto Magician
BASc, Engineering

brianne burnell said...

no!! count me in as well

Brianne Burnell
Ryerson University
Toronto ON

Saralynne Sin said...

Lynne Rutledge
ROM Member
Toronto, Ontario

Anonymous said...

I wish to sign the letter.

Thom Ford
Office Services Clerk
Ministry of the Attorney General
Government of Ontario

Paul said...

Paul Bowser
Ph.D. Zoology (Cell & Systems Biology) - University of Toronto
ROM Member

Thad said...

Thad Harroun, PhD
Assistant Professor, Physics
Brock University
St. Catharines, ON

Unknown said...

Add another.

Steve Denheyer
Toronto, Ontario

athel said...

I'll sign it:

Athel Cornish-Bowden
Directeur de Recherche Emerite
CNRS, France

Anonymous said...

My name is David Jordan, I would totally sign that, and I'm frankly offended that any museum would waste their time and money to bring in a damn quack.

Zebulon said...

I'll sign that for sure.

Zebulon Pike

Unknown said...

Andy Turko
MSc Student - Environmental Physiology
University of Guelph

Anonymous said...

Though not a scientist, I would happily sign.

Brendon Cameron, MA, CGA
Edmonton, Alberta
(former resident of Ontario and student at McMaster University)

Greg Smith said...

Please add my name.

Greg Smith
M.A.Sc, Elec Eng
University of Toronto
(and member of ROM).

TheBrummell said...

I'll sign:

Martin Brummell
PhD student (Soil Science), University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Dave said...


David Cook, P.E.
Kabul, Afghanistan

Nathan said...

Nathan Pozderac
Long Term Care Administrator
Ohio, USA

Jere said...

I'll sign.

Jere Koskela
Bsc Statistics Student
University of Warwick, UK

Unknown said...

I'll sign that.

William Breen, B.Sc.

Consulting Geologist
Flyboy Exploration

Anonymous said...

Robb Buston
Hamilton Ontario

Anonymous said...

I was dismayed to hear that he was speaking.

Robert Wilson, B.A.
London, Ontario

Anonymous said...

i'm into it. i know the ROM is hard up for cash, but it shouldn't resort to this nonsense.

j. landau, ottawa ontario.

Unknown said...

Add me to the list. I've loved the ROM since the first time I went at the age of five, but this is just appalling.

Melissa McCarthy
Fredericton, NB

Chris PItts said...

Yeah, this sounds about right. Add my name, if you wish.

Chris Pitts
General skeptic.

Anonymous said...

Is the ROM that hard up for money that they invite Chopra? Sort of like a lost leader at the supermarket of reality. Draw the people in with something they don't need and hopefully they will buy other stuff. Oh is that " Primordial Sound Meditation, the most powerful tool we have for direct contact with Spirit and rediscovering our unique essential nature" (copy directly from DC website) on offer? I'll pick up a carton of that and while I'm here better take a look at the South African dinasaur eggs and babies. I saw Chopra on The Colbert Report recently and my skin crawled.

Kevin L. MacCorquodale
Scarborough, Ontario

Anonymous said...

Please include me in your petition.

Scott Legatski, Computer Scientist in Colorado.

Chris said...

please include me

Chris Cuzner

Anonymous said...

At the moment, I live in the UK, but I'll always be a Torontonian at heart.

Steve Dylag
Primary Teacher
Buckinghamshire, UK

svartsol said...

No thank you.

Solveig Sundstrom
Student - Life Sciences
University of Toronto

TruthMakesPeace said...

"While we fully support the concept of academic freedom" - except when you don't. Where is your evidence to refute Deepak's statements, based on direct experience. Let's hear your explanation of what you are doing right now, being conscious (or at least semi-conscious). How does matter become conscious Dr. Moron? Let's hear your explanation. Oh, you never question that. You are a pseudo-skeptic.

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