The group over at the The Beagle Project ran a contest to come up with a funny caption for the photo and the result has just been announced [Caption (absolutely no) contest!]. It's excellent—very close to what I would have said if I had the wit and talent to enter the contest.
A fortnight ago we launched a caption contest for the provocative image below, originally taken from Time's negative review of Expelled. We received twenty-six highly humorous entries, but there was one that towered, marble head and shoulders, above the rest, both for its comic value and also for the amount of work involved in realising it.I'm not going to give away the answer because you all need to scoot on over to The Beagle Project log and donate some money while you're there.
I offered a call to photoshop the picture. The best that someone else did was probably this one. And this is what I came up with.
"Why is it, Master Stein that whenever I teach a natural history lesson, you come and ask if you can go to the tiolet?"
Thanks for the write-up Larry, much appreciated.
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