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Saturday, February 03, 2007

I'm Not Really a Biblical Scholar

I didn't score as high as some but I didn't fail either. I guess this means I can criticize people who believe in God because I'm an expert on the Bible.

You know the Bible 85%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!

Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes


Anonymous said...

Richard Dawkins should take this quiz. I think he could disprove once and for all the accusation that he is shallow on the topic of religion.

Anonymous said...

Blog this: Hitler was Mormon.

Anonymous said...

I scored 90%
Know thine enemy.

Anonymous said...

I tied Larry.

I'm going with PZ's view of this. Misspent youth.

O'Brien said...

Blog this: Hitler was Mormon.

Is a Mormon would less disingenuous, lunkhead. In any event, as far as I know, the leadership of the Mormon Church has disavowed Hitler's proxy baptism.

By the way, Hitler executed a Mormon youth who disseminated information from the BBC to other Germans. (He was rewarded with a posthumous excommunication that was later reversed.)

Anonymous said...

Oh my ____.

I can't believe you had the patience to finish that. It just went on and on and on...

I guess I now understand the glazed-eye feeling creationists must have when faced with scientific explanations of evolution.

Andrew Brown said...

93% but lots of it was ridiculously easy