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Friday, September 07, 2012

At Least He Doesn't Call them IDiots!

I don't agree with everyhting Richard Dawkins says in this video but he's got the important parts right. Notice that he doesn't stoop to calling them IDiots, like I do. He uses other words.

Oh Dear. Another Non-Scientist Gets the Wrong Message from Ed Yong

David Ropeik identifies himself as an "international consultant in risk perception and risk communication, and an Instructor in the Environmental Management Program at the Harvard University Extension School." His blog is soapbox science on Nature Blogs.

Here's what part of what he posted today [A lesson from ENCODE about the limits on Human Reason].
In what should be another blow to the hubris of human intellect, we have a new entry in the long and ever growing list of “Really Big Things Scientists Believed” that turned out be wrong. This one is about DNA, that magical strand of just four amino acids, Adenine paired with Thymine, Cytosine paired with Guanine, millions of those A-T and C-G pairs linked together in various combinations to make the genes that spit out the blueprints for the proteins that make us. Or so science believed.

The problem was that, the ‘genes’ sections of DNA that coded for proteins only came to about 1.5% of the whole 2 meter-long strand. For decades molecular biologists didn’t know what the rest of the DNA…as in, nearly all of it…does. So, in a remarkable stroke of intellectual arrogance, they dismissed it as ‘junk’. Actually, the drier academics simply called it ‘non-coding DNA’. A Japanese scientist named Susumu Ohno called it junk, and the word stuck because, basically, scientists had no explanation for what most of DNA was for. So they assumed it was left over from evolution, had no current function, and was, literally, junk. As Francis Crick, one of the Nobel Prize winners for helping discover the structure of DNA, put it, non-coding DNA has “little specificity and conveys little or no selective advantage to the organism”. Right. As though nature would waste that much energy.

Well, there’s going to be a lot of editing on Wikipedia in the days and weeks to come, and it’s time to reprint the basic biology textbooks, because extensive research into the mystery of what most of DNA is doing there has discovered that the ‘junk’ isn’t junk at all. Most of it has all sorts of jobs. Science Journalist Ed Yong has written a wonderful summary of this work here.
As I said earlier, this is making my life very complicated. It's going to take a lot of effort to undo the damage caused by the ENCODE scientists and the science writers who fell for their scam.

At Last, Some Journalists Are Paying Attention!

From the Forbes website: Reports of Junk DNA's Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated by John Farrell.

Of course it's even more impressive because he quotes Ryan Gregory and me.

Still waiting to hear from the science writers who got it wrong the first time.

THIS Is What Michael Eisen Is Thinking!!!

Here's an excellent example of what's wrong with the way the ENCODE Consortium is interpreting their data. Congratulations to Michael Eisen! I wish I had said this: A neutral theory of molecular function.1

Read the whole thing very carefully and heed the lesson. Here's a excerpt,
I think a lot about Kimura, the neutral theory, and the salutary effects of clear null models every time I get involved in discussions about the function, or lack thereof, of biochemical events observed in genomics experiments, such as those triggered this week by publications from the ENCODE project.

It is easy to see the parallels between the way people talk about transcribed RNAs, protein-DNA interactions, DNase hypersensitive regions and what not, and the way people talked about sequence changes PK (pre Kimura). While many of the people carrying out RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, CLIP-seq, etc… have been indoctrinated with Kimura at some point in their careers, most seem unable to apply his lesson to their own work. The result is a field suffused with implicit or explicit thinking along the following lines:
I observed A bind to B. A would only have evolved to bind to B if it were doing something useful. Therefore the binding of A to B is “functional”.
One can understand the temptation to think this way. In the textbook view of molecular biology, everything is highly regulated. Genes are transcribed with a purpose. Transcription factors bind to DNA when they are regulating something. Kinases phosphorylate targets to alter their activity or sub-cellular location. And so on. Although there have always been lots of reasons to dismiss this way of thinking, until about a decade ago, this is what the scientific literature looked like. In the day where papers described single genes and single interactions, who would bother to publish a paper about a non-functional interaction they observed?

But experimental genomics blew this world of Mayberry molecular biology wide open. For example, when Mark Biggin and I started to do ChIP-chip experiments in Drosophila embryos, we found that factors were binding not just to their dozen or so non-targets, but the thousands, and in some cases tens of thousands of places across the genome. Having studied my Kimura, I just assumed that the vast majority of these interactions had evolved by chance – a natural, essential, consequence of the neutral fixation of nucleotide changes that happened to create transcription factor binding sites. And so I was shocked that almost everyone I talked to about this data assumed that every one of these binding events was doing something – we just hadn’t figured out what yet.


Rather than assuming – as so many of the ENCODE researchers apparently do – that the millions (or is it billions?) of molecular events they observe are a treasure trove of functional elements waiting to be understood, they should approach each and every one of them with Kimurian skepticism. We should never accept the existence or a molecule or the observation that it interacts with something as prima facia evidence that it is important. Rather we should assume that all such interactions are non-functional until proven otherwise, and develop better, compelling, ways to reject this null hypothesis.
Read the comments, especially the one from former colleague Chris Hogue on how to interpret phosphorylation of proteins and signal transduction. That's not going to be popular in my department!

I just have one small quibble with Michael's post. Not all textbooks describe the cell as if it were a finely tuned Swiss watch and not all textbooks take an adaptationist approach to evolution. Mine doesn't.

1. As a result of this post I've now relegated Jonathan Eisen to "brother of Michael Eisen" rather than the other way around. Sorry, Jonathan.

More Expert Opinion on Junk DNA from Scientists

The Nature issue containing the latest ENCODE Consortium papers also has a New & Views article called "Genomics: ENCODE explained" (Ecker et al., 2012). Some of these scientist comment on junk DNA.

For exampleshere's what Joseph Ecker says,
One of the more remarkable findings described in the consortium's 'entrée' paper is that 80% of the genome contains elements linked to biochemical functions, dispatching the widely held view that the human genome is mostly 'junk DNA'. The authors report that the space between genes is filled with enhancers (regulatory DNA elements), promoters (the sites at which DNA's transcription into RNA is initiated) and numerous previously overlooked regions that encode RNA transcripts that are not translated into proteins but might have regulatory roles.
And here's what Inês Barroso, says,
The vast majority of the human genome does not code for proteins and, until now, did not seem to contain defined gene-regulatory elements. Why evolution would maintain large amounts of 'useless' DNA had remained a mystery, and seemed wasteful. It turns out, however, that there are good reasons to keep this DNA. Results from the ENCODE project show that most of these stretches of DNA harbour regions that bind proteins and RNA molecules, bringing these into positions from which they cooperate with each other to regulate the function and level of expression of protein-coding genes. In addition, it seems that widespread transcription from non-coding DNA potentially acts as a reservoir for the creation of new functional molecules, such as regulatory RNAs.
If this were an undergraduate course I would ask for a show of hands in response to the question, "How many of you thought that there did not seem to be "defined gene-regulatory elements" in noncoding DNA?"

I would also ask, "How many of you have no idea how evolution could retain "useless" DNA in our genome?" Undergraduates who don't understand evolution should not graduate in a biological science program. It's too bad we don't have similar restrictions on senor scientists who write News & Views articles for Nature.

Jonathan Pritchard and Yoav Gilad write,
One of the great challenges in evolutionary biology is to understand how differences in DNA sequence between species determine differences in their phenotypes. Evolutionary change may occur both through changes in protein-coding sequences and through sequence changes that alter gene regulation.

There is growing recognition of the importance of this regulatory evolution, on the basis of numerous specific examples as well as on theoretical grounds. It has been argued that potentially adaptive changes to protein-coding sequences may often be prevented by natural selection because, even if they are beneficial in one cell type or tissue, they may be detrimental elsewhere in the organism. By contrast, because gene-regulatory sequences are frequently associated with temporally and spatially specific gene-expression patterns, changes in these regions may modify the function of only certain cell types at specific times, making it more likely that they will confer an evolutionary advantage.

However, until now there has been little information about which genomic regions have regulatory activity. The ENCODE project has provided a first draft of a 'parts list' of these regulatory elements, in a wide range of cell types, and moves us considerably closer to one of the key goals of genomics: understanding the functional roles (if any) of every position in the human genome.
The problem here is the hype. While it's true that the ENCODE project has produced massive amounts of data on transcription binding sites etc., it's a bit of an exaggeration to say that "until now there has been little information about which genomic regions have regulatory activity." Twenty-five years ago, my lab published some pretty precise information about the parts of the genome regulating activity of a mouse hsp70 gene. There have been thousands of other papers on the the subject of gene regulatory sequences since then. I think we actually have a pretty good understanding of gene regulation in eukaryotes. It's a model that seems to work well for most genes.

The real challenge from the ENCODE Consortium is that they question that understanding. They are proposing that huge amounts of the genome are devoted to fine-tuning the expression of most genes in a vast network of binding sites and small RNAs. That's not the picture we have developed over the past four decades. If true, it would not only mean that a lot less DNA is junk but it would also mean that the regulation of gene expression is fundamentally different than it is in E. coli.

[Image Credit: ScienceDaily: In Massive Genome Analysis ENCODE Data Suggests 'Gene' Redefinition.

Ecker, J.R., Bickmore, W.A., Barroso, I., Pritchard, J.K. (2012) Genomics: ENCODE explained. Nature 489:52-55. [doi:10.1038/489052a]
Yoav Gilad
& Eran Segal

Endogenous Retroviruses and Junk DNA

The latest version of the Carnival of Evolution pointed to an article by Steven Quistad on Small Things Considered. The article reviewed a recent paper on endogenous retroviruses [The Rise of Genomic Superspreaders].

Retroviruses are RNA viruses that go though a stage where their RNA genomes are copied into DNA by reverse transcriptase. The virus may integrate into the host genome and be carried along for many generations producing low levels of virus particles [Retrotransposons/Endogenous Retroviruses ]. Most of these events will occur in somatic cells so the integrated virus is not passed along to progeny but from time to time the virus integrates into germ line DNA and this is heritable.

There are 31 such events in our lineage, meaning that we have copies of 31 different retroviruses in our genome. The retroviruses may have produced copies in germ line DNA such that each of the 31 retroviruses is now represented by a family of sequences scattered throughout the genome. Today, these retrovirus sequences represent a total of 8% of our genome! That's over 200,000,000 base pairs of DNA. There are about 100 thousand different sites.1

There's no selective pressure to maintaining the functionality of these retrovirus sequences so, as you might have guessed, most of them have accumulated mutations over millions of years. (The original insertion events took place at various times ranging from 100 million years ago to only a few million years ago.) Almost all of the 8% consists of defective retrovirus sequences. It's junk.2

But it's a special kind of junk because retrovirus DNA has strong promoters that bind various transcription factors and the flanking enhancers ensure that the region around these promoters will be in open chromatin regions that have all the characteristics of real promoter sites. A substantial proportion of the defective retroviruses will still produce transcripts because the promoter region may not be mutated even though there may be lethal mutations elsewhere in the sequence.

What does this mean? It means that there will be thousands of junk DNA sites that bind transcription factors and RNA polymerase and may even be transcribed. When you're doing whole genome analyses, like those in the ENCODE study, you need to be careful to distinguish between functional promoters and non-functional promoters.

1. The typical retrovirus genome is about 3,000 bp in length but many of the defective retrotransposon sequences have been are truncated by deletions.

2. Except for an extremely small number that might have acquired a secondary function such as enhancing expression of a nearby gene.

Carnival of Evolution #51: Darwin's Restaurant

This month's Carnival of Evolution is hosted by The Stochastic Scientist, Kathy Orlinsky. Read it at: Carnival of Evolution 51: Darwin's Restaurant
Welcome to the 51st Carnival of Evolution, henceforth known as Darwin’s Restaurant. You may have noticed that the motto of my blog is ‘Science—there’s something for everyone.’ Well, that’s also true of evolution. Whether your passion is transitional fossils or reducible complexity, you’ll find something tasty on this menu.
There's some cool stuff this month.

The next Carnival of Evolution (September) will be hosted by The Genealogical World of Phyogenetic Networks. If you want to volunteer to host others, contact Bjørn Østman. Bjørn is always looking for someone to host the Carnival of Evolution. He would prefer someone who has not hosted before. Contact him at the Carnival of Evolution blog. You can send articles directly to him or you can submit your articles at Carnival of Evolution.

Eschaton 2012 Is Nigh!

CFI is sponsoring a conference in Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) on "Celebrating Reason at the End of the World." The title of the conference is Eschaton 2012. Go to the website to find out what "eschaton" means and how to pronounce it.

The meetings will take place from Friday Nov. 30 to Sunday Dec. 2 at a hotel in downtown Ottawa. The list of prominent speakers includes ...
  • PZ Myers (Biologist and author of the Pharyngula Blog)
  • Eugenie Scott (Executive Director of National Center for Science Education)
  • Ophelia Benson (Columnist for Free Inquiry magazine and author of Butterflies and Wheels Blog)
  • Christopher DiCarlo (Philosopher of Science and author of How to Become a Really Good Pain in the Ass
There's a whole bunch of less prominent speakers as well. My talk will be on Saturday morning. It's titled "Scientists vs IDiots."

Later on I'll be on a panel about science education with PZ Myers and Eugenie Scott. This should be lots of fun.

See you there! We'll eat poutine and beaver tails.

Thursday, September 06, 2012

You Just Knew This Was Coming, Didn't You?

Jonathan McLatchie must have hardly been able to contain himself when he wrote: Latest ENCODE Research Validates ID Predictions On Non-Coding Repertoire.
Readers will likely recall the ENCODE project, published in a series of papers in 2007, in which (among other interesting findings) it was discovered that, even though the vast majority of our DNA does not code for proteins, the human genome is nonetheless pervasively transcribed into mRNA. The science media and blogosphere is now abuzz with the latest published research from the ENCODE project, the most recent blow to the “junk DNA” paradigm. Since the majority of the genome being non-functional (as has been claimed by many, including notably Larry Moran, P.Z. Myers, Nick Matzke, Jerry Coyne, Kenneth Miller and Richard Dawkins) would be surprising given the hypothesis of design, ID proponents have long predicted that function will be identified for much of our DNA that was once considered to be useless. In a spectacular vindication of this hypothesis, six papers have been released in Nature, in addition to a further 24 papers in Genome Research and Genome Biology, plus six review articles in The Journal of Biological Chemistry.


This new research places a dagger through the heart of the junk DNA paradigm, and should give adherents to this out-dated assumption yet further cause for caution before they write off DNA, for which function has yet to be identified, as “junk".
Not much I can say right now. I'm up to my ears trying to convince sane people that the ENCODE papers are wrong. The IDiots are just going to have to wait.

The Smithsonian Jumps on the Anti-Junk DNA Bandwagon

The Smithsonian Museums are highly respected but that doesn't mean their website is scientifically accurate [Junk DNA Isn’t Junk, and That Isn’t Really News].
Remember in high school or college, when you learned about all that DNA inside of you that was junk? The strings and strings of nonsense code that had no function? A recent blitz of papers from the ENCODE project have the world abuzz with news that would rip that idea apart.

But, like many things that stick around in text books long after science has moved on, the “junk DNA” idea that ENCODE disproved, didn’t really need disproving in the first place. Even in 1972, scientists recognized that just because we didn’t know what certain DNA regions did, didn’t make them junk.
This is getting very depressing.

The ENCODE Data Dump and the Responsibility of Scientists

A few hours ago I criticized science journalists for getting suckered by the hype surrounding the publication of 30 papers from the ENCODE Consortium on the function of the human genome [The ENCODE Data Dump and the Responsibility of Science Journalists].

They got their information from supposedly reputable scientists but that's not an excuse. It is the duty and responsibility of science journalists to be skeptical of what scientists say about their own work. In this particular case, the scientists are saying the same things that were thoroughly criticized in 2007 when the preliminary results were published.

I'm not letting the science journalists off the hook but I reserve my harshest criticism for the scientists, especially Ewan Birney who is the lead analysis coordinator for the project and who has taken on the role as spokesperson for the consortium. Unless other members of the consortium speak out, I'll assume they agree with Ewan Birney. They bear the same responsibility for what has happened.

What in the World Is Michael Eisen Talking About?

I've been trying to keep up with the ENCODE PR fiasco so I immediately click on a link to Michael Eisen's blog with the provocative title it is NOT junk. The article is: This 100,000 word post on the ENCODE media bonanza will cure cancer.

Michael Eisen is an evolutionary biologist at the University of California at Berkeley. He's best known, to me, as the brother of Jonathan Eisen.

Michael, like me and hundreds of other scientists, is upset by the ENCODE press releases. One of them is: Fast forward for biomedical research: ENCODE scraps the junk.
The hundreds of researchers working on the ENCODE project have revealed that much of what has been called 'junk DNA' in the human genome is actually a massive control panel with millions of switches regulating the activity of our genes. Without these switches, genes would not work – and mutations in these regions might lead to human disease. The new information delivered by ENCODE is so comprehensive and complex that it has given rise to a new publishing model in which electronic documents and datasets are interconnected.
Here's the interesting thing. Many of us are upset about the press releases and the PR because we don't think the ENCODE data disproves junk DNA. Michael Eisen's perspective is entirely different. He's upset because, according to him, junk DNA was discredited years ago.
The problems start before the first line ends. As the authors undoubtedly know, nobody actually thinks that non-coding DNA is ‘junk’ any more. It’s an idea that pretty much only appears in the popular press, and then only when someone announces that they have debunked it. Which is fairly often. And has been for at least the past decade. So it is more than just intellectually lazy to start the story of ENCODE this way. It is dishonest – nobody can credibly claim this to be a finding of ENCODE. Indeed it was a clear sense of the importance of non-coding DNA that led to the ENCODE project in the first place. And yet, each of the dozens of news stories I read on this topic parroted this absurd talking point – falsely crediting ENCODE with overturning an idea that didn’t need to be overturned.
Eisen is wrong, junk DNA is alive and well. In fact almost 90% of our genome is junk.

This is what makes science so much fun.

The ENCODE Data Dump and the Responsibility of Science Journalists

ENCODE (ENcyclopedia Of DNA Elements) is a massive consortium of scientists dedicated to finding out what's in the human genome.

They published the results of a pilot study back in July 2007 (ENCODE, 2007) in which they analyzed a specific 1% of the human genome. That result suggested that much of our genome is transcribed at some time or another or in some cell type (pervasive transcription). The consortium also showed that the genome was littered with DNA binding sites that were frequently occupied by DNA binding proteins.


Genomes & Junk DNA
All of this suggested strongly that most of our genome has a function. However, in the actual paper the group was careful not to draw any firm conclusions.
... we also uncovered some surprises that challenge the current dogma on biological mechanisms. The generation of numerous intercalated transcripts spanning the majority of the genome has been repeatedly suggested, but this phenomenon has been met with mixed opinions about the biological importance of these transcripts. Our analyses of numerous orthogonal data sets firmly establish the presence of these transcripts, and thus the simple view of the genome as having a defined set of isolated loci transcribed independently does not seem to be accurate. Perhaps the genome encodes a network of transcripts, many of which are linked to protein-coding transcripts and to the majority of which we cannot (yet) assign a biological role. Our perspective of transcription and genes may have to evolve and also poses some interesting mechanistic questions. For example, how are splicing signals coordinated and used when there are so many overlapping primary transcripts? Similarly, to what extent does this reflect neutral turnover of reproducible transcripts with no biological role?
This didn't stop the hype. The results were widely interpreted as proof that most of our genome has a function and the result featured prominently in the creationist literature.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

ENCODE Leader Says that 80% of Our Genome Is Functional

Ed Yong is a science journalist and usually he's a very good one. This time, however, he should have gotten the other side of the story.

Ed interviewed Ewan Birney for a story on the function of sequences in the human genome [ENCODE: the rough guide to the human genome].
According to ENCODE’s analysis, 80 percent of the genome has a “biochemical function”. More on exactly what this means later, but the key point is: It’s not “junk”. Scientists have long recognised that some non-coding DNA probably has a function, and many solid examples have recently come to light. But, many maintained that much of these sequences were, indeed, junk. ENCODE says otherwise. “Almost every nucleotide is associated with a function of some sort or another, and we now know where they are, what binds to them, what their associations are, and more,” says Tom Gingeras, one of the study’s many senior scientists.

And what’s in the remaining 20 percent? Possibly not junk either, according to Ewan Birney, the project’s Lead Analysis Coordinator and self-described “cat-herder-in-chief”. He explains that ENCODE only (!) looked at 147 types of cells, and the human body has a few thousand. A given part of the genome might control a gene in one cell type, but not others. If every cell is included, functions may emerge for the phantom proportion. “It’s likely that 80 percent will go to 100 percent,” says Birney. “We don’t really have any large chunks of redundant DNA. This metaphor of junk isn’t that useful.”
The creationists are going to love this.

You blew it Ed Yong. Why didn't you ask him about the 50% of our genome containing DEFECTIVE transposons and the 2% that's pseudogenes, just for starters? Then you could ask him why he believes that all intron sequences (about 20% of our genome) are functional [What's in Your Genome?].

"Almost every nucleotide ..."? Gimme a break. Don't these guys read the scientific literature?

This is going to make my life very complicated.

America Is Headed Toward Socialism or Something Much Worse

I thought that people like Chuck Norris were big fans of the idea that America is the greatest country in the world. Apparently I was wrong.

This is an appeal to evangelicals to prevent the triumph of evil and 1,000 years of darkness.

[Hat Tip: Friendly Atheist]