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Thursday, August 29, 2024

The New York Times questions for Kamala Harris: Social Issues

In the first post of this series, I covered the reasons why Republicans want the media to attack Kamala Harris on specific policy issues and why I think the Democrats should resist this pressure. I also pointed out the double standard—nobody is asking Trump to explain in detail how he will achieve his policy objectives. [The New York Times has 21 questions for Kamala Harris (and Trump?)]

CNN has fallen for the Republican talking points so I expect that when Dana Bash interviews Harris and Walz tonight she will be asking "tough" questions similar to those published by The New York Times a few days ago. I gave my answers to the first 8 questions in my last post ("correct answers"). I also gave a political answer that's similar, I think, to the kind of answer that Harris would give. And I couldn't resist giving a Trump answer.

Here are the three questions on social issues that The New York Times thinks Harris should answer. Note that two of them attack her for possibly changing her position over the years. I can't wait to see the 21 questions for Donald Trump that I'm sure the newspaper is going to publish any day now.

9. Would you support eliminating the filibuster to pass a bill that restores nationwide abortion rights?

Correct answer: Why would we have to eliminate the filibuster to get such a bill passed in the Senate? Do you think most Republican senators are in favor of suppressing the freedom of women?

Political answer: I'm confident that the vast majority of United States Senators from both parties will vote in favor of restoring a women's right to control her own reproductive choices.

Trump answer: I overturned Roe v. Wade because everyone agreed that it was a bad law. It's up to the states to determine what's right for their own people. Hannibal Lecter would love to have you for dinner.

10. You have changed your position on immigration. You once called for decriminalizing illegal border crossings. Now you are an immigration hawk who promises to secure the border better than Donald Trump would. Can you explain your evolution?

Correct answer: My position hasn't changed. Lawyers and smart people understand the difference between crimes and other kinds of enforcement penalties with respect to border crossings. It is not a "crime" to enter the United States illegally. [Decriminalizing Illegal Border Crossing: What Does it Mean? An Explainer of Civil vs. Criminal Immigration Enforcement] Just because you "decriminalize" illegal border crossings does not mean that you can't penalize people who enter our country illegally, including deporting them. You are probably one of those stupid people who don't understand the issue. Since there are many Americans who are as stupid as you are, I've decided to stop using the term "decriminalize" and concentrate on preventing illegal border entries.

Political answer: I've always been in favor of stopping illegal entry and I will continue to enforce our policy of securing the border.

Trump answer: Illegal immigrants are poring across our borders because of border czar Kamala's open border policy. They are bringing guns, drugs, and lots of horrible stuff. These people are murderers, rapist, and terrorists. Other countries are emptying their prisons and insane asylums and sending all those horrible people to our country. All the border police support me. I will secure our borders on day one by finishing the wall that Harris and Biden stopped. Mexico will pay for it.

11. Four years ago, you said, “It is actually wrong and backward to think that more police officers will create more safety.” Do you still believe that?

Correct answer: What a stupid question! Of course I still believe that, don't you? Does The New York Times think this is a radical idea? Do you guys think that we can make people feel more safe by just having more police officers? We aren't going to bring down crime rates with more police officers, especially since so many police officers are committing crimes themselves. What we need are more people who will address and fix the root causes of crime. We also can't ignore the gun problem. People can't feel safe and secure if every angry person has easy access to assault weapons and is willing to use them.

Political answer: Crime is way down under the Biden administration and I intend to continue those policies. I support police officers and I will ensure that they are properly funded. At the same time, we should put more funding into community aid and drug programs that will help prevent crime.

Trump answer: All the police officers support me. This has never happened before in the history of the United States. I was putting criminals in jail but now crime is out of control under the Harris administration. She wants to defund the police and she's bringing in criminals from other countries to murder our women and children. Speaking of murder, did you know that windmills are murdering millions of birds every year?

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