Thank-you very much everyone. Many of your messages are quite touching.
I was born on Monday, May 13, 1946 at 6am. It was the day after Mother's Day so my mother had to wait a full year before she could celebrate her first Mother's Day. We joined her for her 67th Mother's Day a few days ago.
Happy Birthday!
... and now for the German version:
best wishes for the grand occasion
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, Larry. From a quiet, but frequent reader.
Keep on bloggin'!
Many happy blog posts!
Happy birthday from a newcomer to your blog.
Much celebration ensues!
Please continue to have birthdays and write blog posts.
Happy birthday, Larry!
Thanks for your valuable contributions to science education on your blog and through your textbooks.
Happy birthday from YEC and , ID i think, and all those desiring accuracy in conclusions dealing with origins. although as a pro-lifere the important day is conception day. Birthday is just a place realignment.
Happy birthday, Larry!
Keep up the great science writing. I enjoy your work.
"Birthday"? Hmph. You're an evolutionist, Prof. Moran. As everyone knows, evolutionists aren't born; they condense from out of the primordial soup.
Happy birthday, Larry. :)
And Happy Birthday from me too Larry!
Tom's cake only helped make it a fun party.
Happy birthday Prof Moran!
Happy birthday a day late!
I will now always remember your birthday, because you share it with my wife. We never go out for dinner to celebrate, because Mother's Day weekend is the third worst time to eat in a restaurant.
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