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Thursday, April 18, 2013

What to Do with Old Conference Name Tags?

Ryan Gregory asked what he should do with his old conference name tags (on Facebook).

You hang them on your office door, of course. What else would you do with them?

Sometimes I wonder about those young professors. You have to help them with every little problem that comes up. Being a mentor is such a drag.


Steve Watson said...

Cool! There's even an Eschaton tag there....

T Ryan Gregory said...

Ha ha!

Terry said...

I clipped them together, one above the other, until it made a strip about twelve feet long...then I took the name cards out and recycled all the plastic ones at the next conference...

Bill said...

Ha! I thought I was the only one who did that! I have nearly 100 in my closet.

Peter Perry said...

I throw mine away. Am I doing it wrong?

Bryan said...

I recycle the insert and give the plastic bit to our grad students. They run an annual conference, so the plastic bit gets reused...

Larry Moran said...

I hate people like you! :-)

Jeffrey Shallit said...

Most conferences that I attend have a box that you can return your name tag as you leave. Then they can reuse them for future conferences, or recycle them.

Unknown said...

@Jeffrey Shallit, They are provided now only to permanent employees but is given to those who are working as volunteers in exhibitions and other trade functions.Name badges can actually help you promoting your brand and product.