Meet Bora Zivkovic in Toronto
Coturnix (aka Bora Zivkovic) is coming to Toronto. He is the author of A Blog Around The Clock, a blog that currently resides on the Scientific American website. Bora is the blog editor at Scientific American and the main organizer of ScienceOnline, an annual conference held in North Carolina in January.
This will be Bora's first time in Toronto—let's welcome him at the Duke of York pub on Monday night at 7pm.
Here's a Facebook page where you can sign up: Toronto Science Online Tweetup.
I am very much looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday!
Larry. You have one of a big head on this picture in comparison to "Mr.Pinhead" only by the looks. I don't mean to offend him or you, but my kids are saying I have a bit bigger melon... lol It is probably because I have not had a haircut in a long time lol
Thanks! Bora will also be giving a talk on Science and the New Media Ecosystem up at the York U campus on Monday afternoon.
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