We will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day today. It's rather hectic keeping up with all the national holidays but somebody has to keep the traditions alive!
Here's my Irish connection.1 The shortest connection is to the parents of my grandmother. My great-grandfather was Thomas (Keys) Foster, born in County Tyrone on September 5, 1852. He immigrated to Canada in 1876. Thomas married Eliza Ann Job, born in Fintona, County Tyrone on August 18, 1852. She immigrated to Canada in 1877.
Thomas and Eliza settled in Saskatchewan in 1883 and that's where my grandmother was born. Other ancestors in this line came from the adjacent counties of Donegal (surname Foster) and Fermanagh (surnames Keys, Emerson, Moore) and possibly Londonderry (surname Job).
My paternal grandfather's father was William Findley Docherty (1852-1920). Many of his ancestors were Irish but his DNA was considerably diluted by contamination from Scots.
That makes me at least one quarter Irish2 and entitles me to drink beer and wear green. My children, however, are only one eighth Irish. They aren't allowed to drink beer.

Happy St. Patrick's Day (2011)
Happy St. Patrick's Day (2010)
Happy St. Patrick's Day (2009)
Happy St. Patrick's Day (2008)
Happy St. Patrick's Day (2007)
Niall Nóigiallach - Niall of the Nine Hostages
1. You don't have to be Irish or have Irish ancestors to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.
2. With the proviso that my Irish great-grandparents are probably descended from English setters who came to Ireland in the 1600s. I usually don't mention this on St. Patrick's day.
You may only be 25% Irish but your mitochondria are 100% Irish so yeah, you can drink beer. You're kids mitos are 0% so no, they can't
Good point! I wish I'd thought of that.
And what about the ancestors named Moran? Were they originally Moranovskys?
I don't have any ancestors named Moran. It was an adopted name.
What do you suppose St Patrick drove out of Ireland when he drove the "snakes" out?
So /technically/ you should be drinking orange beer.....
Contamination from Scots? Should I take this as insult? :D
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