In the United States same-sex is legal in Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and the District of Columbia). A few hours ago it became legal in New York. I wonder if this will cause other states to make same-sex marriage legal?
The map shows where gays and lesbians have the same rights as other citizens and where those rights are restricted. I think it reflects a deep cultural divide in America and I wonder where this is going to end up? Is it possible that some of the red colored states will eventually change their minds on this issue?
[Image Credit: modified from Wikipedia]
"Is it possible that some of the red colored states will eventually change their minds on this issue?"
No, Texas never will, sadly. It will require a decision by the Supreme Court or a sweeping federal law.
How can you as an evolutionary biologist approve of same sex marriage? It is an affront to the natural order and contrary to the need to survive and reproduce. It does nothing for the evolution of mankind.
Homosexuality should be regarded as a mental illness with possible genetic causes like hermaphroditus. It should not be encouraged. Sanctioning "marriage" between homosexuals will only lead to the promotion of gay ways and an explosion in STDs.
The western world is descending into moral anarchy. The barbarians will soon be knocking on the gates.
Atheist last says,
The western world is descending into moral anarchy. The barbarians will soon be knocking on the gates.
It's a lot of fun living in a country that's descending into moral anarchy. You should try it sometime .... Wait a minute, you ARE living in such a country, aren't you? Isn't that what the map shows?
"How can you as an evolutionary biologist approve of same sex marriage? It is an affront to the natural order and contrary to the need to survive and reproduce."
Evolutionary biologists do not believe in a natural order, nor in the need to survive and reproduce as an evolutionary mechanism. In fact, those two things pretty much contradict the core of their beliefs.
Your imbecility knows no limits.
How can you as an evolutionary biologist approve of same sex marriage?
Why if you understand evolution should you be opposed to same sex marriage? Understanding a natural phenomenon does not mean that you should worship such phenomenon. Evolution happens whether we want it to happen or not. Sometimes with disastrous consequences to us. So what? I might fall off a cliff. I would not be happy about it just because such fall obeys the natural phenomenon of gravitation. I rather not fall. Besides stupid, your question is both a non-sequitur (understanding and accepting a natural phenomenon does not mean you worship it to the point of exacerbating such phenomenon), and very probably based on a misconception of evolution (even then a non-sequitur from such misunderstood phenomenon).
It is an affront to the natural order
No, it is not. There is no such thing as a "natural order" in the sense you try and imply. Your comment only shows your limited and twisted understanding of nature.
and contrary to the need to survive and reproduce.
As long as a population reproduces, even if a few or a lot of individuals don't, the species still can survive. Evolution is not about everybody reproducing you imbecile. (As I said, twisted understanding of a natural phenomenon on your part.)
It does nothing for the evolution of mankind.
Nor does it do anything against it. Evolution will happen whether we want it or not.
The rest of your stupidity is also non-sequiturs built on top of twisted concepts. For instance, being homosexual does not lead to STDs any more than heterosexual relationships do. You are just being a hypocrite about it.
Conclusion, you are both an imbecile and a hypocrite.
I am indeed living on the hallowed island of Albion and am resolved to defend her from the pernicious and debilitating influence of moral perversion and intellectual conceit.
Any society that applauds abortion and gay marriage is going to rely increasingly on alien immigration as fertility levels fall - just as the Roman Empire did all those centuries ago. The aliens will eventually rise up and western civilization will be overthrown.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Atheistoclast's comment is even stupider that this one from http://www.thestar.com/news/world/article/1015029--new-law-clears-the-way-for-same-sex-marriage-in-new-york:
'“State legislators should not decide society-shaping issues,” said the Rev. Jason McGuire of New Yorkers for constitutional Freedoms. He said his organization would work in next year’s elections to defeat lawmakers who voted for the measure.'
WTF is "New Yorkers for constitutional Freedoms," an oxymoron?
I see the gaytheists are out in force today.
The simple fact is that fertility rates in the West are falling because of excessive homosexual activity, abortion and the overuse of contraception. I regard this as "unnatural evolution".
The population of Germany is being sustained only through increased levels of immigration - leading to racial tensions. If you allow "gay marriage" to be acceptable, people will entertain the idea that it is an acceptable lifestyle. The outcome will be catastrophic and we will soon be devolving back to our more uncivilized ways.
Re Atheistoclast
How can you as an evolutionary biologist approve of same sex marriage? It is an affront to the natural order and contrary to the need to survive and reproduce. It does nothing for the evolution of mankind.
Mr. Atheistoclast is living in the 19th century. Homosexuals reproduce all the time. Example, former Vice-President Cheneys' daughter Mary, who is a lesbian and is living with her life partner and has had two children, a boy and a girl through in-vitro fertilization. Similarly, homosexual men can contribute sperm to a sperm bank which can then be used via the same process to fertilize women who are married to infertile men.
I am afraid that technology has outpaced the advance of Mr. Atheistoclasts' limited intelligence.
homosexual men can contribute sperm to a sperm bank which can then be used via the same process to fertilize women who are married to infertile men.
I totally oppose gay men passing down any gay genes with their sperm. The same goes for giving blood or milk.
Mr. Atheistoclast is living in the 19th century.
No, Mr Atheistoclast is trolling. And you're all encouraging him.
also, Mr Atheistoclast is probably refusing any medical treatment, so not to influence the process of evolution in an unnatural way.
This could explain most of his postings.
Re Atheistoclast
I totally oppose gay men passing down any gay genes with their sperm. The same goes for giving blood or milk.
I notice that Mr. Atheistoclast was rather silent about lesbians. I guess then that he doesn't have any objection to lesbians receiving in-vitro fertilization.
It's good to hear from you Dr. Moran. I look forward to your next post.
It is an affront to the natural order...,
That shows you don't understand a thing about the 'natural order'. In an evolutionary sense, yes, homosexuality is abnormal, because such an animal would not be continuing their lineage. It's like being born without testicles. However, every so often an animal is born without testicles, or ovaries, and the occurrence of such mutations is entirely natural, just as it's natural to expect that every so often someone will be born with extra fingers, or be genetically bald. Perhaps we should treat bald people, or those with polydactyly, as social outcasts, and not give them the same rights as others. After all, just because it isn't their fault doesn't mean that we can't persecute them. Right, AtheistoclASSt?
Dave Bailey
SLC: I notice that Mr. Atheistoclast was rather silent about lesbians.
In my experience these uber-macho anti-gay types have little problem with gay women, they see them as a challenge - "Give her a night with me and I'll turn her around!" But if they strike out then "that dike bitch wouldn't know a good time if she fell over it". Pathetic.
Don't say I didn't warn you all.
This is the beginning of the end. Larry is like Nero playing his fiddle while the city of Rome burns.
The social fabric that has kept mankind civilized for so long is rapidly disappearing.
Atheistoclast: The social fabric that has kept mankind civilized for so long is rapidly disappearing.
Yes, because as we all know, civilization only began on that wondrous day thousands of years ago when we finally stopped gays from marrying. Dragged us right out of the caves that did. After that, wide-screen TVs and SUVs were only a matter of time.
I agree with you Atheistoclast. We are witnessing a breakdown of civilization. We see mob action across the globe.
And even worse. As bankruptcy forces cities to cut back their police forces, the mobs have greater opportunity and scope.
It is distressing to see this, where in some places the few police left say to people to "lock your doors and stay inside".
Let's ask a simple question.
Moran, do you acknowledge the riots that are taking place across the world?
"The simple fact is that fertility rates in the West are falling because of excessive homosexual activity, abortion and the overuse of contraception."
Actually, we don't know why fertility rates in the West are falling. It's been heavily debated but there's many possible reasons. For males, one potential reason is excessive estrogen mimics in the environment (ex.BPA)/food that we eat (ex. estrogens in milk). Another is thought to be the sedentary lifestyle where men tend to sit for most of the day; this keeps our testicles closer to body temperature, severely affecting sperm development. For women, the drop in fertility may be due to the fact that women are choosing to have kids at an older age when their careers are more stable yet the chance of carrying a baby to term is much lower.
If by fertility rate you meant birth rates, the main reason of the drop is because we don't need to have as many kids as we used to. A natural part of societal development involves a drop in both death rates and birth rates. The former is due to sanitation, medicines and access to clean water. Whereas the latter is because there no longer is a requirement to have many children since most now survive to adulthood, as well as a move from an agricultural society (where many children are useful) to a more urban society (where many children now cost very much to raise). Very little of the decline is due to homosexual activity.
Geez Atheistoclast, all 2-sex metazoans are also in danger from this "gay gene" threat...
...or you assumption that this matters is incorrect. I think I'll go with #2.
@SLC I notice that Mr. Atheistoclast was rather silent about lesbians.
Mr. Atheistoclast probably considers hot female on female action pretty exciting and no threat to his misogynistic world view but finds gay male sex "icky".
The comedian Jim David has a great routine on what homosexual men do.
When his father asked him about what it is that he and his gay partner do, Jim replied "You know all those things that you wish Mom would do? That's what we do."
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