The recent economic downturn was caused by the private sector, especially big banks and investment companies. As an average citizen and public sector employee, I was happy to help out by giving the private sector bundles of taxpayer money in order to rescue them from their own greed. After all, that's what the public sector is for—to support free enterprise with government money.
Private companies need your help more than ever. They need corporate tax cuts. You can't expect them to support corporate welfare payments with high corporate tax rates. That would be like giving money to themselves and they don't teach that in business school, do they?
People for Corporate Tax Cuts.
The recent economic downturn was caused by American corporations, not Canadian corporations. The intended goal of corporate tax cuts is to lower the unemployment rate and help companies deal with a high Canadian dollar.
anonymous says,
The intended goal of corporate tax cuts is to lower the unemployment rate and help companies deal with a high Canadian dollar.
I sure they need all the help they can get. How are you planning to raise your $500 contribution?
I'm trying to convince my MPP that school budgets should be slashed to pay for the corporate tax cut. After all, who ever heard of schools making a profit or hiring people?
Hello Larry,
We need more people like you! People with bold ideas and a keen eye for waste (schools). If we had more supporters like you, poor Mr. Flaherty wouldn't have to run all over the country in support of executive bonuses, er, job creators.
Nuella Warkworth
President, Chair, CEO & COO
@anonymous 3:56:00
I think the response to your comments are found in this video...
As a consultant working through an incorporated entity I am 100 % behind these corporate tax cuts.
As an average citizen I then take all that money out of my company and pay a higher tax rate and as such am 100 % against these corporate tax cuts.
But my accountant makes a good living wading through the legal cesspool known as the Canadian Tax Code.
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