It's a popular location for shooting movies and TV shows and you never know what you'll find on any given day. This is the scene that greeted me today when I emerged from the subway station. It took a few seconds to realize that I wasn't in the middle of a real emergency.
Last week the front campus was the scene of a bank truck robbery in Germany, just in front of a sidewalk café. I wish they'd left the outdoor tables and umbrellas and kept serving the wine and food.
One day, someone carrying a weapon (legally or not) is going to come upon a scene like this and shoot someone for real.
That's my former workplace (well, one summer when I was in university), Hydro Place, in the background.
The TV show is probably Flashpoint.
John Wilkins says,
One day, someone carrying a weapon (legally or not) is going to come upon a scene like this and shoot someone for real.
This is Canada. We don't allow people to carry weapons here.
You must be thinking of someone else, like Crocodile Dundee! (ducks and runs)
One day, someone carrying a weapon (legally or not) is going to come upon a scene like this and shoot someone for real.
Not likely. You see, people who are likely to carry a gun are likely to be Christians (they certainly love their guns!) and Christians are moral because, you know, they believe in a god... ;-)
(For those of you who have a deficient sense of humour, that was sarcasm...)
This is Canada. We don't allow people to carry weapons here.
In theory, you are right. But it happens nonetheless. It happened in Montreal a couple of times, if I recall.
It happened in Melbourne, Australia once, although he didn't actually shoot anyone.
Who is this Dundee character you are talking of, Larry? Some Canadian folk hero like Joey Jeremiah?
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