Canadian Cynic keeps finding these wonderful examples of Conservative stupidity. This one is from
The London Free Press [
Harper's appeal to flag falls flat].
OTTAWA — An attempt by Stephen Harper to wrap himself in the flag and take a dig at the opposition coalition fell flat Tuesday.
The prime minister has been portraying the Liberal-NDP-Bloc Quebecois government-in-waiting as an unholy alliance of “socialists and separatists.”
During question period, he suggested the opposition parties staged their pact-signing ceremony Monday without a Canadian flag in the background because of the separatist Bloc.
“Yesterday, as part of the culmination of the machinations of the leader of the NDP, we had these three parties together, forming this agreement, signing a document and they wouldn’t even have the Canadian flag behind them,” he said.
“They had to be photographed without it because a member of their coalition does not even believe in the country.”
Video confirms that Harper was technically right. There wasn’t a Canadian flag in the background — there were two.
Wake up Conservatives. It's time to find a new leader before he makes you look any worse than you actually are right now. You are in danger of becoming a mockery of a political party comparable to what your predecessor, the Progressive Conservatives, looked like in December 1979.
In my mind, socialist is a compliment ; as for separatist, Canada "separated" from Great Britain (at least formally), so did the United States... But Canada being Canada, the Socialist Party doesn't use the word "socialist".
The media will simply gloss over Harper's mistake. He's their man.
Harper earlier said that Dion sympathised with the Taliban rather than Canadian soldiers. This didn't phase the voters. And no one in the media called for Harper to dissolve his government for the ignominity of having these "traitors" prop up his government when they voted with it on numerous confidence measures.
Now the conservatives are saying that a deal with the Bloc to support a government is once again unpatriotic treachery. Duceppe says what he always says: that he supported the coalition because voting with it on confidence matters would be good for Quebec and hence be good for his cause of sovereignty. And the media dutifully say this is supposed to be very controversial and fatal to the success of the coalition.
I'm afraid that we are far too deep in a "partisan war" of the hard-core conservative/reform voters versus anyone else. I'm not sure there is any embarrassing act that any CPC member could do that would dissuade this core support from continuing to fight for their party.
Democracy only works when people think about their options. I'm not sure how many people do this anymore.
Harper is? Isn't this the guy who was tutored and mentored by a separatist of sorts from out West who wanted to build a wall around Alberta? Where's this guy getting his talking points? Instead of a De Gaulle quality nationalist we seem to getting a farce
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