Science, Public Policy, and the Planetary Community
April 9-12, 2009
Bethesda, MD Hyatt Hotel (just outside of Washington, DC)
2009 marks the bicentennial of both Charles Darwin's and Abraham Lincoln's birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species. There can be no more fitting opportunity to discuss and consider the appropriate relationship between science and public policy. Please join us as scientists and scholars from around the world analyze the role of science, explain how it works, explore its connection to public policy, and examine its significance for the global community.

Norm Allen
Mona Abousenna
Tom Beauchamp
Roger Bonnet
David Contosta
Austin Dacey
Tarek Fatah
Barbara Forrest
Ren Fujun
Christopher Hitchens
Pervez Hoodbhoy
Leo Igwe
Philip Kitcher
Lawrence Krauss
Paul Kurtz
Ronald A. Lindsay
Elizabeth Loftus
John C. Mather
Joe Nickell
James Randi
Michael Ruse
Armadeo Sarma
Patricia Scott Schroeder
Drew Shindell
Eleanor Smeal
Eddie Tabash
Floris van der Berg
Toni Van Pelt
Ibn Warraq
Mourad Wahba
Richard Wiseman

What actually goes on at a conference like this? Are the attendees mostly politicians? Do representatives from business and industry ever show up?
The people who attend are usually skeptics who are members of one of the Centers of Inquiry. There are quite a few scientists.
Politicians avoid these conferences like the plague. There are too many atheists and it's suicide for politicians be caught associating with atheists.
Not too many business people either, for the same reason.
Are you coming?
I'm going to try to come, I'm being encouraged to travel more next year and the line-up of speakers looks amazing. I'll just have to figure out how to slip it past my boss... :)
That's great. There's a ball on Friday night with dancing to "Doc Scantlin and the Imperial Palms Orchestra."
Your mother probably doesn't want to attend a function with a bunch of scientist but maybe you and I could take a few turns on the floor?
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