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Saturday, September 06, 2008

The Big Tent Springs a Leak

It doesn't happen very often but every now and then some of the Intelligent Design Creationists slip up by not keeping on message. Here's an example of Denyse O'Leary revealing that there's a wee bit of difference between "Evolutionary Creation" and "Intelligent Design Creation" [ Evolutionary Creationism? I am supposed to promote THAT?].

She refuses to promote a book called Evolutionary Creation: A Christian Approach to Evolution by Denis Lamoureux because he had the audacity to criticize Michael Behe.
I have had several conversations with Lamoureux, and he has struck me as a typical fatuous sellout of the decaying “evangelical Christian” culture that currently helps to deform Canada.

Earth to Lamoureux: Darwin is not the answer to any problem we now have. There is NO need to figure out how to incorporate him into our life together.

Just forget him and start figuring out what really happened in the history of life. Stop attacking people who know that Darwinism - and all its works - is false.
Hmmm ... many the wedge strategy is working after all.


Anonymous said...

I thought that Denyse was big buds with Lamoureux. How quickly they turn on each other if one of them gets "off message."

I mean, they collaborated on a book!

Eamon Knight said...

I'll admit to not paying a lot of attention to D'Oh!Leary, but I must have missed her love-in with Lamoureux (and a brief search of Amazon doesn't turn up any books that obviously involve both of them). Not saying you're wrong so much as asking for details.

I was under the impression that Lamoureux was always excluded from the Big Tent, in the same way as Collins and Miller are. I tend to regard him as being more one of the Good Guys (though not without significant reservations). Certainly, he gave a good account of himself (aside from the altar call) when I saw him on TVO with Jerry Coyne and Paul Nelson.

Eamon Knight said...

D'oh, hit "publish" accidentally.

For your amusement: Did you know that Denyse is a "top flight science journalist"? Thus far I've been too busy/lazy to give that the fisking it deserves.

And I can't even parse this sentence: "the decaying “evangelical Christian” culture that currently helps to deform Canada." In what way is Canada being "deformed"? And is it the evangelical Christian culture that's doing it, or the fact that said culture is decaying? (In what way?)

I'll have to read Denyse more often. She looks amusing.

Anonymous said...

For your amusement: Did you know that Denyse is a "top flight science journalist"?

I never heard of the "American Darwin lobby" before. Cuckoo!

Anonymous said...

Eamon wrote: "And I can't even parse this sentence..."

This is quite common for her writing. Usually there are at least a couple of sentences (or more) in every blog article which simply make no sense. Worse still, from a journalistic perspective, her articles have no structure, and at the end of them you're often left scratching your head as to what the hell her point was.

But no matter, she is supposedly one of Canada's acclaimed journalists. Well, in Christian circles at least...

Besides, I thought real journalists were supposed to show both sides of an issue?

Yes, she does make amusing reading, especially since she is so dense to realize, regardless of the topic, just how plain incoherent she is most of the time. I've heard her speak to on Podcasts, and trust me that isn't much better either (she also comes across as very arrogant and haughty).

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I was thinking of Beauregard. Dammit.

Well, as the Republicans taught us in St. Paul, being wrong is no excuse for being quiet.

Sigmund said...

I notice that Denyse has thoughtfully reminded us that she's a 'Roman Catholic Christian' - just in case people mistook her for a Roman Catholic Muslim or Roman Catholic Hindu.

Theo Bromine said...

I notice that Denyse has thoughtfully reminded us that she's a 'Roman Catholic Christian'

That's just another Big Tent thing: Catholics who can pass the Shibboleth of calling themselves "Christians" can be buddies with the evangelicals.

Anonymous said...

Have I missed something, or have the creationists over at Uncommon Descent been remarkably slow in expressing their delight at the nomination as Vice-Presidential candidate of a fundamentalist who wants "both sides" taught? I was expecting them to beside themselves with joy at McCain's wise choice, but even in today's post about the "sustained media hit on Republican Veep nominee Sarah Palin’s family" Denyse O'Leary doesn't manage to say anything positive about Sarah Palin, just complaints about people who have expressed negative opinions.