I'll let him describe the process ....
I got tenure! Yay! By my count it's been about fifteen years getting to this point. I started studying mathematics seriously in my last two years of college (a rather late start in this profession). Then it was five years of graduate school, three years as a post-doc in Kansas, and now five years at JMU. Pretty satisfying. Suddenly that obnoxious and contentless rejection letter I received a month ago on a paper the journal should have been honored to publish doesn't seem to sting so much. (I'll just patch it up and send it off to the next journal, where it will languish for ten months to a year. What do I care? It's not like I'm in any great hurry to publish anymore!)I guess this is when we discover that Jason is really a closet IDiot.
So there you go. Guess now I can tell you what I really think...
UPDATE: It didn't take long ...
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