Nicole Cedrone doesn't agree. She thought it was offensive when she drove by on her way home from the doctor [Church Strips Saucy Sign]. She complained and the sign was removed.
"I have to admit, it is funny, but it's not appropriate for where it is," Cedrone said. "I just think it's offensive."Well, the photograph of the "offensive" sign is now prominently featured in The Toronto Star where, hopefully, her 11-year-old son will read it and ask questions like, "Mom, what does 'saucy' mean?" By being such a prude, Nicole Cedrone has ensured that the sign will be viewed by millions and not just a small number of people driving along Sandalwood Parkway. Way to go, Nicole.
She said she is glad her 11-year-old wasn't in the car with her to ask, `Mom, what does that mean?'"
Good ol' United Church of Canada -- not afraid to push the envelope, not squeamish about sex.
But I'm still not going back ;-).
I've known Nikki Cedrone for over 20 years. She just pulled her Facebook page off line, probably because all of the drunk party photos showing her "flashing", lying on the ground with male friends kneeling over her in suggestive poses, and saucy/suggestive banter with her friends just didn't mesh with her new-found morality. When I first saw her site, I thought: "What would she say to her kids?" What a hypocrite.
Churches don't, or aren't supposed to, attract "customers".
Churches don't, or aren't supposed to, attract "customers".
Riiiiiight ... what are missionaries up to then?
I saw the sign and was very offended too... does that mean I am a prude? Are we not entitled to our own opinion? And what kind of weirdo goes snooping on someone's Facebook profile in an attempt to make uneducated and unsubstantiated judgments about someone's moral composition? That, by far, is way more offensive and creepy than a concerned soccer mom making a comment about an obviously inappropriate attention grabbing sign put up to attract new church-goers! Why do we make it an objective to criticize the victim... When did the church get off the hook?
Oh yeah, and to 'get back' at this lady, the church put up a new sign that read "Valentines Tea (DATE...) NO SEX". If you want to put someone's maturity on the line, call the church receptionist and see how open they are to suggestions for improvement... or better yet don't attend this church's gatherings. Isn't vengeance a sin?
This "wierdo" didn't snoop, she looked her up because I know that "concerned soccer mom". How does her opinion make her a victim, what kind of juvenile logic is that?
As for the church sign, next time you're standing in the checkout line at the grocery store just read the magazine covers and count how many times you and your kids see the word SEX.
anonymous asks,
I saw the sign and was very offended too... does that mean I am a prude?
Are we not entitled to our own opinion?
How does her opinion make her a victim, what kind of juvenile logic is that?
Actually, it's not her opinion that makes her a victim... it's how she has been put on the crucifix for having that opinion. One great example is the way in which some GREAT friend who knows her for 20 years went snooping on her Facebook profile to get some dirt on her...
So now she's the Brampton Prude. Well weirdo, I guess you're the Brampton Snoop-Backstabber-Fake Friend... Remind me to never give you access to my profile... who knows what kind of prejudicial ascertations you are capable of creating???
Hey Brampton Prude #2 you missed it, I wasn't a facebook friend, the photos and comments were open for the whole world to see and I saw them before the "incident" and was shocked at the time. Thus my opinion of her behaviour now.
Larry Moran you are correct. The point is that when you submit your opinion to your councillor and newspaper, you should reasonably expect others to comment on that opinion, and that's where Ms. Cedrone and her defenders are struggling.
I have no comment regarding the church sign and let me say it now I dont have to defend myself as to how I came across this 1yr old blog because if information is at ones fingertips so to speak, all is fair in the world of internet.
I find it very interesting to have found the reason why this Nikki's Fb page is pulled from anyone to search her name. Now things are more clear. Especailly because I found this NIkki or should I refer to her as Nicole since I am not a friend, I found her on my boyfriends FB page, flirting with him morning , noon, and night for the last year! I gather she was quite the partier and has "been around". It's abvious and shameful that this mother of 3 has not changed one bit from her earlier school days! If she still remains married today, I wouldn't be surprised that she is miserable as hell! As for the infamous photos, although i havent had the privelage to view them, goes to show how flawed her character is to actually be proud of them and post them to her FB page. And she had the nerve to make a comment about this stupid church message in fury that her grown children would be scared from reading such filth...I think she should be more worried about having them see such photos of their MOTHER! You can have my left overs now Nikki Ramalho Cedrone...you were meant for each other!!!
So many people don't understand the very social system they live in if they think they have some right to not be offended... free speech goes both ways!
Yes, I insist that being offended is your problem, and we have no obligation whatsoever to help you there. You're allowed to comment and express whatever you'd like, but don't expect it to be safe from criticism once it's 'out there'...
At least the 'victim' in question got seriously pwned ^.^ hehee...
OMG! Are you honestly trying to blame Ms. Cedrone for the break up of your relationship. The fact that you had access to her pics on FB shows me that you had full access to your boyfriends profile, which means he wasn't trying to hide anything from you. If your relationship is in tatters maybe you should look at yourself and your obvious inability to take responsibility for your own actions, insecurities and trust issues - maybe that's why you and your boyfriend are no longer together.
To Larry Moran,
Learn to spell. You misspelled Sandalwood Pkwy in your original post. Yes, people make mistakes, but your job makes you more accountable. Oh, and the fact that the street name is on the sign you posted a picture of.
Happy writing!!
I know Mrs. Cedrone personally. She suffers from Histrionic Personality Disorder. She has an inability to control her desperate need for attention and outward sexuality. Google the disorder and those of you who claim to know her......tell me if I am wrong!
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