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Friday, December 14, 2007

The New Atheism and Canada


Just a reminder, Justin Trottier is speaking on The New Atheism and Canada tonight (7 PM) at the Centre for Inquiry. Be there or be square!
Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens...the litany of assertive atheists whose gloves have come off is ever expanding. Some call them the new militants, others the new fanatics. Many fellow atheists wonder at the effectiveness of their approach, while others are relieved, having witnessed the rising tide of religious violence and intolerance. The unexplored question is, given the very significant differences between Canada, the US, and the rest of the planet, should the New Atheism approach be applied here?

Justin Trottier will summarize the arguments advocated by the New Atheists while reviewing the social and political scene in Canada from the vantage point of a leading atheist/secularist to address this question. He will also provide advice on how Canadians may organize to promote science, reason and free inquiry, whatever their thoughts on the New Atheism.

Justin Trottier is Executive Director of the Centre for Inquiry Ontario. He is co-Founder of the political advocacy group Canadian Secular Alliance, as well as the President of the multimedia outreach group Freethought Association of Canada. Trottier has had television appearances on CBC, CTS, OMNI, CH and CityTV, as well as dozens of radio appearances and coverage in campus, city and national newspapers. He is a contributor to Humanist Perspective and Free Inquiry magazines and is on the editorial board of the Canadian Freethinker.



Anonymous said...

You'll blog the talk for those of us trapped elsewhere, won't you?

Noaman G. Ali said...

This article by Richard Seymour is a refreshing intervention in the discourse of asshole-atheists (precisely those like Hitchens and Dawkins).

Larry Moran said...

nomes says,

This article by Richard Seymour is a refreshing intervention in the discourse of asshole-atheists (precisely those like Hitchens and Dawkins).

You're joking, right? That article is so full of post-modern (in the worst sense of the word) gobbledygook that it's pretty much incomprehensible to anyone with a brain.

If that's your idea of "refreshing" then I wonder if you ever take a shower.

Noaman G. Ali said...

Post-modern? Sartre is a post-modernist?

Good one, Larry.

No, but if you had difficulty understanding words like "ontology" and "transcendence" then you should take, I don't know, a first-year philosophy course -- or use Wikipedia -- or ask, I'll help.

Larry Moran said...

Nomes asks,

Post-modern? Sartre is a post-modernist?

Nope, he isn't.

When I said "That article is so full of post-modern (in the worst sense of the word) gobbledygook" that's exactly what I meant. I meant that the author sounds like some of those people who are more impressed with big words and complex sentences than with big ideas.

You seem to have a problem with logic and reading comprehension. You should probably take more science courses. :-)