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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

The editor of the Lebanon Daily News has made a prediction. It's so important that it deserves a posting on Uncommon Descent [Matter of time for intelligent design].

Now I don't know where Lebanon is—other than it's in Pennsylvania, USA—but this editor must be one of the big guns of Intelligent Design Creationism. Here's the bad news ...
The public needs enlightenment on the truth of intelligent design as increasing numbers of the world’s greatest scientists are yielding to the compelling and mounting evidence of this burgeoning movement. In recent years the erroneous teaching of Darwinism and life by random chance is becoming unraveled and exposing itself for what it really is: a bankrupt philosophy masquerading as a science with the aid of fake fossil mills loose in the world.

I’m confident that in the not-to-distant future the information-revolution will sound the death knell for Darwinism. The hard evidence of technology will shake the pillars of evolutionary theory and toss them into the dustbin of history. When America restores true Bible science and accountability to our Creator God into our political and educational institutions, we’ll have taken a giant step toward healthier national character and the prevention of crime, life without purpose and the consequences of our condom culture.
You've all been warned. Your days of crime and condoms are almost over.

"IDiot" doesn't even begin to describe this nonsense.


Anonymous said...

So he wants to see the greatest scientists exposed and yielding to the compelling and mounting evidence of this burgeoning movement... but doesn't like condoms?

Anonymous said...

Your days of crime and condoms are almost over.

Dammit! And I'd just composed my theme song:

Crime waves and condoms and illicit bling...

Immorality, depravity, hookers tied up with string...

These are a few of my faaavourite things...

Mark said...

I was wondering what kind of brain-dead twits they allow to be editors in Pennsylvania; I thought perhaps it was a mistake, and the item might be from Lebanon, New Jersey.

The UnDescended folks did not make clear that this was not written by an editor, but was a letter to the editor written by some guy named Homer Snavely.

Such letters have been common in Pennsylvania newspapers as long as I've lived here, warning people to get right with God. Many are written by regular contributors. I don't know why the ID dimwits praised the editor--they accept just about anything that's within the word count limit.

John Pieret said...

If Homer was as famous as his namesake, he might've made Glenn Morton's "The Imminent Demise of Evolution: The Longest Running Falsehood in Creationism." Somehow, I suspect fame has eluded a Snavely again.