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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Oklahoma Specialty License Plates

You can buy a whole bunch of different specialty license plates in Oklahoma like the one below [Oklahoma Specialty License Plates]. I looked through the list but I didn't find any that said "I Support Abortion" or "Atheist" or "Socialized Medicine" or "Cut and Run" or "Gay Marriage" or "Screw Oklahoma." I wonder why?

[Hat Tip: John Lynch]


Allyson said...

There's a pro-life plate in Ohio, too. No pro-choice one, of course. I'm all for specialty plates about hobbies like fishing or something, but I can't understand how the government can get away with manufacturing something like pro-choice plates. On the other hand, I suppose the fishing plate will offend somebody on a political and moral level as well, too . . . Still, there isn't a whole lot of religious motivation behind fishing, at least not that I know of . . .

Anonymous said...

Hey, you can get Alpha Kappa Alpha plates. Those were the only sorority or fraternity plates I noted.

BTW: from my observation fishing is a religion.

Anonymous said...

This is actually quite mild for Oklahoma, where I lived for 7 years. On a personal level, people are wonderfully warm and friendly. But get 'em into groups of the size that can make politics and religion...whew!

Here's a joke from Oklahoma that will give you something of the flavor of the place:

Q: Why won't Baptists have sex standing up?

A: Someone might think they were dancing.

John Logsdon said...

In Indiana "This year, the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles is offering...the state's new "no-fee" specialty plate featuring an "In God We Trust" design,..." see this post. Indiana also has the "choose life" plate, but it will cost you $40 extra.
Iowa also has a "God" (Bless America) plate, but it will also cost some extra $$.

Christina Dunigan said...

Florida's NOW tried to do a "United for Choice" plate, that showed -- I kid you not -- three little aborted baby stars flying up to Heaven while the lucky little "chosen" star floated in front of the Mommy star.

Either they couldn't get up enough cash and signatures to put the plate through, or they rethought the design after prolifers started cackling in delight over the ironically apt artwork.