The Rubisco reaction results in fixation of carbon dioxide and the production of two molecules of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate each of which contains three caron atoms [Fixing Carbon: the Rubisco Reaction]. The starting substrate is ribulose 1,5- bisphosphate, a 5-carbon sugar derivative [Monday's Molecule #34]. Here's a schematic diagram of the reaction showing the carbon skeletons with the newly incorporated carbon atom in blue.

- You start with three cycles of the Rubisco reaction, using up three 5C molecules and producing six 3C molecules. One of the 3C molecules enters the normal metabolic pathways and the other five are used to regenerate three 5C molecules (5 x 3C = 3 x 5C).
- You can fuse molecules to create larger ones (e.g., 3C + 3C = 6C).
- You can cleave large molecules to create smaller ones (e.g. 6C = 3C + 3C) as long as there are no intermediates with only one carbon (1C) or two carbons (2C).
- You can swap 2C units between molecules provided that no products are 1C or 2C (e.g, 7C + 3C = 5C + 5C is allowed).
- You can swap 3C units between molecules provided that no products are 1C or 2C (e.g, 7C + 3C = 4C + 6C is allowed).

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