The Intelligent Design Undergraduate Research Center (IDURC) is proud to present the 2007 Casey Luskin Graduate Award, presented annually to a deserving college graduate for excellence in student advocacy of intelligent design.I wonder if the winner will list the prestigious award on his/her CV?
The recipient of the 2007 Casey Luskin Graduate Award will remain anonymous for the protection of the recipient.
If you want a good chuckle, check out the Intelligent Design Undergraduate Research Center's website. I've highlighted a few gold nuggets over at my site.
I should note that Casey Luskin received an honorary award of the Casey Luskin Award, making him -- to the best of my knowledge -- the second ID advocate to win an award named after himself (here's looking to you, Philip Johnson).
I can't wait for the Sal Cardova award.
Pssst, has anyone heard from Hannah Maxson lately? Founder of the IDEA Club at Cornell and a self-described “bookish” chemistry and math major?
Pretty sad when you can't name the winner of an award you are supposedly so proud to give in the first place.
I do wonder why the recipient is to be kept anonymous when the award is given to those who are, presumably, already known to be ID advocates. Even if the recipient advocates ID through a web site anonymously, why not name the web site? Not that it matters, just wondering...
Protection from what? Do they think that DaveScot will get jealous and ban the winner from posting?
Larry is wrong about the winner being Bozo the Clown...
It is Alan Smithee...
This must be a joke.
Yes, but it's a true joke.
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