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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Science Blogging and Podcasts

Hsien Hsien Lei at Genetics & Health is experimenting with podcasts. She's figured out how to put a podcast on her blog. This is impressive. I haven't been able to do it ... yet.

See the result at Genetics and Health Podcast - Reflecting On My Role. I'm looking forward to more podcasts and to seeing how the experiment plays out.

UPDATE: I'm going to try and embed a podcast. Here's the Nature podcast from March 1, 2007 (I hope).

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Anonymous said...

As long as you have a mic, you can do it too! I used I've also tried using Audacity to have a music background for my Hearty Minute podcast but doing that takes a lot more work from start to finish. I am getting more efficient, though. :)

Larry Moran said...

Oh, it requires more than a mic ...

I don't think I have the voice or the style for podcasts. Podcasts don't react kindly to curmudgeons!

Have you thought about video so we can see what you look like as well as how you sound? The Bad Astronomer has videos!