Read this eye-opening exposé of the heterosexual lifestyle [The Hetereosexual Agenda: Exposing the Myths]. Don't believe the nonsense you've been hearing about the heterosexual lifestyle. It is not harmless. It threatens the family and has the potential to bring down our society. Now is the time to take action against heterosexuals. Should they be allowed to marry?

Heterosexuals have rebelled against the norms that have held civilization together for all of human history. This rebellion has become the defining characteristic of the heterosexual community. Its members have no common language, religion, music, or other typical unifying norm. What heterosexuals have in common is the one thing that makes them different from everyone else — their sexual preference.[Hat Tip: Monado]
Heterosexuality is becoming increasingly more difficult to ignore. It is being forced upon us through legislation, taught to our children in school and promoted in the powerful arts/entertainment complex. If it is true that heterosexuality has the destructive effects on the individual and society that many believe, then it behooves us to know our enemy and forestall any further advance of heterosexuality by understanding what it is, what the heterosexual community is up to, and how to answer their arguments in the open marketplace of ideas.
What Heterosexuals Do
Heterosexuals would have you believe that the heterosexual lifestyle is perfectly normal. They will tell you that their lifestyle choice should be the benchmark for society. But a closer look shows that their lifestyle isn’t as safe or as desirable as heterosexual militants say it is.
Ok, maybe I'm entirely uninformed and should be chastised for it, but this post goes totally over my head?? What's wrong with being heterosexual? In the article it sounds more like some kind of cult or political activist group rather than a sexual orientation. And why does it sounds like a giant conpiracy between cults? What more does your sexual orientation say about you other than, who you'd rather go to bed with? Is the post a skit?
I'm lost.
Priya, your irony meter needs new batteries.
[Fixed typo.]
Priya, I love you! (just say you're a woman).
Um,..yeah I'm a woman. You love me? Why? Hehehe..
So recharge me ramsey. What's it supposed to mean?
Priya, it's a parody of some of the "arguments" popular among gay-bashing bigots.
Thank you. Well that's absurd. But I guess we're just not that up tight here at home? If you're gay, you're gay, if you're straight, you're straight.
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