Let me know if I can help out. I can arrange temporary residence in Canada and help you find a good job. I'll teach you how to speak Canadian and how to go about cancelling your health insurance. I can even put you in touch with someone who will buy all your guns.
I'll even treat you a curling broom and a Toronto Maple Leafs sweater to help you get adjusted as quickly as possible. Do you like poutine?

If the next election goes badly, I may take you up on that.
Peninsula Clarion, which is in Alaska
Wonderful gracious offer, but I don't know if I could take the climate - Indianapolis is bad enough.
Ignorant people such as this are SCARY! I wonder what percentage of U.S. theists would share these mistaken beliefs? They can't be aware of the fact that approximately 98% of prison inmates profess to belief in god.
I did look up poutine in the online encyclopedia - sounds yummy.
Here are a couple of letters to the editor, I've had printed in my local paper, the Lansing State Journal of Lansing, Michigan.
Letter 1:
As Christians increasingly corrupt secular law endeavoring to destroy the separation of church and state, they are, ironically, destroying their own religious freedom. As the US moves closer to theocratic rule, it must be recognized that one inevitable consequence will be that one sect will rise to dominate all others. Since separation of church and state will no longer exist, the dominant sect will, history unfailingly shows, impose its own “one true” brand of religion on everyone - brutally, if necessary. Essentially all denominations now working to eliminate church/state separation will be completely wiped out when the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of/from religion is gone.
Currently, you’re guaranteed the right to pursue your own spiritual path, religious or otherwise, but you are blind to Christianity’s cruel history if you think will you will be afforded that same right in the United States of Pentecostals or the United States of Catholics.
Russ - May, 2006
Letter 2:
In “Return U.S. to God,” Kevin Hinkley voices the “we want it all” attitude typical of today’s Christians while overlooking a couple important points regarding Christianity.
First, the notion of “returning” the US to some god ignores the fact that all gods, including Thor, the Christian God and Zeus, are completely imaginary.
Beyond that, our Founding Fathers who crafted and ratified the US Constitution viewed Christianity as an endless source of conflict, hatred, and suffering. In fact, their collective disdain for Christianity was strong enough that no mention was ever made of God, Jesus, or Christianity in the Articles of Confederation or the US Constitution. However, leaving out Christianity was so agreeable that each was freely ratified by all of the thirteen colonies.
Hinkley says we “must not allow any more erosion of our country’s founding beliefs.” I agree, especially the founding belief that Christianity has no place in government.
Russ - February, 2007
The laughable responses from theists to religion-denouncing letters in the Lansing State Journal reflect an astounding ignorance. They do not know history, they do not know science, they do not know their own religion, and they sure as hell do not know what is best for themselves or others.
If one of you would have to leave the US I would suggest France. As I recently mentioned over at PZ's the Ministère Francais chargé de la Culture funds things like Georges Minois' book "Histoire de l'athéisme. Les incroyants dans le monde occidental des origines à nos jours".
The letter-writer would be right at home in Riyadah or Tehran wouldn't she?
Different religion, I know, but same idea ....
No disrespect to Toronto, but when the religious police come for me I'm heading to Montreal. It's always been one of my favorite cities. And when I get tired of poutine I can have a delicious smoked meat sandwich. Yum.
Thank (my lack of any) god that I live in the UK where there seems to be a little more tolerance of free-thinking!
That letter is truly shocking, and does nothing to douse the arguments of those opposed to religion.
My Blog: In Defence of Reason
I already am considering gettting out of the US. The eagle is sickly and being stabbed in the back by it's own government.
If either Hilary Clinton is elected or the current (sh)amnesty bill passes (S.1348), I will start planning seriously. The bill would open the floodgates to illegals and crush our economy under their weight - and don't even get me started on Clinton.
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