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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

How to Talk to a Scientist if You're an IDiot

Greg Laden reminds us that Wikepedia is not the only online encyclopedia. We mustn't forget the Uncyclopedia [And when Wikipedia is just not enough…].

Good advice Greg. I checkout the entry for Intelligent Design and found an excellent article that I highly recommend to everyone who doesn't suffer from ironic deficiency [Intelligent Design]. The site is approved by the Kansas State Board of Education.

I especially liked the suggestions on how to talk to a scientist. Here are some of my favorites.
  • Say things like "Well if you remember chemistry, that just disproves evolution."
  • Tell them the Second Law of Thermodynamics makes evolution impossible and try to sound really serious when you say it and then point out that all scientists say this all the time and it's an indisputed fact. [6] If they show any sign of understanding the Second Law of Thermodynamics, walk away really quickly!
  • Show them movies of apes doing gross, disgusting things, like the YouTube movie of a Gorilla licking his [bleep] in the zoo. Nobody wants to be related to filthy embarassing animals (even if drunk human rock-stars or intern-hungry televanglists do the same things as the apes).
  • Show them studies proving that believing in evolution makes you a hippie commie liberal. If that fails, accuse them of atheism. (This isn’t so effective outside the US, because atheists don’t face resentment and persecution in other places in the civilized world. Tell them they are French instead, they’re hated the world over. If it’s a French person you’re speaking to, tell them they’re English.)


Anonymous said...

If they are such idiots, why waste your time blogging about them? Use your time productively.

Anonymous said...

In response to the first comment:
Because parodying those who wish to distort science, reason and education is both amusing and liberating, you humourless dipstick.