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Sunday, January 14, 2007

A Professor's Worst Nighmare

Has this ever happened to you? Read what happens when a Professor doesn't look in the mirror after putting on his pants [A classic professorial moment].


Mike said...

One of my favourite Professors (Steve Jones) was frequently running around with his fly open, his shirts not tucked into his trousers properly and diverse stains all over his clothes. He looked a bit like a slim incarnation of Einstein. However, still a real geneticist (well, maybe the stuff above is some kind of prerequisite?) and a funny bloke with perfect as well as enjoyable presentations.

Greg Laden said...

Much worse can and has happened.

I always inform my teaching assistants that it is their responsibility to check

1) that there are no extraneous stickers (common right after the holidays)

2) my shirt is NOT on inside out. If it looks like it is, there is no meaning to it, its just wrong and needs to be corrected.

3) that if my socks do not match, my pants are hiked down enough to cover... (otherwise I can more or less stand behind the podium, if there is a podium)