Listen to four Australians discuss The God Delusion. The show was broadcast last October on Australia's ABC Television.
I found the "debate" unsatisfying and somewhat troubling. Germaine Greer comes across as a bit of a kook and the two agnostics just don't get it. The only person who makes any sense is a Jesuit priest!
Dawkins hasn't addressed religion from an evolutionary point of view? He's never discussed how religion changes to suit the morality and accepted facts of the time? He's never compared 'memes' to 'genes' and referred to religion as a meme? I guess I must have been reading someone else's books.
Evolution is more impossible than the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, and the Headless Horseman. See for a list of bluffing evolutionists like Richard Dawkins.
So good image and some good art
Yes, I particularly like the art, Larry. Let's have more of that, preferably post-impressionism. :)
I found Greer not so kooky. She at least didn't waffle off into the 'spirituality' (or whatever it was) of religious services in some cathedral.
WTF? The female "agnostic" (Greer?) is claiming that Dawkins did not address the adaptability of religious belief.
Hardy calls Dawkins a "Fundamentalist." I'm getting very tired of that abuse of the language.
The male agnostic was too soft-spoken. They should have done a better job of miking him.
Dawkins hasn't addressed religion from an evolutionary point of view? He's never discussed how religion changes to suit the morality and accepted facts of the time? He's never compared 'memes' to 'genes' and referred to religion as a meme? I guess I must have been reading someone else's books.
Evolution is more impossible than the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, and the Headless Horseman. See for a list of bluffing evolutionists like Richard Dawkins.
Karl Priest, are you retarded or something? That site is a joke, and wouldn't persuade a braindead 5 year old.
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