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Thursday, December 07, 2006

Why Kyoto Is Important

The Kyoto Protocols set out goals for industrialized nations to lower carbon dioxide emissions and other pollutants. On average, greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced by about 5% relative to 1990 levels. The Kyoto Protocols came into effect in February 2005. 141 industrialized nations signed on, the only significant countries that didn't ratify the treaty were Australia and the United States.

We all share this planet and it is every one's responsibility to behave in a manner that will make our children proud. The real meaning of Kyoto is not in the goals or whether they will be met. The significance is in the effort and the agreement to cooperate for the common good. Kyoto is a big step forward in international relations and that's why we need to support the effort. Turning your back on Kyoto is like slapping your friend in the face after you have shaken hands on a deal.

Canada has just done that when Stephen Harper announced that we would not try to meet our objective. Will things be any different if the new leader of the Liberal party becomes Prime Minister?

You bet they will!

Stéphane Dion is serious about environmental issues and he will reinstate Canada's commitment to the Kyoto Protocols when he becomes Prime Minister next Spring. This will help restore our credibility in the world.

I'm hoping he will be able to convince the Americans that they should join with other nations in making an effort to improve the planet.

Thanks to James Bowie for getting the photo of Stéphane Dion and his dog "Kyoto."


Alex said...
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Anonymous said...

Stéphane Dion did campaign within the Liberal Party with strong environmental outlooks. It should be interesting to see how that works out. But that said, I would like to point out that the Liberals didn't actually get anywhere under Kyoto; in comparison, the Europeans have gone miles ahead in addressing climate change (e.g. pouring loads of money into alternative energy). Under the Liberals, any adherence to Kyoto was a facade-- the Conservatives are more pragmatic about it, and pointed out that Canada isn't going to meet Kyoto targets. However, the Conservatives really aren't addressing climate change seriously either, so it's status quo. Hmm.

Anonymous said...

Off-topic: You may enjoy David Baltimore's review of The God Delusion at American Scientist.