I got up one Saturday morning and went off to my local Tim Horton's to get coffee and a donut. The store was closed and there were strange looking trucks parked on the road. What was going on? Timmy's are supposed to be open 24/7—they're not allowed to close Tim Horton's, are they?
The manager (below right) needed a police escort because of the rioting customers. He gave us all gift certificates but that was small compensation for our tragic loss. They opened up the next day but the damage had been done. I'm told we can see what they were up to by going to the movie theatre next summer. As if I'm going to believe that!
Whereabouts are you? Richmond Hill? It's hard to tell from the generic architecture.
At least it was only for one day!
This is in Mississauga, see My Neighbourhood Tim Horton's.
Stop by sometime and I'll buy you a coffee and a timbit. :-)
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