Alberta was the only major province to prohibit same-sex marriage before they were forced to accept it by the Federal Government. Alberta consistently elects the most right-wing MP's in the country. It's the province that seems least committed to universal health care. They're against gun control, tend to be in favor of capital punishment, and like giving tax breaks to rich people and corporations.
As if that weren't bad enough, they traded Wayne Gretzky to Los Angeles.
I'm pretty sure that Albertans would be happier if they belonged to a country with more cowboys (like in Texas). So here's the deal. We'll give you Alberta and you give us Minnesota. Because there's a lot more oil in Alberta, you'll need to sweeten the pot in order to get rid of Minnesota. Throw in Massachusetts and you've got a deal.
That sounds good to me - we get UMM *and* MIT.
Not only that, we also get Boston University.
It's a heck of a deal, we get three excellent universities (plus some minor ones) and we don't give up a thing!
Please take Maine too. We used to be part of Massachusetts and we're quite a blue state (down here Blue means Liberal), so I'm sure we could work out a deal.
Hmmm, that means my brother would be officially back in the USA. And he just left it, happily, for a better life in Canada. And a tenure-track at Edmonton. I don't think he'd be too happy to be back here.
Sorry to hear about your brother, Coturnix. Do they have universities in Alberta? That's a surprise, given that most Albertans don't seem to be very intelligent. :-)
I'd never have known Albertans had any type of school if my brother did not get a job at the University there - he says it's a huge school! Who'd have thunk?
That sounds like a fantastic idea to me. Should we start encouraging people to write their MPs/Congresscritters?
They can have the oil sands, we'll get two new provinces worth having.
It always did seem that Albertans got lost on their way to Dallas-FtWorth, maybe we should give them a hand...
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