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Monday, March 03, 2008

Multicellular Bacteria

PZ Myers posted an article on the evolution of multicellularity [The choanoflagellate genome and metazoan evolution]. He begins with ...
What are the key innovations that led to the evolution of multicellularity, and what were their precursors in the single-celled microbial life that existed before the metazoa? We can hypothesize at least two distinct kinds of features that had to have preceded true multicellularity.

The obvious feature is that cells must stick together; specific adhesion molecules must be present that link cells together, that aren't generically sticky and bind the organism to everything. So we need molecules that link cell to cell. Another feature of multicellular animals is that they secrete extracellular matrix, a feltwork of molecules outside the cells to which they can also adhere.

A feature that distinguishes true multicellular animals from colonial organisms is division of labor — cells within the organism specialize and follow different functional roles. This requires cell signaling, in which information beyond simple stickiness is communicated to cells, and signal transduction mechanisms which translate the signals into different patterns of gene activity.
PZ goes on to describe the genes in a single-cell eukaryote that diverged near the base of the animal phylum. The species is a choanoflagellate called Monosiga brevicollis.

It's important to note that this single-cell organism and its multicellular animal relatives form a distinct clade that is separated from the fungi and plants. Since there are multicellular fungi and multicellular plants, the evolution of multicellularity must have occurred many times.

PZ notes that choanoflagellates have primitive forms of adhesion molecules—one of the prerequisites for multicellularity in animals—but they lack some of the standard animal signalling pathways.

PZ Myers is a fan of evo-devo. There are many problems with this approach to biology but one of the most irksome is the emphasis on animals as models for all of evolution and development. I've referred to this as Animal Chauvinism. In his recent posting PZ is careful not to claim that the evolution of multicellularity in animals is the model for all forms of multicellular species but unsophisticated readers might easily get the wrong impression. Let's try and make the generalization that PZ might have wanted to make.

We can agree with his statement that two requirements of multicellularity are the ability of cells to stick together and the division of labor where cells differentiate to carry out specialized functions. Lest anyone imagines that these properties were invented by animals—or even by eukaryotes—let's look at some simple multicellular bacteria.

The first example is cyanobacteria. That's a filament of Anabaena sphaerica at the top of this posting. The cells adhere to each other through a common cell wall, forming long multicellular filaments. Other species of cyanobacteria form different groups of cells; for example, Glaucocystis (upper right) has four cells together in a single sheath.

Look carefully at the Anabaena filament. Do you see the fat round cell in the middle of the filament? That's a heterocyst. It's a differentiated cell that has become specialized for nitrogen fixation. All the other cells are capable of photosynthesis but the heterocyst specializes in fixing nitrogen. This species is a bacterial example of a multicellular organism with two types of cells.

The specialization of the heterocyst means that the two types of cells have to communicate. This communication takes place via small pores in the cell wall between the cells in the filament. Signaling involves transfer of small molecules such as ATP and glutamine between the various cells. What this means is that some cynaobacteria meet the two criteria that PZ Myers lays out for the evolution of multicellularity. There's no doubt about the fact that this version of a multicellular organism predates the evolution of metazoa by about 2-3 billion years.

The myxobacteria are dramatic example of multicellular bacteria. That's Chondromyces crocatus shown in the photograph above left.

Under certain conditions the single cells of myxobacteria come together to form fruiting bodies that consist of hundreds of cells. In the most extreme examples, some cells form the stalk, some cells form sprangia and others form spores. These are multicellular bacteria with specialized differentiated cells.

There are many other multicelluar bacteria but these two are sufficient to illustrate the point. Cell differentiation and multicellularity are not inventions of animals. There weren't even invented by eukaryotes. Differentiation and multicellularity were invented by bacteria long before the true eukaryotes ever appeared on this planet.

[Photo Credits: Anabaena sphaerica from Wikipedia: Glaucocystis from Cyanobacteria slides: Chondromyces crocatus from The Myxobacteria Web page]

Monday's Molecule #63

Today's molecule is a cartoon depicting a particular conformation of molecules. Your task is to identify the structure. Be as specific as possible.

There's an indirect connection between this molecule and Wednesday's Nobel Laureate(s). Your task is to figure out the significance of today's structure and identify the Nobel Laureate(s) who is associated with discovering it. (Be sure to check previous Laureates.)

The reward goes to the person who correctly identifies the structure and the Nobel Laureate(s). Previous winners are ineligible for one month from the time they first collected the prize. There are three ineligible candidates for this week's reward. The prize is a free lunch at the Faculty Club.


Nobel Laureates
Send your guess to Sandwalk (sandwalk(at) and I'll pick the first email message that correctly identifies the structure and the Nobel Laureate(s). Note that I'm not going to repeat Nobel Laureates so you might want to check the list of previous Sandwalk postings.

Correct responses will be posted tomorrow along with the time that the message was received on my server. I may select multiple winners if several people get it right.

Comments will be blocked for 24 hours. Comments are now open.

UPDATE: We have a winner. The molecule is a depiction of a (right-handed) α helix, one of the most common examples of secondary structure in proteins. Linus Pauling proposed it in 1948 and he won the Nobel Prize in 1954 for his work on chemical bonds.

The winner is David J. Schuller of Cornell University.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Jane Harris Zsovan Doesn't Understand Speciation

Jane Harris Zsovan posts on a blog called Design of Life. I don't read her blog on a regular basis but Denyse O'Leary recently linked to a post on how speciation doesn't agree with evolutionary theory [Hybridization One Key to Survival].

Jane Harris Zsovan is intrigued by hybrids that appear to be more fit than either of their parents. She thinks this conflicts with Darwinian Theory. Here's an example of how she thinks evolution should work.
Hybrids With Genetic Advantages A Problem for Darwinian Theory

Darwin's theory of natural selection requires offspring to diverge from a common ancestor to create new species. It requires genetic differences to increase as descendants adapt to their environmental niches.

It is this 'natural selection' and 'adaptation' that creates species. And, as the newly created species continue to adapt, they should become more different over time. Following this line of thought, hybrids should be less viable than their parents.
There are many different ways for two isolated populations to evolve into separate species. In many (most?) cases the two lineages diverge by random genetic drift and not just natural selection. The exact mutations leading to genetic incompatibility are most likely to arise by accident and become fixed in one of the lineages by drift.

Evolutionary theory does not require that two separated lineages diverge by natural selection. Speciation does not depend on adaptation. This hasn't been a requirement of speciation for over thirty years [Speciation].

Typically a new population will be founded by a small number of individuals. As the new isolated population grows it will lack much of the genetic variation of the parent population and, consequently, it may be far less fit in it's new environment than a random selection of individuals from the parent population might be. An infusion of new alleles from the parent population by hybridization might lead to individuals that are more fit.

There is nothing in evolutionary theory that says hybrids can't be more fit than either parent. The flaw in Jane Harris Zsovan's logic is entirely due to the obsession creationist have with Darwin and natural selection. They have convinced themselves that everything in evolution must be explained by "Darwinism." This fits with their political agenda. That's why they try so hard to associate evolution with a man who died over one hundred years ago.

The irony comes when they start believing their own false caricature of evolution. That's what happened here, and Denyse O'Leary falls for it hook line and sinker [ More evidence that Darwin's theory of natural selection as the origin of new species is wrong]. The title of Denyse's post is very revealing. Of course, it's wrong to attribute everything to natural selection. Denyse has been told this time and time again and so, I presume, has Jane Harris Zsovan. They are very slow learners. They look like IDiots.

Gene Genie #26

The 26th edition of Gene Genie has been posted at sciencebase [Rubbing Up the Gene Genie].
Sciencebase is this week proud to play host to the Gene Genie Blog Carnival thanks to an offer from Bertalan “Berci” Meskó over on the excellent ScienceRoll. For those who don’t already know, a Blog Carnival doesn’t usually involve a lot of be-costumed revellers dancing through the streets to the sound of the samba band, but is a gathering of like-minded bloggers brought together through the power of the tubular Interwebs to share their latest posts on a given subject.
The beautiful logo was created by Ricardo at My Biotech Life.

The purpose of this carnival is to highlight the genetics of one particular species, Homo sapiens.

Erudite critic takes on new atheists

A column in yesterday's Toronto Star criticized the position of the so-called "New Atheists" [Erudite critic takes on new atheists]. The column was written by Stephen Scharper who frequently writes columns about religion. Scharper was formerly at St. Michael's College (Roman Catholic) in the University of Toronto where he was a Professor in the Department and Centre for the Study of Religion. He is currently a Professor in the Dept. of Anthropology at the University of Toronto Mississauga Campus but he maintains a cross-appointment to the Department and Centre for the Study of Religion.

Scharper's opinion piece begins with what, by now, is becoming a familiar complaint.
A couple of years ago, I was on a televised panel with a man who claimed that religions were to blame for most of the death and destruction throughout history, and that, by extension, religious people were more inherently violent than secular folks.

The implication of his claim was that discrimination against religious adherents would not only be acceptable, but advisable in such matters as job hiring, policy formation, and policing.

Prejudice against people of faith was subtly being proclaimed as an inherent good.

That panelist's view, extreme as it appears, may have some powerful mainstream resonance in a spate of recent publications from the so-called "new atheists."
I don't agree with the extreme view pictured by Stephen Scharper and neither do most atheists. It is simply not true that religious people are inherently more violent than atheists. On the other hand, it is simply not true that believers are more moral than non-believers.

People who believe in supernatural beings are fond of making the association between their belief and superior moral behavior. They often imply—or even state overtly—that atheists must be immoral because they don't believe in God. Many of the "New Atheists" (Scharper mentions Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens) have pointed out that those claims are not supported by evidence. That's the main point. The "New Atheist" stance is a response to centuries of false propaganda and hypocrisy on the part of believers.

Religious apologists need to stop whining about this counter-offensive and start recognizing that their claims of moral superiority just don't measure up. While it would be wrong to deny someone a job just because they falsely claim to be morally superior, it would also be wrong to give them a job just because they say they are morally superior.

Scharper goes on to praise a recent book by John Haught (God and the New Atheism: A Critical Response To Dawkins, Harris And Hitchens). I haven't read this book but from what Scharper says it sounds like the same-old, same-old that we've heard dozens of time before [e.g. Alister McGrath's Defense of Religion, Propaganda Techniques: Shift the Burden of Proof, Alister McGrath].

Here's how Scharper describes it.
Haught, a senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University, adroitly distills the common themes from this troika [Dawkins, Harris, Hitchens], which suggests that outside of nature, "there is no God, no soul, and no life beyond death," that the universe has no overarching purpose, that all life developments can be explained by science, and that faith in God is the source of countless evils and should thus be jettisoned on moral grounds.

What Haught finds ironic is that the new atheists have little interest in atheism at all, and don't engage in the main philosophical debates raised by atheistic giants such as Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. Instead, they base their notion of religion on the creationism of a select band of fundamentalists. In short, they adopt a theologically bereft caricature of religion.
Now, let's be absolutely clear about this argument. It is completely bogus. This is not a debate about religion, it's a debate about the existence of supernatural beings. Atheists are simply not interested in debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. They want to debate the evidence for angels. Atheists don't want to debate why God and evil can coexist. They want to debate whether God exists at all. We don't care about the extensive literature on the interpretation of Chapters 1 & 2 of Genesis. It's irrelevant.

We don't need to read up on transubstantiation because we're challenging the divinity of Jesus and not whether wine and bread can turn into blood and flesh. We atheists don't care about the "sophistication" of religious apologetics. (Just as Roman Catholics don't care about ancient Greek texts on how to interpret the Oracle at Delphi or Roman treatises on the entrails of chickens.)

We know that every large religion has tons of literature justifying their particular beliefs. This was as true of the ancient Greek and Roman religions as it is of the modern religions such as Hinduism, Islam, and Taoism. You do not need to be an expert in all the sophisticated delusions in order to question the fundamental issue—do supernatural beings exist?

The form of argument that Haught advances, and Scharper supports, has been called The Courtier's Reply by PZ Myers [see The Emperor's New Clothes and the Courtier's Reply for an explanation]. This needs to be widely known so I'm going to quote PZ once again in case some of the Sandwalk readers are unfamiliar with his response. Here's how PZ describes the Courtier's Reply to the revelation that the Emperor has no clothes.
I have considered the impudent accusations of Mr Dawkins with exasperation at his lack of serious scholarship. He has apparently not read the detailed discourses of Count Roderigo of Seville on the exquisite and exotic leathers of the Emperor's boots, nor does he give a moment's consideration to Bellini's masterwork, On the Luminescence of the Emperor's Feathered Hat. We have entire schools dedicated to writing learned treatises on the beauty of the Emperor's raiment, and every major newspaper runs a section dedicated to imperial fashion; Dawkins cavalierly dismisses them all. He even laughs at the highly popular and most persuasive arguments of his fellow countryman, Lord D. T. Mawkscribbler, who famously pointed out that the Emperor would not wear common cotton, nor uncomfortable polyester, but must, I say must, wear undergarments of the finest silk.

Dawkins arrogantly ignores all these deep philosophical ponderings to crudely accuse the Emperor of nudity.

Personally, I suspect that perhaps the Emperor might not be fully clothed — how else to explain the apparent sloth of the staff at the palace laundry — but, well, everyone else does seem to go on about his clothes, and this Dawkins fellow is such a rude upstart who lacks the wit of my elegant circumlocutions, that, while unable to deal with the substance of his accusations, I should at least chide him for his very bad form.

Until Dawkins has trained in the shops of Paris and Milan, until he has learned to tell the difference between a ruffled flounce and a puffy pantaloon, we should all pretend he has not spoken out against the Emperor's taste. His training in biology may give him the ability to recognize dangling genitalia when he sees it, but it has not taught him the proper appreciation of Imaginary Fabrics.
Here's my challenge to Stephen Scharper: if you know of a sophisticated argument for the existence of God that hasn't already been addressed, and refuted, by atheists, then here's your chance to present it. I notice that you didn't mention it in your column and none of your colleagues have actually presented one of those secret theological debating points that you claim exist in the corridors of seminaries and departments of philosophy or religion.

I'm sick and tied of hearing apologists make false claims about the existence of some sort of deal-breaking point that the "New Atheists" have overlooked because they are addressing a kindergarten version of religion. As far as I'm concerned the rationality behind belief in supernatural beings is kindergarten philosophy. If Professor Scharper disagrees, then lets hear about the killer evidence for God that atheists don't know about because we haven't studied theology.

[Photo Credit: The photograph of Professor Stephen Scharper is from the University of Toronto News]


My daughter Jane and her husband Michael live in Brussels. Last weekend we visited them and they took us on a walking tour of downtown Brussels.

Many of the streets are closed to vehicle traffic and even on a chilly Friday (about 7°C) there were plenty of shoppers and quite a few tourists. My goal was to sample the food of Brussels—other members of our party were more interested in the shops and we visited a fair number of those on our tour.

The very first stop was a place that sold Belgian waffles. There are dozens of these shops with windows open to the street. It's the Brussels equivalent of Tim Horton's. The waffles were delicious and I would have eaten several except that I was saving up for even better things later on.

Brussels was officially founded in 979 by Charlemagne's grandson Lothar, although there had been a settlement on the site for several hundred years before Lothar build a fortress. The city prospered as a trading center in medieval times and much of the central part of the modern city dates from that era. The name of the city comes from an Old Flemish word Broekzele, which means marshland. The city was originally built on an island in the river Senne [History of Brussels].

Belgium is a relatively young country although it is named after the ancient Celtic tribe of the Belgae, one of the tribes defeated by Julius Caesar in his Gaul campaign (about 55 B.C.). Over the years the region has been controlled by German, French, Dutch, Austrian, Spanish, and British forces. It is still disputed territory although in the modern age the conflict is between the French speaking Walloons and the Flemish population that speaks Dutch. (The French are losing.)

Eventually we reached a delightful part of the city with narrow medieval streets filled with restaurants. Our goal was a fascinating restaurant called Chez Leon. The specialty is mussels and frites (French fries), a meal that can't be found anywhere else in the world as far as I know.

There are several varieties on mussels on the menu. Our party ordered mussels au gratin, mussels and curry, and mussels à la crème. Of course any meal of mussels and frites has to be accompanied by beer and there were many brands to choose from. The mussels were delicious, the frites were excellent, and the beer was wonderful.

Some of you may be curious about the price of such a meal. The mussels and frites were 22.50 € and that works out to about $33 in Canadian or American currency. This seems expensive but it's not out of line with many other prices in the local restaurants. I really don't know how the French and Belgians can afford to eat out so much. Their salaries don't seem to be higher than what we are used to in North America. I guess they just have different priorities.

There are very few McDonald's restaurants in Brussels (or Paris) and it's rare to see any of the other fast-food places we're used to in North America. The local population prefers a longer sit-down meal even if it's more expensive. It's a major cultural difference and one that I could easily adjust to. In fact, I did adjust to it when we lived in Europe from 1974-1978.

You can't walk very far in Brussels without encountering a chocolate shop. (We visited several.) Everyone has their favorite but I'm told that Neuhaus chocolate is widely believed to be the best Belgian chocolate. The Belgians are very proud of their chocolate. They think it's superior to Swiss chocolate. I'm not going to take sides on that one since I lived in Switzerland for many years and still have many friends there.

The shops are very popular. I was surprised to see so many Belgians buying chocolates since they are not cheap. This is another example of differing priorities. I guess they prefer a small amount of excellent chocolate to a cheaper Mars bar or M&M's.

I'm used to seeing chocolate shops but the really surprising shops were the ones that sell beer. We saw a dozen stores that specialized in beers with a huge emphasis on Belgian beers. These stores look like wine stores except that it's bottles of beer that are lined up on the shelves.

In many cases, the stores advertise 250 or 300 different brands of beer. We didn't have time to taste all of them but the ones I had were excellent. Thanks to all those Sandwalk readers, and Michael, who made recommendations. I won't reveal my current favorite because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. And also because there are still several hundred beers that I haven't (yet) tried. This is definitely a place where bloggers and readers should get together for a Howlerfest.

After a long day we stopped at one of the Häagen-Dazs Cafés for chocolate fondue. We were served a plate full of small balls of ice cream of various flavors. These can be dipped in a creamy pot of rich chocolate. The ice cream was accompanied by a plate of fresh fruit and pieces of muffin that also went well with the hot chocolate. All in all it was an excellent way to end our delicious tour of Brussels.

Friday, February 29, 2008

The Ladies' Privilege

Friday's Urban Legend: TRUE

According to legend, girls can propose to their boyfriends on February 29th. says this is a true custom known as The Ladies Privilege [The Privilege of Ladies]. Back in the thirteenth century a man had to accept a proposal on February 29th or pay a fine. This probably explains why so many men were off fighting wars at the end of February during a leap year.

It's based on the idea that February 29th is an unusual day and unusual things are permitted on that day only. One of the unusual things that is allowed is for women to propose marriage. Nowadays this is much more common on all the other days but apparently there was a time when only the man could propose marriage. I wonder what those times were like when men were in control?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The State of Science Blogging

There's an interesting discussion going on over at Bayblab on The State of Science Blogging. The commenters are responding to some provocation by Anonymous Coward[1] who took a look at the top five science blogs and said,
Of those only Cognitive daily is consistantly talking about peer-reviewed research. Why is that? Perhaps there is less appeal in discussing recent papers than bashing creationists. But bashing creationists is almost too easy, and not very constructive. It's been said before, you can't reason somebody out of a position in which they didn't reason themselves into. And it worries me because to the lay audience listening to PZ Myers (the 800lb gorilla), it would seem that science's purpose is to attack religion. In fact I suspect the blog gets most of its traffic from creationists. According to technorati, his top tags are "Creationism, godlessness, humor, kooks, politics, religion, weblog, weirdness", so should it really count as a science blog?

If you examine the elephant in the room, ScienceBlogs, the trend is maintained: politics, religion books, technology, education and music are tagged more often than biology or genetics. This suggests that their primary motives are entertainment rather than discussing science. Why? Because it pays. Seed Magazine and the bloggers themselves profit from the traffic. That's right, Seed actually pays these bloggers for their posts. And the whole ScienceBlogs thing is a little incestuous, they really like linking to each other, but not so much to the little blogs. I'm afraid gone is the amateur blogger, and in is the professional gonzo science journalist. Might as well read Seed magazine.
One of the most interesting comments comes from Dave Munger of Cognitive Daily ....
So... the most popular science blogs cover the most popular topics related to science?

You also seem to be saying that you wish these bloggers would write about less popular topics. But that would make them... less popular. And then other science blogs would become the most popular. Then you could complain about those blogs.

At least you'd have something to write about.
This is a very important point. Many of us are interested in blogging about science and in teaching science. But you can't be an effective advocate for science if you don't have an audience. One way to get an audience is to blog about science related issues that are controversial and then sneak in some good science blogs when people come to visit.

In my case, that's not the only motive for blogging about rationalism and superstition. I happen to have (at least) two interests in life and I like to blog about everything that interests me. As it turns out, there are more people interested in the conflict between science and religion—or the war in the Middle East—than in hard-core science. I posted a whole series of articles on The Three Domain Hypothesis and got only a handful of comments. The series on junk DNA is bringing in just a trickle of interested readers. On the other hand, when I post about religion or politics there are dozens of comments and a lively discussion ensues.

1. I don't like linking to anonymous bloggers. In the future I'm going to make it a policy to only link to bloggers who identify themselves, except under rare circumstances.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tangled Bank #99

The latest issue of Tangled Bank is #99. It's hosted by Greg Laden at GregLaden's Blog [The Tangled Bank].
This is the February 20, 2008 edition of The Tangled Bank web carnival. The next edition will be hosted at Archaeoporn.

If you want to submit an article to Tangled Bank send an email message to Be sure to include the words "Tangled Bank" in the subject line. Remember that this carnival only accepts one submission per week from each blogger. For some of you that's going to be a serious problem. You have to pick your best article on biology.

In the Cafeteria

Yesterday we were at the Musée d'Orsay. We sat down to have a coffee in the museum cafeteria. As you can see, some cafeterias in France are a little more fancy than the average museum cafeteria in North America.

My wife's weird sense of humor produced this picture of me admiring the statues.

Les Invalides

This is my fourth visit to Paris but it's the first time I've been to Les Invalides. The tomb of Napoleon Bonaparte is much more impressive than I ever expected.

Pictures of Paris


The church is St. Germain des Prés. It's just a few blocks from where we're staying.

Are Brussel Sprouts Bad for You?


Probably not, and that's a good thing because I like Brussel sprouts. They may be OK for humans but they're bad for aphids [Eat up all of your Brussels sprouts -- unless you're an aphid].

I'm going to be in Brussels today. I'm looking forward to a nice meal of Brussel sprouts with beer and chocolate.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

An IDiot Software Developer Opines About Junk DNA

Randy "I want to believe" Stimpson is a software developer who thinks he understands biology. He has written a post where he claims Most DNA is not Junk. Doppelganger has already pointed out the most obvious faults with Randy's point of view [Software developer PROVES that there is no junkDNA*... and other stuff].I just want to comment on one small paragraph in order to clear up any confusion.
A bacterial genome has 4 million base pairs of DNA and according to Professor Larry Morgan, a bacterial genome doesn’t have junk. So I think it is safe to say that there is at least 1MB of information in the human genome.
I'm pretty sure he's referring to me. I'd like to point out for the record that bacterial genomes range in size from about 106 bp up to 107 bp.

All bacterial genomes have junk DNA consisting mostly of defective transposons and defective prophage. In most cases the amount of junk DNA is only a few percent of the genome.

The views expressed by Randy Stimpson are typical of those who desperately want to believe in intelligent design creationism. Junk DNA is not compatible with intelligent design creationism no matter how you cut it.

La Tour Eiffel

These are my pictures of the Eiffel Tower.

It's much easier to take pictures like this from the second level 'cause you don't have to hang out near the outer railing where the risk of falling off is very high. I found that it's much better to say far away from the edge. My knees were much more stable when I did that.

Rue du Cherche Midi

This is a picture of Rue du Cherche Midi right outside our apartment in Paris. The street is full of nice shops (expensive), bakeries, and small restaurants. It's perfectly situated in the middle of the 6th (6e) arrondissement [Map].

There are lots of interesting places to see right in our neighborhood. One of the nearby cafés is shown below along with a close-up of a plaque hanging on the wall of a building in on the next street. It says that John Paul Jones died in that building in July 1792. (It seems as though the prominent men and women of the Revolutionary War were very fond of France.) Incidentally, I took a quick poll of several people in the vicinity and none of them knew who John Paul Jones was.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Gene Genie #25

The 25th edition of Gene Genie has been posted at Gene Sherpas [Gene Genie is Back at The Sherpa!].
There are many posts that were submitted. I have to say, we are doing a good job of covering these genes, but probably won't get through them all. I am excited about a ton of this content. But when we move through genetic discovery, talk always falls back to personalized medicine.
The beautiful logo was created by Ricardo at My Biotech Life.

The purpose of this carnival is to highlight the genetics of one particular species, Homo sapiens.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

How Matt Nisbet Conned AAAS

Some of you might recall an earlier posting where I criticize Matt Nisbet for the way he organized a panel at the AAAS meeting without allowing anyone to give the other side of the issue [AAAS Panel: Communicating Science in a Religious America].I sent an email message to Professor Goldston, the panel moderator. Here's part of what I said.
I don't object to Nisbet presenting his point of view at a AAAS meeting but my respect for AAAS and your panel would be greatly diminished if the other side did not get a chance to make its case. Surely you do not want to give the impression that AAAS will only support scientists who agree with Nisbet? Surely you do not want to have a panel where the so-called "New Atheist" perspective is excluded and only religious scientists, or their close allies, are allowed to speak? Is that fair?

Please make sure that you have appropriate balance on your panel. Please make sure you don't give the impression that AAAS endorses Nisbet and his ideas about framing. The other side needs to be heard.
Mike Dunford has followed up with a posting from several days ago [Yeah, could have seen that one coming].

It's about time we realized that Matt Nisbet is not a friend of science. He needs to be strongly opposed before he succeeds in fooling any more naive scientists who might fall for his silly nonsense.

This "framing" thing has gone too far.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Nobel Laureate: André Lwoff


The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1965.
"for their discoveries concerning genetic control of enzyme and virus synthesis"

André Lwoff (1902 - 1994) received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on gene expression in bacteriophage λ. He shared the prize with François Jacob and Jacques Monod. The three men worked together at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, France, at a time when it was one of the leading centers of research in this field.

Jacob and Monod were recognize for their pioneering work on The lac Operon. Lwoff worked on the regulation of gene expression in λ. He was responsible for discovering that bacteriophage λ could enter a dormant (lysogenic) state by integrating into the E. coli genome and repressing transcription of all the genes required in the lytic stage of development.


Nobel Laureates
The presentation speech was given by Professor Sven Gard, member of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine of the Royal Caroline Institute.
Your Majesties, Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen.

The 1965 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is shared by Professors Jacob, Lwoff and Monod for «discoveries concerning the genetic regulation of enzyme and virus synthesis».

This particular sphere of research is by no means easy. I heard one of the prize winners, Professor Jacob, forewarn an audience of specialists more or less as follows: «In describing genetic mechanisms, there is a choice between being inexact and incomprehensible». In making this presentation, I shall try to be as inexact as conscience permits.

It has become progressively more apparent that the answer to what has hitherto been romantically termed the secret of life must be sought in the mechanism of action and in the structure of the hereditary material, the genes. This central field of research has naturally been approached from the periphery and in stages. Only in recent years has it been possible to make a serious attack on these fundamental problems.

Several previous Nobel Prize holders: Beadle, Tatum, Crick, Watson, Wilkins, Kornberg and Ochoa have worked in this sphere of research and have formulated certain basic proposals which have enabled the French scholars to continue their efforts. It has been established that one of the principal functions of genes must be to determine the nature and number of enzymes within the cell, the chemical apparatus which controls all the reactions by which the cellular material is formed and the energy necessary for various life processes is released. There is thus a particular gene for each specific enzyme.

In addition, some light has been thrown on the chemical structure of genes. In principle, they have the form of a long double chain consisting of four different components, which can be designated by the letters a, c, g, and t, and with the property of forming pairs with each other. An «a» in one of the chains has to be matched by a «t» in the other, a «g» only by a «c». However, they can be linked along the length of the chain in any order whatsoever, so that the number of possible combinations is virtually unlimited. A chain of genes contains from several hundreds to many thousands of units; such structures can easily carry the specific patterns for the million or more genes which it is estimated that a cell may have.

This model of the genes represents a coded message containing two types of information. If the double chain of a gene is split lengthwise and each half acquires a new partner, then the final result is two double chains identical to the original gene. The model thus contains information relative to the actual structure of the gene, which permits multiplication, in its turn a condition of heredity. When a cell divides, each daughter cell receives an exact copy of the parent gene. The structure of the double chain ensures the stability and permanence required by hereditary material.

But the model can also be read in another way. Along the length of the chain, the letters are grouped in threes in coded words. An alphabet of four letters allows the formation of more than 30 different words and the sequence in the gene of such words provides the structural information for an enzyme or some other protein. Proteins are also chain molecules built up from twenty or so different types of building blocks. To each of these building blocks there corresponds a chemical code word of three letters. The gene thus contains information on the number, nature, and order of the building blocks in a particular protein.

Thus it was already clear that the hereditary blueprint contained the collective structural information for all substances necessary for the functions of the living cell. It was not known how the genetic information was put into effect or transformed into chemical activity. As to the function of the genes, it was thought that they participated in a sort of procreative act when the new cell came into being, producing new substances necessary for the life of the cell, but subsequently lying dormant until the next cell division. It was presumed that the structure and formation of the chemical apparatus determined in this way defined all the regulatory mechanisms necessary for the cell's ability to adapt to changes in the environment and to respond in an adequate manner to stimuli of different types.

To begin with, the group of French workers were able to demonstrate how the structural information of the genes was used chemically. During a process resembling gene multiplication an exact copy of the genetic code is produced, termed a messenger. The latter is then incorporated into the chemical «workshop» of the cell and wound like magnetic tape onto a spool. For each word arriving on the spool, a constructional unit is attracted, which carries a complement to this word and attaches itself there just like a piece of jigsaw puzzle. The building blocks of a protein are selected in this way one by one, aligned, and joined together to form a protein with the appropriate structure.

The messenger substance is, however, short-lived. The tape lasts only for a few recordings. The enzymes are also used up in a similar way. For the cell to maintain its activity, it is thus necessary to have an uninterrupted production of the messenger material, that is to say continuous activity of the corresponding gene.

However, cells can adapt themselves to different external conditions. Thus there must exist some mechanisms controlling the activity of the genes. The research into the nature of these mechanisms is a remarkable achievement which has opened the way for the possible explanation of a series of hitherto mysterious biological phenomena. The discovery of a previously unknown class, the operator genes, which control the structural genes, marks a major breakthrough.

There are two types of operator genes. One type releases chemical signals, which are perceived by a second, receptor, type. The latter controls in its turn one or more structural genes. As long as the signals are being received the receptor remains blocked and the structural genes are inactive. Certain substances coming from outside or formed within the cell can, however, influence the chemical signals in a specific manner, changing their character so that they can no longer influence the receptor. The latter is unblocked and activates the structural genes; messenger material is produced and the synthesis of enzymes or another protein commences.

Control of gene activity is thus of a negative nature; the structural genes are only active if the repressor signals do not arrive. One can speak here of chemical control circuits similar in many ways to electrical circuits, for example in a television set. In the same way, they can be interconnected or arranged in a series to form complicated systems.

With the aid of such control circuits, the free living monocellular organism can produce enzymes when required, or interrupt chemical reactions if they are likely to cause damage; an excitatory stimulus can provoke movement, flight or attack, depending on the nature of the excitation. With such mechanisms it is possible to direct the development of cells into more complicated structures. It is particularly interesting to note that the activity of viruses is controlled, in principle, in the same manner.

Bacteriophages contain a genetic control circuit complete with emitter, receptor, and structural genes. While chemical signals are being sent and received, the virus remains inactive. When incorporated into a cell, it behaves like a normal component of the cell, and can confer on it new properties which may improve its chances of survival in the struggle for existence. However, if the signals are interrupted, the virus is activated, starts to grow rapidly and soon kills the host cell. There is considerable evidence for the view that certain types of tumor virus are incorporated into a normal cell in the same way, thus transforming it into a tumour cell.

We are easily inclined to hold an exaggerated opinion of ourselves in this era of advanced technology. Thus, we are justified in having a great admiration for the achievements in electronics, where, for example, the attempts at miniaturization to reduce component size, to lower the weight, and reduce the volume of apparatus have enabled a rapid development of space science. However, we should bear in mind that, millions of years ago, nature perfected systems far surpassing all that the inventive genius of man has been able to conceive hitherto. A single living cell, measuring several thousandths of a millimetre, contains hundreds of thousands of chemical control circuits, exactly harmonized and functioning infallibly. It is hardly possible to improve on miniaturization further; we are dealing here with a level where the components are single molecules. The group of French workers has opened up a field of research which in the truest sense of the word can be described as molecular biology.

Lwoff represents microbiology, Monod biochemistry, and Jacob cellular genetics. Their decisive discovery would not have been possible without competence and technical knowledge in all these fields, nor without intimate cooperation between the three researchers. But the mystery of life is not resolved simply with knowledge and technical skill. One must also have a gift for observation, a logical intellect, a faculty for the synthesis of ideas, a degree of imagination, and scientific intuition, qualities with which the three workers are liberally endowed.

Research in this field has not yet yielded results that can be used in practice. However, the discoveries have given a strong impetus to research in all domains of biology with far-reaching effects spreading out like ripples in the water. Now that we know the nature of such mechanisms, we have the possibility of learning to master them, with all the consequences which that will surely entail for practical medicine.

François Jacob, André Lwoff, Jacques Monod. Thanks to your technically unimpeachable experiments and your ingenious and logical deductions, you have gained a more intimate familiarity with the nature of vital functions than anyone before you has done. Action, coordination, adaptation, variation - these are the most striking manifestations of living matter. By placing more emphasis on dynamic activity and mechanisms than on structure, you have laid the foundations for the science of molecular biology in the true sense of the term. In the name of the Caroline Institute, I ask you to accept our admiration and our most sincere congratulations. Finally, I invite you to come down from the platform to receive the prize from His Majesty the King.

A Canadian in Paris

This is where I'll be for the next few weeks. I know, it's really tough being a biochemist, but somebody has to do it.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Goodbye Timmy's


Thank God, there's a Tim Hortons at the airport.

Extra large coffee and a honey cruller. Hmmmmm....

I won't be seeing any Timmy's for a very long time.

I wonder if they have bake goods and beverages where I'm going?

Transcription Factors Bind Thousands of Active and Inactive Regions in the Drosophila Blastoderm

A newly published paper in PLoS Biology (Li et al 2008) finds that many transcription factors are non-specifiaccly bound to DNA and they may not be involved in regulating gene expression at most binding sites. For an explanation of why this shold not be a surprise see Repression of the lac Operon.

Here's the Author Summary of the paper.
One of the largest classes of regulatory proteins in animals, sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factors determine in which cells genes will be expressed and so control the development of an animal from a single cell to a morphologically complex adult. Understanding how this process is coordinated depends on knowing the number and types of genes that each transcription factor binds and regulates. Using immunoprecipitation of in vivo crosslinked chromatin coupled with DNA microarray hybridization (ChIP/chip), we have determined the genomic binding sites in early embryos of six transcription factors that play a crucial role in early development of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. We find that these proteins bind to several thousand genomic regions that lie close to approximately half the protein coding genes. Although this is a much larger number of genes than these factors are generally thought to regulate, we go on to show that whereas the more highly bound genes generally look to be functional targets, many of the genes bound at lower levels do not appear to be regulated by these factors. Our conclusions differ from those of other groups who have not distinguished between different levels of DNA binding in vivo using similar assays and who have generally assumed that all detected binding is functional.

Li et al. (2008) Transcription Factors Bind Thousands of Active and Inactive Regions in the Drosophila Blastoderm. [PLoS Biology]

Goodbye Toronto

It's too damn cold and there's way too much snow in Toronto. I'm getting out of town for a bit. Blogging may be intermittent, especially if I'm having fun.

This photograph was taken yesterday (Feb. 11, 2008) just outside my building. That's the Ontario Legislature.

Happy Birthday Charles Darwin

Charles Robert Darwin was born on this day in 1809. Darwin was the greatest scientist who ever lived.

In honor of his birthday, and given that this is a year of politics in America, I thought it would be fun to post something about Darwin's interactions with politicians. The historical account is from Janet Browne's excellent biography (Brown 2002).

William Gladstone (photo below) was an orthodox Christian. He was not a fan of evolution. In March 1877 Gladstone was leader of the Liberal party and a former Prime Minister of the most powerful country in the world. He was spending the weekend with John Lunnock—a well-known liberal—and a few other friends, including Thomas Huxley.

They decided to walk over to Darwin's House in Downe. This was 18 years after the publication of Origins and Darwin was a famous guy. The guests were cordially received by Darwin and his wife Emma. Darwin and Emma were life-long liberals and they were honored by Gladstone's visit. A few days later, Darwin wrote a note to his friend saying,

Our quiet, however, was broken a couple of days ago by Gladstone calling here.—I never saw him before & was much pleased with him: I expected a stern, overwhelming sort of man, but found him as soft & smooth as butter, & very pleasant. He asked me whether I thought that the United States would hereafter play a much greater part in the history of the world than Europe. I said that I thought it would, but why he asked me, I cannot conceive & I said that he ought to be able to form a far better opinion,—but what that was he did not at all let out.
A few years later Gladstone sent Darwin one of his essays on Homer. Darwin gratefully acknowledged the gesture.

In 1881, when Gladstone was Prime Minister again, Darwin and some of his friends petitioned Gladstone to award a pension to Alfred Russel Wallace, who was in dire financial straits at the time. Gladstone granted the request. Two months later Gladstone offered Darwin a position as trustee of the British Museum but Darwin declined. (Remember, Gladstone did not agree with Darwin about evolution, or religion.)

When Darwin died, Gladstone was instrumental in arranging for him to be buried in Westminster Abbey. The funeral was held on April 26, 1882. William Gladstone was too busy to attend. He went to a dinner at Windsor.

Brown, J. (2002) Charles Darwin: The Power of Place (Vol. II). Alfred A. Knopf, New York (USA)

Repression of the lac Operon

There are many lesson to be learned from understanding the regulation of transcription of a well-studied system like the E. coli lac operon. Some of those lessons have consequences when we think about the problems of having large eukaryotic genomes. Read the description below and the implications that follow.

From Horton et al. (2006) p. 666

lac repressor binds simultaneously to two sites near the promoter of the lac operon. Repressor-binding sites are called operators. One operator (O1) is adjacent to the promoter, and the other (O2) is within the coding region of lacZ. When bound to both operators, the repressor causes the DNA to form a stable loop that can be seen in electron micrographs of the complex formed between lac repressor and DNA (bottom figure). The interaction of lac repressor with the operator sequences may block transcription by preventing the binding of RNA polymerase to the lac promoter. However, it is now known that, in some cases, both lac repressor and RNA polymerase can bind to the promoter at the same time. Thus, the repressor may also block transcription initiation by preventing formation of the open complex and promoter clearance. A schematic diagram of lac repressor bound to DNA in the presence of RNA polymerase is shown in the figure on the right. [See Monday's Molecule #61 for another view.] The diagram illustrates the relationship between the operators and the promoter and the DNA loop that forms when the repressor binds to DNA.

The repressor locates an operator by binding nonspecifically to DNA and searching in one dimension. (Recall from Section 21.3C that RNA polymerase also uses this kind of searching mechanism.) The equilibrium association constant for the binding of lac repressor to O1 in vitro is very high. As a result, the repressor blocks transcription very effectively. (lac repressor binds to the O2 site with lower affinity.) A bacterial cell contains only about 10 molecules of lac repressor, but the repressor searches for and finds an operator so rapidly that when a repressor dissociates spontaneously from the operator, another occupies the site within a very short time. However, during this brief interval, one transcript of the operon can be made since RNA polymerase is poised at the promoter. This low level of transcription, called escape synthesis, ensures that small amounts of lactose permease and β-galactosidase are present in the cell.

In the absence of lactose, lac repressor blocks expression of the lac operon, but when β-galactosides are available as potential carbon sources, the genes are transcribed. Several β-galactosides can act as inducers. If lactose is the available carbon source, the inducer is allolactose, which is produced from lactose by the action of β-galactosidse (Figure 21.18). Allolactose binds tightly to lac repressor and causes a conformational change that reduces the affinity of the repressor for the operators. [see Regulation of Transcription] In the presence of the inducer, lac repressor dissociates from the DNA, allowing RNA polymerase to initiate transcription. (Note that because of escape synthesis, lactose can be taken up and converted to allolactose even when the genes are repressed.)

Electron micrographs of DNA loops. These loops were formed by mixing lac repressor with a fragment of DNA bearing two synthetic lac repressor–binding sites. One binding site is located at one end of the DNA fragment, and the other is 535 bp away. DNA loops 535 bp in length form when the tetrameric repressor binds simultaneously to the two sites.
The strength of binding between a protein and a ligand is measured by an equilibrium binding constant (KB). In the case of lac repressor binding to its specific strong binding site (O1) KB = 1013 M-1. This is very high, in fact it is one of the tightest DNA bindings known in biology. What this means is that lac repressor will sit on the operon and repress transcription for at least 20 minutes under normal conditions.

However, the repressor will eventually fall off (dissociation rate constant k-1 = 6 × 10-4 s-1) and, as described above, the operon will be transcribed once (escape synthesis). A new repressor molecule finds the operator sequences very quickly because lac repressor binds non-specifically to DNA (KB = 4 × 104) and slides along the DNA searching for the operator in a process called one dimensional diffusion (association rate constant k1 = 1010 M-1 s-1). Even though the lac repressor only remains bound non-specifically for a few seconds, it is able to search about 2000 bp looking for a specific binding site.

Given the huge difference between the specific and non-specific binding constants, the cell only needs about ten molecules of lac repressor to ensure that the operator sequences are bound almost all of the time. At any given time nine of these molecules will be bound to random pieces of DNA in the genome and the other one will be bound to the lac operon.

Similar repressors and activators work in eukaryotic cells to regulate transcription. But in eukayotic cells we have a much bigger problem. First, there are very few regulatory proteins that have as strong a specific binding constant as lac repressor. Second, there is much more DNA in a eukaryotic cell. The consequences of having a large genome are: (a) it takes these DNA binding proteins much longer to find their specific binding site, and (b) at any one time, many more of the regulatory proteins are soaked up in non-specific binding to DNA. In eukaryotic cells with an abundance of junk DNA a typical regulatory protein has to be present at about 20,000 copies per cell in order to have a decent chance of biding to its specific regulatory site for a significant length of time. (Recall that only ten molecules of lac repressor are needed in E. coli.)

Given the properties of DNA binding that we have discovered and characterized in bacteria and bacteriophage, we can calculate that escape synthesis in eukaryotic cells in likely to be much more of a problem than in bacterial cells. Furthermore, accidental transcription of random bits of DNA is almost certainly going to be common in a cell with a large bloated genome. This is because RNA polymerase also binds non-specifically to DNA and also because the larger the genome, the more likely you are to encounter promoter and regulatory sequences that just by chance happen to be close matches to real functional sequences. This is a very important concept and one that is not widely appreciated. Based on our knowledge of basic biochemistry we expect that there will be random, infrequent transcription of a large percentage of the genome. These transcripts are merely a consequence of the properties of DNA binding proteins and they have no biological significance.

Some of these problems in eukaryotes are mitigated by a separate level of regulation at the level of chromatin structure. Large regions of the chromosome can be masked from DNA binding proteins by formation of a tight heterochromatic complex of nucleosomes and DNA. Less compact complexes are formed in non-active regions of the genome where the DNA is less accessible but not invisible. When genes in a region are transcribed, the chromatin opens out into an open complex where the DNA is easily accessible to regulatory proteins. This solves some of the problems discussed above but it is only a partial solution. We know for a fact that the concentrations of regulatorty proteins are high (20,000 copies) and a growing amount of evidence points to frequent accidental transcription.

©Laurence A. Moran and Pearson Prentice Hall

Horton, H.R., Moran, L.A., Scrimgeour, K.G., perry, M.D. and Rawn, J.D. (2006) Principles of Biochemisty. Pearson/Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River N.J. (USA)

The Lac Operon

The lac operon in E. coli consists of three genes1 (lacZ, lacY and lacA) transcribed from a single promoter. The lacZ gene encodes the enzyme β-galactosidase, an enzyme that cleaves β-galactosides. Lactose is a typical β-galactoside and the enzyme cleaves the disaccharide converting it to separate molecules of glucose and galactose. These monosacharides can enter into the metabolic pool of the cell where they can serve as the sole source of carbon.

Thus, when the lac operon is active and β-galactosidase is present, E. coli can grow on lactose as its only source of carbon. Outside of the laboratory, E. coli rarely encountered lactose (until recently) but there are many plant β-galactosides that are substrates for the enzyme.

LacY encodes a famous transporter called lactose permease. It is responsible for importing βgalactosides. The lacA gene encodes a transacetylase that is responsible for detoxifying the cell when it takes up poisonous β-galactosides.

Transcription begins at the Plac promoter and ends at a terminator at the 3′ end of the operon. Each of the three reading frames is translated separately from the polycistronic mRNA.

Upstream of the lac operon is the lacI gene. It encodes the lac repressor, one of the proteins that controls expression of the lac operon. The lacI gene is transcribed from its own promoter and it has its own terminator. (It is not necessary for the lacI gene to be linked to the operon.)

Expression of β-galactosidase, lac permease, and the transacetylase is regulated at the level of transcription. RNA polymerase binds to the lac promoter but this is a weak σ70 promoter.2. The promoter sequence is a poor match to the consensus sequence for these types of promoters so the operon is transcribed infrequently in the absence of additional activators. Transcription of the operon is activated by cAMP regulatory (or receptor) protein (CRP).3

In the absence of any β-galactoside, the operon is not transcribed and no enzyme is synthesized. Transcription is prevented by lac repressor, which binds to two operator sequences called O1 and O2. When β-galactosides are present repression is relived and the operon is transcribed at a low level in order to take advantage of the carbon source. When there is no other carbon source available, the operon is activated by CRP and the rate of transcription—and enzyme production—increases considerably.

1. This is one of the exceptions to the standard definition of a gene [What Is a Gene?]. In this case we are using the word "gene" to mean the coding region for a particular protein.

2. There are many different promoters in the E. coli genome. They are recognized by various RNA polymerase complexes containing different bound activators. One set of common activators is called σ factors: σ70 is the most common σ factor. Most genes have a σ70 promoter.

3. CRP is also known as catabolite activator protein (CAP).

Monday, February 11, 2008

More Billboards in Chambersburg PA

Read all about it at Battle of the Chambersburg billboards.

Monday's Molecule #62

Today's molecule is a cartoon depicting the action of several molecules. Your task is to identify all the molecules in the diagram and explain what's going on. Even if you're not interested in a free lunch, I'd appreciate hearing from you. I'd like to know how many of you understand the diagram. In fact, I'll put a poll in the sidebar to see how many recognize the process that's depicted here.

There's an indirect connection between this molecule and Wednesday's Nobel Laureate(s). Your task is to figure out the significance of today's diagram and identify the Nobel Laureate(s) who is associated with discovering the underlying process. (Be sure to check previous Laureates.)

The reward goes to the person who correctly identifies the molecule and the Nobel Laureate(s). Previous winners are ineligible for one month from the time they first collected the prize. There are three ineligible candidates for this week's reward. The prize is a free lunch at the Faculty Club.


Nobel Laureates
Send your guess to Sandwalk (sandwalk(at) and I'll pick the first email message that correctly identifies the molecules, the process, and the Nobel Laureate(s). Note that I'm not going to repeat Nobel Laureates so you might want to check the list of previous Sandwalk postings.

Correct responses will be posted tomorrow along with the time that the message was received on my server. I may select multiple winners if several people get it right.

Comments will be blocked for 24 hours.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Stu Kauffman in Toronto

I went to hear Stu Kauffman on Friday night [see Reinventing the Sacred].

Before the talk we had a little chat about blogging and some other topics. He wondered what the bloggers were saying about him and I told him that many don't understand what he's trying to say. I explained that I fell into that same category. I can't figure out what it is that he's trying to promote. He promised to try and explain in his talk.

It didn't work. I'm not much further ahead than I was before I heard him talk. Here's a brief summary of some things he said. I'm sorry if I can't put it all together into one big picture but I just can't.

The New Atheists: Kauffman thinks that Dawkins and his "New Atheist" friends are preaching to the converted. According to Kauffman, they will never convince the believers. Kauffman describes himself as a secular humanist and a non-believer. He thinks we should try to reach out to the religious community by adopting spiritual language. Hence the title of his talk. I don't really know what he means by this. He gave one example of having a reverence for some trees growing on a hill top near his house but I'm not sure if this is relevant. (See photograph, is that the hill top?)

I don't agree with his position on the so-called New Atheists and I don't agree with his proposal that it's the atheists who need to move towards the theists by adopting the sacred.

Reductionism: Kauffmann is very much opposed to reductionism. He spent some time describing how the laws of physics just don't work when you try and predict the structure of complex things. This does not mean they don't obey the laws of physics and chemistry, it means those laws aren't sufficient. This is because of emerging properties.

The discussion about reductionism and emergent properties is interesting but Kauffman makes it too complicated, for me, by going off on all kinds of tangents. In talking about it with him afterwards, he seems to be thinking that life is somehow special. It's different than the physical world. He takes pains to point out that he's not talking about vitalism but it sure sounds like that to me.

The other interesting thing about his anti-reductionism is that it doesn't apply in the same sense that Lewontin means when he talks about gene-centric biology. Before the lecture we were discussing the reason why human siblings don't mate and Kauffman was quite eager to offer an evolutionary psychology explanation. He suggested there was selection for an anti-incest gene in our ancestors to prevent inbreeding. That's the worst kind of reductionism but it's not the sort of reductionism that Kauffman disputes.

Determinism: Kauffman doesn't like determinism. He pointed out that quantum mechanics has ruled out the Laplace version of determinism. I don't think this is particularly controversial but I do think there are versions of determinism that don't require strict predictability. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. I don't think Kauffman was trying to make a case for free will and I don't think he was using his anti-determinism to argue against materialism, but I'm not sure.

Somehow these topics, and several others, were supposed to weave together to form a new way of looking at science. And a new way of reaching out to theists. That's the part I didn't get. A lot of what he was saying was true, but hardly profound. What was supposed to be profound didn't seem to be true.

Stu Kauffman took down the URL for Sandwalk and he promised to read my comments on his lectures. I hope he will respond in the comments. He seems like a pretty cool guy even if he's a bit baffling.

The dominant impression I have from talking to members of the audience—there were 65 people at the talk—is that people think he's saying something important but they just can't put their finger on what it is. At least I'm not the only one.