Strolling with a skeptical biochemist
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Yikes! Who the heck was in charge of production? The poor guy is lit to look like he's 5 weeks away from the funeral home.
Wow, the first two videos are beautiful.I wish RD would loosen up a little and smile more. I know he's battle-hardened and all, but he needs to do something like a joint-documentary with Jeff Corwin and have little fun on camera for once.
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Yikes! Who the heck was in charge of production? The poor guy is lit to look like he's 5 weeks away from the funeral home.
Wow, the first two videos are beautiful.
I wish RD would loosen up a little and smile more. I know he's battle-hardened and all, but he needs to do something like a joint-documentary with Jeff Corwin and have little fun on camera for once.
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