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Monday, April 09, 2007

Violent Video Games and Crime Victims

I love this graph. Thanks to Koen Crolla for posting it on Rosio Pavoris.


John S. Wilkins said...

You are missing important data - what about World of Warcraft? It alone has gotten millions of potential father rapers off the streets and out of society...

Torbjörn Larsson said...
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Torbjörn Larsson said...

First, I don't like misleading graphs - we have still ways to go before all potential criminals are tied up behind PC screens. (Yes, we can often compensate for the problems, but not always. We can also miss it. Think of it as suggesting the wrong frame, in the relaxed Nisbet/Mooney sense. ;-)

Second, I'm confused - why haven't politicians caught up with these facts? I want subsidized games now!

Unknown said...

That's great!

Anonymous said...

Of course, if you take a look at Freakonomics, the implication is more that this wave corresponds with the success of Roe vs Wade, i.e. more babies are wanted babies.

I must say, though, that I don't like graphs that sneakily have their bottom line above zero just to magnify the point.

The violent games = violence line that I've seen flying around (one of the few reasons Mrs. Clinton disturbs me for seemingly swallowing it whole) is utterly untrue for the unwashed gaming masses, which is of course the jab of the graph.

So, point well-taken, but not necessarily totally well-made :)

zanzir07 said...

video games are not the cause of violence in this country or in general. its stupid to even think that.