Name this molecule. You must be specific. We need the exact chemical name and the common name. The common name will be much more familiar to you. We'll discuss how this molecule works after you've been given a chance to identify it.
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I sent you an email about this. It looks like it's meant to be Viagra (sildenafil), but there is an extra carbon in the left hand most ring between the two nitrogens.
I could however, be wrong and it's something else. Enquiring minds want to know.
Hi Larry,
I sent you an email about this. It looks like it's meant to be Viagra (sildenafil), but there is an extra carbon in the left hand most ring between the two nitrogens.
I could however, be wrong and it's something else. Enquiring minds want to know.
Well that's my credibility pissed away! It's the RIGHT hand most ring, not the left hand most ring.
Thanks, Louis. I didn't notice the error. I've fixed it.
No worries. There's got to be some advantage for my working for Pfizer!
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