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Friday, May 21, 2010

Dear Royal Ontario Museum ...

Indicate in the comments whether you'd like to sign this letter as a supporter of the Committee for the Advancement of Scientific Skepticismat the Center for Inquiry (Canada). Include your name, title, and affiliation. Email me if you'd rather not post a comment. (My name is "l.moran" and my domain is "")

See Shame on the Royal Ontario Museum for more information about the event.
William Thorsell
Director, the Royal Ontario Museum
100 Queen's Park
Toronto, ON
M5S 2C6

Mr. Thorsell,

We at the Committee for the Advancement of Scientific Skepticism (CASS) at the Centre for Inquiry (Canada) and its supporters were dismayed  to learn that the Royal Ontario Museum will be sponsoring a talk by Deepak Chopra at the University of Toronto in connection with the Director's Signature Series: The Warrior Emperor and China's Terracotta Army.

While we fully support the concept of academic freedom, we are baffled by this invitation and wonder how it fits into the mandate of the museum to "serve as an advocate for science in the study of nature," as stated in your message on the ROM website.  Mr. Chopra's new age psycho-babble may be attractive to the general public, but by inviting him to speak at the ROM, you lend undeserved scientific credibility to his pseudo-scientific claims about quantum physics, psychology, chemistry and medicine. These claims are rightly rejected as absurd by the scientific community and by promoting them you tarnish the otherwise excellent scientific reputation of the Royal Ontario Museum.

CASS will be publishing the standard rebuttals of Deepak Chopra's fanciful quackery in order to help the public understand where he goes off the rails. Our hope is to turn this otherwise embarrassing event into a learning opportunity.  We are also contacting the sponsors of the event and the ROM's other private donors in order to voice our concern about Mr. Chopra's presentation. We would like the ROM to clarify how Mr. Chopra's visit fits into this lecture series, as it seems this is just another opportunity for him to promote his new book.  

We look forward to hearing from you.


The Committee for the Advancement of Scientific Skepticism (CASS) at the Centre for Inquiry Canada


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Unknown said...

Larry, I'll sign that.

Gabriel A. Devenyi B.Eng.
Ph.D. Student - Engineering Physics
McMaster University

waldteufel said...

Excellent letter, well written and succinct.

PZ Myers said...

Count me in.

PZ Myers
Associate Professor, Division of Science and Math
University of Minnesota Morris

Anonymous said...

As a Torontonian, I find this deeply embarrasing. Please cancel the quack show.

Janice in Toronto

Anonymous said...

I'll Sign that, too.

Darren S. A. George, PhD
Instructor, Math/Science
North Island College
Campbell River, B.C.

Larry Flowers said...

Add my name if you wish:

Larry Flowers

Anonymous said...

I'd sign.

Joel Green
lowly Toronto resident

Unknown said...

I would be more than willing to be included on this.

Travis D. Stewart, BSc, BCS
MCS Student - Computer Science (Bioinformatics)
Carleton University

Anonymous said...

Michelle Noël, MA (University of Toronto)
resident of Ontario

Eric Pedersen said...

I'll definitely sign this:

Eric J. Pedersen
Ph.D. student - Biology
McGill University

Unknown said...

I'll get behind this.

Benjamin Wilson
M.A. Student - Physical Anthropology
Northern Illinois University

wisecracker said...

Andrew Connor
Toronto, ON

Leave my colobus monkeys alone Deepak!

Anonymous said...


I have no title but I will sign it.

Susan Benfold
Bolton, Ontario

InfraredEyes said...

Great letter, sign me up.

Mary Thomson
Director of Applications Development
Remspec Corporation

Maxine said...

Sign me up.

Maxine Levine
Toronto, ON

Anonymous said...

Put me down as well.

Kevin Bailey
Chemical Engineering Student
University of Waterloo

Anonymous said...

I am a lifelong Toronto resident who has always loved the ROM. The decision to host this event is baffling and disappointing, to say the least.

Alyssa H.

Brownian said...

Add me too.

Anthony Karosas, BA, BSc
Alberta Health Services
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Anonymous said...

Add my name.

Nigel Gomm
Paris, Ontario

T. Toulouse said...

Trent Toulouse
Ph.D. Student Psychology
McMaster University

Anonymous said...

Add my signature.

A. Nowaczek
Haileybury ON

Anonymous said...

Me too!

Marcus Hill, PhD
Senior Lecturer in Mathematics Education
Liverpool John Moores University

Brian Brauchler said...

Yes please, add me. Deepak's statements about anything "quantum" are frequently contradicted by my basic coursework in physical chemistry, instrumental analysis, etc. It's as if he never touched a single chemistry textbook.

Brian Brauchler
Senior Chemistry undergraduate
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH

Anonymous said...

Sign my name as well.

Randy Tyson
Research Council Officer
National Research Council of Canada

Chris L, Vancouver said...

"Me too"

Deepak Chopra is fine for a museum of hoaxes, but not a museum of REALITY.

Clifford said...

Sign me up. Clifford William Beninger , Ph.D. Biology (Chemical Ecology), currently acting as independent consultant.

Lyle Sanders said...

I'll sign the letter also.

Lyle D. Sanders
Virginia Beach, VA, USA

Anonymous said...


Trevor Hill
Parry Sound, Ontario.

Unknown said...

I'll sign it too

Joel Hart
University of Calgary dropout
All around good guy

pixelbuffer said...


Eric Verspoor
Skeptic & Canadian embarrassed by this mess with The venerable ROM and woo-meister Deepak Chopra.

Please cancel the show.

Matthew Dawydchak said...

I love the ROM, but I don't love this.

Matthew Dawydchak
resident of Toronto

Jeff Satterley said...

Jeff Satterley
PhD Student
Northeastern University
Boston, MA, USA

Anonymous said...

Oh, I totally support this.

Rebecca Miller
Ph.D. Student - Genetics
University of Georgia

PdP said...

I'm in. Spent a lot of time in Toronto, great city and the museum needs to sort itself out.

Andy, Manchester

PeterKarim said...


PK Jeaiem

Anonymous said...

Er, the letter. Not Chopra.

Rebecca Miller
Ph.D. Student - Genetics
University of Georgia

Amy Brown said...

I would like to add my name to this letter:

Amy Brown
ROM Member

Ben Haller said...

Ben Haller
Ph.D. student, Evolutionary Biology
McGill University

Ian W. Hill said...

If non-scientists can sign on, please include me:

Ian W. Hill
artist, supporter of CASS
Brooklyn, NY USA

Not The Blogfather said...

Ryan Whitmarsh
Microbiology PhD student
University of Pennsylvania

larry m said...

This we don't need

Jolo said...

I'll sign this

John Burt
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Mike Spear said...

Signed, sealed, and delivered
-Michael Spear

Brent the Closet Geek said...

I'm also titleless but this is serious b.s.

Brent Morris
Toronto, ON

Anonymous said...

Me too, Larry.

Peter Moulton
Phoenix, Arizona

Anonymous said...

Love you ROM, but what was the rationale behind supporting this nut?

Matthew Orr
Mathematical Physics Student
University of Waterloo

Anonymous said...

I'll sign as well

Sarah Guermond
Biology student
University of Texas at Austin

The Doc said...

Sign me up:
Dr Martin Lee
Post-doctoral Researcher - Chronic Diseases
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute/University of Ottawa

Roberto Valenzuela said...

Hell, I'll sign too.

Roberto A. Valenzuela, J.D.
2010 Vernon L. Smith Fellow of Law and Economics, Chapman University

Anonymous said...

Flavio Antenucci
Application Developer
Toronto, Ontario

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this, Dr Moran and CASS. While a museum may reasonably present topics of both scientific and socio-cultural interest, Deepak Chopra's pseudoscience and anti-science belong in neither category. Except perhaps in a forum - including REAL scientists - to show how easily the ignorant and gullible are deluded.

Dr. Sowmya Dakshinamurti (MD)
Winnipeg, MB

Unknown said...

me too

Grant Wickman B.Sc, M.Sc (UofA)
Ph.D Student - Medicine
University of Glasgow

Jon Dursi said...

Dr. L. Jonathan Dursi
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics
University of Toronto

Unknown said...

I'll get on board--- I can't stand quantum woo being validated like that.

Christopher Granade
Masters Student in Theoretical Physics, Perimeter Scholars International
University of Waterloo

Michiel Duvekot said...

I support the Committee for the Advancement of Scientific Skepticism.

Michiel Duvekot

Anonymous said...

Michael Kubillus

I'm definitly with you.

S.C. Kavassalis said...

S.C. Kavassalis
University of Toronto, Department of Physics

Captain Coconut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Captain Coconut said...

Damn right I will.

Mike Eheler
Los Angeles, CA

Anonymous said...

C. Ryan Shannon
Tulsa, OK

Colin Jagoe said...


Colin Jagoe
Instructional Leadership Consultant - Science and Technology
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board

Anonymous said...

Francisco Rabang, IV
triOS College
Toronto, Ontario

ricardos said...

Count me in.

Ricardo A.Saenz
Research Professor
Facultad de Ciencias - University of Colima

Doug Crews said...

Douglas Crews
B.S., UC San Diego

Anonymous said...

You have my support.

Earl Lyon
New Brunswick

dinogami said...

I'll sign!

Jerry D. Harris
Associate Professor/Director of Paleontology
Physical Sciences Department
Dixie State College of Utah

Rosie Redfield said...

Rosemary J. Redfield
Professor, Dept. of Zoology
University of British Columbia

bbarratt said...

I agree with the above comments!

Bob Barratt, RN BSN, MSc
Nurse Anesthetist
Stillwater, MN

Scott Shannon said...

I`ll certainly sign.

Scott Shannon
BSc(Eng) Engineering Physics - Queen`s University

John Scanlon FCD said...

Count me in:

John Scanlon
Riversleigh Fossil Centre
Mount Isa QLD Australia

Vaibhav said...

Hope ROM learns something from this.
Vaibhav Prakash, PhD student-Theoretical Physics,Massey University,New Zealand.

Andrew Nelson said...

Me too.
Andrew Nelson

Jason said...

Chopra's continual and demonstrably false statements about....well just about everything...are an embarrassment and he should not be offered a platform by real scientists.

I'm not a scientist (though I'll be going back to school for my physics degree soon) so I'm not sure how much weight my name will add (or if my name will be added at all). But count me in:
Jason DeLaat
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Chris JSF said...

Here's a rare case for you: an artist against psuedoscience.

Chris Felling
Victoria, British Columbia

Nelson M. said...

I'm happy to sign this.

Nelson Milum,
Calgary, Alberta

Trevor Wilkes said...

Count me in

Trevor Wilkes
Hamilton, Ontario family man

Jill said...

I'm in...

Jill Mitchell Nielsen
MA Student - Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies in International Relations
University of British Columbia - Okanagan, Kelowna BC

Ashley F. Miller said...

Ashley F. Miller, MFA
Los Angeles, CA

Anonymous said...

And me.

Paul Wilson, Ph.D
Computer Scientist
Austin, Texas USA

Anonymous said...

I'd like to sign this too.

Yameen Huq
Undergrad- Chem Engineering

Anonymous said...

I'll happily add my name to this growing list.

Sean Sunley
University of Regina

Etienne Mallette said...

Not a scientist either, but I love me some rational thinking.

Etienne Mallette
Literature teacher at Maisonneuve College
Mirabel, Quebec

Matthew Miller said...

Oy...can't believe this actually might happen. Deepak Chopra? Please. I'm in.

Matthew Miller
Grand Rapids, MI

AtomikBomb said...

I am ashamed that such a charlatan is given such a big platform. As a high school teacher, I teach my kids to think and use their judgment everyday. Hopefully, the ROM reconsiders.

Sophie St-Pierre, Montreal,
Westmount High School,
English Montreal School Board

Anonymous said...

I'll sign.....

Michael J.A. Hamilton BSc, BEd, MD
Newmarket ON

Steve said...

Count me in

Steve Fines, MD
St. Cloud, MN

Anonymous said...

Count me in!
Miranda Gavrin, Indiana

Bruefox7 said...

I would like my name on this as well.

David Brue Brown
Disputanta, Virginia, USA

Rob said...

I'll sign that.

Robert Morrison
Edmonton, Alberta

Dean Buchanan said...

I will sign that.
Dean Buchanan

Cameron said...

Count me in.

Cameron Peters, MLSc
Science Instructor/Science Department Chair
Poulsbo, WA

Robert DeCaire said...

I will sign this.

Robert DeCaire
M.Sc. student - Biology
University of Western Ontario

Unknown said...

Please cancel this quack-show - something the ROM should not be seen to be endorsing.

Luke Tunmer
Director of Engineering
Cambridge, UK.

(but a Canadian citizen).

Anonymous said...

I'll sign in on that one!

Andre Lessard,
University of Ottawa Student: Anthropology and Sociology

Andrew said...


Andrew H. Tripp
Soon-To-Be Honours Student at the University of Toronto

Elexina said...

Count me in, too.

Lauren Adasiak Cocilova
science-enthusiast and inhabitant of the reality-based community
Rochester NY USA

Anonymous said...

Please add me.

Emanuele Oriano, B.A., C.Tran.
Toronto, ON

Saxicola rubetra said...

Please include my signature.

Sowmya N Rao
MS Student - Electrical Engineering
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA, USA

James said...

I'm in.

James Croy
Victoria, BC

icromwell said...

I will absolutely sign

Ian Cromwell, MSc
BC Cancer Agency
Vancouver, BC

Anonymous said...

John M Holt
Principal Research Scientist
Haystack Observatory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

E cubed said...

I'll sign that.

E.E. Ehrhardt
Senior Biochemistry undergraduate
Bowdoin College
Brunswick, Maine, USA

James Hartman said...

Count me in too.

Dr. James Hartman
University of Texas

Anonymous said...

Count me in

Bill Dileva
Scambusting! (on Facebook)
Windsor Ontario

Anonymous said...

I'll sign that,
Mr Chopra and his quackery do not
belong in the ROM.
On the sidewalk outside with a hat, maybe.

Ian M Lommerse.
4th spruce tree over.
Yukon Terr.

Anonymous said...

Please add my signature:

Steven R. Fulton
Trenton, ON

Anonymous said...

Excellent letter. Please include my signature.

Shari M. Jackson, MD
Seattle, WA

Anonymous said...

Please add my signature to this list.

Michael Morgan
Director`s Circle Member of the Royal Ontario Museum

Besserwisser said...

I'll sign that.

Kyle Falcon
MA. Student - History
Wilfrid Laurier University

Anonymous said...

Me too.

Robert Allison
Professor, Computer Studies
Algonquin College

Joy K. said...

Happy to sign

Joy Kidd
Science Teacher
McKinney, Texas

Anonymous said...

It is important to let the museum know this guy is a fraud.
Sign me up

johnfruh said...

I canceled my membership to the ROM because of this.

John Fruhwirth
B. Math ( Univ. of Waterloo)

AJ Milne said...

Likewise; count me in:

AJ Milne

(Adding: the ROM is extremely unwise to lend unto that loon any credibility. The only legit way I could picture Chopra turning up in anything a responsible institution of that stripe might present would be as exhibit 'A' in a lecture on the popularity of quackery and pseudoscience, and how to spot the same.)

kirsten said...

I support this letter.

Kirsten MacKenzie, M.Sc., R.P.Bio.

Anonymous said...

Put down my signature.

Hugh McBratney, M.Eng.
Toronto, Ontario.

Anonymous said...

Happily adding my name to the list.

Darren Olenick
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Anonymous said...

Megan Igo
Professor of Biology
Merced College

Unknown said...

Happy to sign.

Daryl LeBlanc
Senior Biology Teacher
Halton District School Board

Anonymous said...

I'll sign

Alix L. Reid, B.A. (honours), LL.B.
Duncan, B.C.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand Chopra. He is a disgrace to the medical profession. I'll be happy to sign.

John A. Yarzagaray M.D.
Chicago, IL

Olds College said...

As a Canadian, I find this deeply distressing. Chopra's quantum quackery has nothing to do with science. I'll sign the letter.

Stephen Ross
Red Deer, AB

Anonymous said...

Louise Tardif
Calgary, Alberta

Anonymous said...

I'll sign! I'm looking forward to bringing my Finnish friend to the ROM this summer - but I won't give them my money or support if they intend to pass it on to that guy.

Jennifer Mulligan
B.Sc in biology from UWO
London, Ontario

Jim said...

Count me, too.

Jim Last
Sacramento, CA

anthroholmes said...

I'm in.

Andrew C. Holmes
St. John's, Newfoundland

Unknown said...

You can count me in too.

Paul McGrath
PhD student (Physics)
University of Waterloo

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'll certainly sign it.

Christopher L. Ogilvie, B.A. (Hons)
Juris Doctor Student
University of Toronto

Anonymous said...

Nathan Mellema, J.D.
Sioux Falls, SD

Anonymous said...

Scott Johnson
Science student and teacher
Langley, BC, Canada

themakeshiftmonkey said...

Count me in too.

Jonathan Ridley
Newcastle, Uk
BA Phiolosophy dropout!

Unknown said...

Sign my name on this, too.

Peter Cook
Illustrator, science cartoonist
Toronto ON

Anonymous said...


Gregory Bieniek
Chicago, IL

ErikD said...

Add my name too:

Erik Davis

Anonymous said...

I'd like to sign.

Dr. James Wallis
Institute of Biological Chemistry
Washington State University

Unknown said...

I will certainly add my name to this.

Garry J. VanGelderen
Retired Engineer
Penetanguishene, ON

Anonymous said...


Donald Atkin
MSc student (Psychology)
U. of Alberta

Heathen Mike said...

My name as well, please.

Michael McCarron
B.A., RMT, B.Cool.
Whitby, Ontario.

Michael Heath said...

I'll sign

Michael Heath
Science student, supporter, & opponent of woo
Gaylord, Michigan U.S.A.

Unknown said...

I'm tempted to buy a ROM membership just to return it in disgust. Sign me up

Andrew Davidson
Toronto, ON

Don Cates said...

I'm in.

Don Cates (BSc U of Manitoba)
Retired medical research tech.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RBH said...


Richard B. Hoppe, Ph.D.
retired Professor, Kenyon College, Ohio, USA.

Anonymous said...

I'll Sign,

Leith Jones,
Ontario resident.

Unknown said...

I'm In,

Gavin Sparby
Hibbing, MN

Unknown said...

After thinking about this a bit I bet Larry just wants to get the real names of all of his readers. Everyone is outing themselves (including me) so it seems to be working.

Anonymous said...

I Concur
Peter Harbison

Sharon said...

Include me in:

Sharon Crawford
Madeira Park, BC

Anonymous said...

Cancel the invitation
Kevin Keenan
PhD Student, QUB.

HH said...

Put my name on that.

Travis S. Loosli PhD (Philosophy) EdS (School Psychology).

Unknown said...

Count me in!

Christopher Mazur,
Kelowna, B.C.

Anonymous said...

I'm in too,
Ian Simpson,
Ex-Toronto resident.

(Citizen of the universe,
and a gentleman to boot.)

RocDoc said...

Definitely Mr. Chopra should not be talking his usual unscientific new-age psycho babble at the ROM.

Mr. Larry Gagnon, M.Sc.
Retired Petroleum Geologist

Anonymous said...

I'm in.

Chris Roberts
NF, Canada.

ade said...

I'll sign that

Danny Keith James
Vancouver, B.C.

Opisthokont said...

You can add me to the list of signatories.

Aaron A. Heiss, M.Sc.
Ph.D. student in Evolutionary Biology
Dalhousie University

Unknown said...

I loved their Darwin exhibit. This, not so much. I'm in.
Andrew Dunn
Saratoga NY

Anonymous said...

No title, but an occaisional patron of museums.

Trevor Zimmerman
Edmonton, AB

Anonymous said...

Count me in

Pablo Aran

Ph.D Student

Department of Chemistry

University of Cambridge

Unknown said...

I'll sign too.

Ryan C Herrington, Kitchener-Waterloo resident.

Anonymous said...

I'll sign

Nick Gorton, MD, DABEM
Davis, CA

Anonymous said...

I'll sign too:

Kim Sweeney
M.S. Cognitive Science
Graduate Student
UC San Diego

Shaun Wilson said...

Wow. Definitely count me in.

Shaun Wilson
Undergrad - Computer Science
University of New England
NSW Australia

DiscoveredJoys said...

Sheesh, you guys are so uptight. Now that Deepak gets a chance to raise your consciousness and expand your 'ways of knowing' the ROM will be able to lay on seminars about palmistry and phrenology around the fountain powered by the perpetual motion machine. Lit, of course, by power from cold fusion.

Gwyn said...

Count me in. No title, but I love museums, especially the ROM. My husband, children and I visit science museums frequently.

Tiffany H. Cox
Des Moines, Iowa

Unknown said...

Please Add my name:

Kevin Jones
Calgary, Alberta

Anonymous said...

I'll Sign

Brian Crockett
SW Developer

Anonymous said...

You may add my name.

Barbara A. Meissner
University of Texas at San Antonio

Anonymous said...

I still can still barely believe he was considered.

Josh Triska
PhD Student, Electrical Engineering
Oregon State University

David D said...

Please include my signature on this letter. Deepak Chopra's pseudoscientific nonsense undermines the credibility of this respectable institution.
David Donald, P. Eng

Bob said...

Robert B Brown
Electrical Engineer, Retired
Lexington KY USA

Anonymous said...

I will sign:

Yuriy Zubarev,
Software Engineer,
Vancouver, BC

Unknown said...

Benjamin Odenheimer

Undergraduate, St. John's College Santa Fe

sasha said...

Sasha Ramani
Candidate for BBA, BMath
University of Waterloo
Wilfrid Laurier University

Steve Gibb said...

Count me in too!

Steve Gibb
Maplewood, NJ

Nancy said...

Please add my humble signature.

Nancy Holst
Mother of 6
Promoter of Science and Reason
Chicago, Illinois

Greg Gloor said...

The ROM had a tremendous influence on me in my youth, and I am dismayed that it is appearing to pander to the ignorant with this invitation.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Richard Prins said...

Richard Prins
Montréal, Canada

Blondin said...

Count me in, too. Keep up the good fight CASS and CFI.

David Roscoe
North Bay, Ontario

Anonymous said...

As a Canadian, I am embarrassed by this. Sign me up.

Joseph W. Brown
Ph.D. Student, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
University of Michigan

steph said...

Please add my name.

Stephanie Hevenor
Laboratory Instructor
Nipissing University

Unknown said...

I'll definitely sign that.

Anonymous said...

Michael D. Barton
Portland, OR

Greg Laden said...

Greg Laden

Unknown said...

I'll sign that.

Roger Hoffmore
Professional Geologist and Educator

mark said...

Mark Propp
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Anonymous said...

I'll sign

Peter A Hasek
MS, Physics
Certified Business Manager
Project Management Professional
Commerce Township, MI

Anonymous said...

From the Pacific North West and worried about the state of fluff brained non-arguments being promoted as "truths". Science FTW!

Cameron Coale
Everett, Wa

Anonymous said...

I would love to sign it. I hope to major in Biology once I transfer.

John Capilos
Columbia, SC

Anonymous said...

Sign me on!

Andrew Rihn
BA, Kent State University

R. J. Vincent said...

I'll gladly add my signature. Deepak Chopra is a snake oil salesman of the highest order.

John Melby said...

I'll sign it gladly.

John Melby
Emeritus Professor of Music
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

IanW said...

I fully agree with and support your letter protesting the Royal Ontario Museum's invitation to Deepak Chopra. This kind of non-science nonsense does not belong in such institutions.

Ian Wood
Austin, Texas USA

Tim said...

Tim Falkenberg
Whitehorse, Yukon

Anonymous said...

Al McDonell
Common Sense

Evolving Squid said...

I'll sign that...

Darin Cowan, BSc
Ottawa, Ontario

Shawn Macdonald, London, Ontario said...

Please include me on the petition

Brian DJ Thompson said...

And the list keeps growing. Count me in.

Brian Thompson
Aurora, Ontario

Gabby said...

Gary A Gabbard
Cincinnati Ohio

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