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Monday, January 14, 2008

Convocation 2007

A few months ago I told you about my first convocation as a Professor [Bruce Alberts in Toronto]. Here's the formal photograph of the main participants. Don't we look pretty?


Unknown said...

Up to what level can these wands cast spells to? They look pretty powerful.

RBH said...

At my college we referred to the academic finery as "mating plumage." Didn't work very well, though. :)

Alex said...

I believe those are ceremonial maces. If anything, they'll take after their namesakes's function, albeit in an unwieldy fashion.

Steve LaBonne said...

If anything, they'll take after their namesakes's function, albeit in an unwieldy fashion.

Medieval students were notorious for violent rowdiness, so I imagine the original academic maces may well have ACTUALLY performed that function. ;)

Larry Moran said...

haffax asks,

Up to what level can these wands cast spells to? They look pretty powerful.

The mace is being carried by the Beadle . Beadles cannot use magic. Their main attributes are strength and cunning.

The wands are carried by Professors who have some wizard characteristics (up to level 12). These wands are only level two weapons, they can change exam grades by five marks and detect plagiarism but that's about all they can do.

The most powerful wands are kept under lock and key and they can only be used by the highest level wizards (level 72). The two wizards with stripes on their sleeves (David Naylor and David Peterson) are the only such wizards in the university except for the janitor.

PZ Myers said...

Wait, what about the departmental secretary? They tend to be much more powerful than even the janitor.

Anonymous said...

What's with the colors on the robes? U.S. robes are generally dull black (with the exception of a few red-brick places like Harvard, Chicago and Stanford, whose robes sport fabric of reddish color). A few deanish types have blue stripes, but that's about it...