Thursday, April 08, 2010

A Message for Hillary Clinton from Canadians

From CBCNews [Don't extend Afghan mission, Canadians say: poll].


  1. all else aside, it's saddening that the copywriter for that poll couldn't use "it's" right, despite using it correctly later in the copy.


  2. I make that mistake quite frequently even though I know the correct usage.

    Do you ever make a mistake?

  3. Cut and run will lead to an even worse mess. Irrespective of what our leaders sell as our reason for being there (and from the British perspective stopping training & planning of potential terrorists is a pretty good one), to leave now will just make return to the dark old days ever more likely.

    Just because involvement over there is unpopular, that doesn't mean governments should abandon their policies. Capital punishment is very popular this side of the pond, doesn't mean the government should reinstate it. Popular policies aren't always good ones.

  4. The Monkeyman says,

    Irrespective of what our leaders sell as our reason for being there (and from the British perspective stopping training & planning of potential terrorists is a pretty good one), to leave now will just make return to the dark old days ever more likely.

    How do you know that things will be worse if all the foreigners leave?

    And even if they did get worse, isn't that the choice of the people of Afghanistan? Right now it seems like a fairly large percentage of the population is supporting the insurgency. Why is that? Do you think it has something to do with opposing foreign invaders?

    Why do you think we have the right to invade another country, kill their citizens, and install a corrupt President?

    Are you old enough to remember one of the reasons why foreign troops had to stay in Viet Nam? It was because the country would be much worse off if the troops were withdrawn. It took several hundred thousand deaths to prove that idea was wrong.
