Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Today Is a Very Important Day

It's Sandwalk's second birthday. It was two years ago today that I posted the first message on Sandwalk [Welcome to my Sandwalk].

I started Sandwalk when PZ Myers convinced me that blogging wasn't just a fad. There was a real opportunity to discuss science, and other things, in the blogosphere. Since Nov. 4, 2006 I have published 2,253 postings—some of them have been quite popular and a few of them have been quite good (IMHO).

Sandwalk has grown into a moderate-sized blog with a number of regular readers. I'm particularly excited about the people who comment. They teach me a lot. I'm impressed by the quality of the discussion that goes on in the comments section of Sandwalk postings. This was something that I was hoping for when I started this blog.

A big thank-you to everyone who reads and comments. You've made it all worthwhile.

Here are the latest numbers.


  1. Larry,

    Congratulations on a high quality blog. Keep up the good work.

  2. Figured I'd chime in and say Congrats on the Blog success and Birthday. I'm a long time reader of PZ and just recently stumbled upon your page and have become a regular reader (thank you Google reader :P ).

  3. Congratulations Larry! Two years is a real milestone in the blogosphere. I have been reading your blog since the beginning and you were one of the factors that inspired me to start blogging. I figured, "Hey, if Larry can do it...". :)

  4. Hmmm and I thought you were talking about the election! Congrats on your blog. You're doing pretty well and its great to have a well written blog discussing the topics you do.

  5. Good work keeping up with the excellent posts! I enjoy them thoroughly. I'll be lucky if I hit 500 posts by the end of the year, and I've been blogging for almost 3 years...

  6. For what it's worth, I contribute to your page views on a daily basis. Thanks.

  7. I visit much more regularly than I comment. Your blog is educational, provocative, and entertaining, and I intend to keep visiting.

    In fact, I'm waiting for your take on these new papers in Nature () and Nature Genetics :


    But for now, happy blogging birthday!

  8. Another long-term reader, here.


  9. Congrats Larry! I love your blog despite your occasional misfires (e.g. J. Maynard Smith) ;P

  10. Congratulations! I don't often comment, but I read your blog every day. Looking forward to many more years.

    It was a very great pleasure to meet you last Friday. I have to say that meeting five of my favorite blog authors in one day was heady stuff. Since I am now a CFI member, I hope to be able to see you again in person.


  11. Congratulations on an excellent blog.

    More genetics posts please!

  12. Larry,
    Happy Birthday. After PZ your my next favorite blog.
    Atheist & Proud

  13. Larry, you were my first blog that I regularly started reading. That was about 6 months ago. Now I only read blogs and I have almost completely stopped reading CBC, New Scientist, PhysOrg, etc.

    So, thanks! and Happy Birthday.

  14. You're one of the lucky few, Larry. Your blog is undoubtedly one of the most scientific blogs out there. Be proud of that!

    Myself, I've had my own blog since last year and I'm still waiting for my first comment.

    I-kid-you-not! Almost a year and not one freaking comment yet! Either I'm deeply retarded for not scrapping the whole thing, or I'm patient to the point of freaking sainthood.

    Congratulations, Larry!

    Robert M.

  15. Larry, you're prolific in your free time.:)

  16. Robert Morane says,

    Myself, I've had my own blog since last year and I'm still waiting for my first comment.

    I think I understand why you don't have comments. You seem to have "comments" turned off on your blog. I couldn't post a comment even though I wanted to.

  17. Happy Birthday Sandwalk. I'll keep reading. Thanks for the articles on the ID/evolution contention - They have certainly kept me up to speed on this debate (or should that read "shouting match"?)

  18. Happy Blog-birthday, Larry. I've quite enjoyed coming here for both the science and a Canadian perspective on some of the events that affect science and education.

    It can't be said too many times: keep up the good work :)

  19. Thanks Larry for the effort that you have put into this blog over the last two years, I am much the wiser for it.
