Monday, November 17, 2008

Hide it under a bushel? NO!


This is the latest in Christmas decorations from the American Family Association.

Let Your "Light" Shine For Christ This Christmas Season!

Looking for an effective way to express your Christian faith this Christmas season to honor our Lord Jesus? Now you can.... with the "Original Christmas Cross" yard decoration.

Light up your front yard, porch, patio, driveway, business, organization or church this holiday season with a stunning Christmas cross.
Can't you just picture these five and-a-half foot crosses in the middle of front yards all across America?

What in the world are they thinking?

[Hat Tip: LuLu at Canadian Cynic]


  1. Man, when I saw the top picture the first thing I thought of was something like the bottom picture. That front porch is just begging for a little clandestine decorating with some suitably modified garden gnomes, to make it look like the second picture.

    'Tis the season to be tacky.....

  2. I second eamon knight: photoshop in some garden gnomes (painted white). That would make the whole thing seem more apt.

  3. Of course, this could be made for the environmentally conscious cross-burners out there (think of all the CO2 not being released into the atmosphere). Still, they would have to use the power supply of the house to which they are connecting it, which is - in its own way - another perverse thing to do...

  4. Maybe some kind soul will donate one for the White House lawn.

  5. I couldn't resist dropping the AFA a little note about their new catalog item (they have a feedback link). Here's what I wrote:

    "I was pleased to see the new Illuminated Christmas Cross for sale!

    This is going to look GREAT in the middle of my lawn. It's environmentally correct too and will save me a bundle on burning 2 x 4s!

    But I do have one question - do the accessory robes and pointy hats come included or do you have to buy those separately? Will these also be illuminated (that would be COOL!)

    Thanks again for bringing bigotry into the modern age!!!"

  6. What were they thinking?

    They were most likely thinking that they could get more recruits if they targeted the criminals that support their true agenda. Hence the flaming crosses.

  7. Just more evidence that Christians are completely blind to anything around them

  8. I found this to be a good mixture of funny and stupid so I decided to reproduce it, thus continuing the chain:

    Gabriel -> Box Turtle -> America Blog -> Baloon Juice -> Canadian Cynic -> Sandwalk -> me :-)

  9. Well, much as I did in Dispatches From the Culture Wars, I'll be a devil's advocate here and remind people that the flaming look of the cross is an artifact of the camera used to take the picture. If seen with the naked the cross would almost certainly look like a normal cross covered in lightbulbs.

    Current cameras have a dynamic range far narrower than that of our eyes, so if you adjust the camera to record visible detail in the background (as they did in this picture) the lightbulbs will be overexposed, and that is what gives them that firey look.

    You really can't go by this picture to judge how kakakayee this cross will look in real life.

  10. Valhar2000 says,

    Well, much as I did in Dispatches From the Culture Wars, I'll be a devil's advocate here and remind people that the flaming look of the cross is an artifact of the camera used to take the picture. If seen with the naked the cross would almost certainly look like a normal cross covered in lightbulbs.

    Fine. Are you planning on putting one in your front yard?

    Maybe in the spirit of Christmas giving you could secretly put one in the front yard of the black family up the street. I'm sure they would appreciate the gesture.

    I've got an even better idea. Why don't you make a giant one for the front yard of the White House?
