Saturday, November 15, 2008

Be Afraid

There have been some changes on Uncommon Descent. Bill Dembski won't be posting as often (Boo!) and the chief web person will be Barry Arrington [What’s New At UD].

Here's a warning from the new chief IDiot.
We live in exciting times. The Darwinist/materialist hegemony over our culture has definitely peaked, and we are privileged to watch the initial tremors that are shaking the Darwinist house of cards. These are only the beginning of woes for St. Charles’ disciples, and I look forward to one day watching the entire rotten edifice come crashing down. I am persuaded that just as when the Soviet Union went seemingly overnight from “menacing colossus astride the globe” to “non-existent,” the final crash of the House of Darwin will happen with astonishing suddenness. You can be sure that we at UD will be there not only reporting on events, but also lending our intellectual pry bars to the effort.
Hmmm ... "intellectual pry bars" ... that's an image that's going to be hard to shake.


  1. You really have to wonder what parallel universe people like Barry live in.

    The Darwinist/materialist hegemony over our culture has definitely peaked, and we are privileged to watch the initial tremors that are shaking the Darwinist house of cards.

    That's just bizarre.

  2. I became so frightened that science was about to be overthrown by Barry and Denise I ran to the hardware store to check on what pry bars are made of.

    Sure enough, pry bars are still made with steel, not mushy creationist babble.

    Whew! What a relief!

  3. I hope he's enjoying his swim in de'Nile. He better watch out for the crocodiles and hippos.

  4. I hope this works better than their vises.

  5. Have any of these clowns set a date for the Demise Of Darwinism? Like, if it hasn't occurred by 2015 (or whenever) they admit they were wrong? Of course, this is the same bunch of folks (or fellow-travellers therewith) who have been predicting Jesus' return for about 1900 years, so I suppose admission of error is out of the question.

  6. Jeezus christ what a bunch of idiots. Thanks for reading UD and picking out the nuggets of inanity for the rest of us, Larry.

  7. It so appears that their simple machine (wedge) is insufficient to take down 'the house of cards'.

  8. Where else have I heard this rhetorical style?

    Arrington on evolution: "I look forward to one day watching the entire rotten edifice come crashing down"

    Hitler on the Soviet Union: "We only have to kick in the door and the whole rotten edifice will come crashing down"

    I think the ID movement needs to pick its friends more carefully. People who favour quoting Hitler to make their points rarely aid their own cause.

  9. In other breaking news from the UD site, it appears that DaveScot has resigned! Apparently he is upset that under the new rules, he will have to spend more than a few minutes a day doing actual moderation.

    Nevertheless, we can still look forward to the "occassional science blog" from him. I guess there's always a first time...
