Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Golden Compass

This is a clip from The Golden Compass. It's the movie the Christians are afraid of. They want you to boycott it because it promotes atheism. It looks pretty good to me. I think I'd go see it even if it wasn't just to oppose the boycott.

BTW, I also liked The Chronicles of Narnia even though it had a Christian theme. I don't have much trouble separating fantasy from reality.


  1. BTW, I also liked The Chronicles of Narnia even though it had a Christian theme.
    Meh. I thought it was just OK.
    On the sequels, I'm going to rent the DVD -- not worth paying theatre prices.

  2. In the US the loudest opposition is coming from a crank named Bill Donohue. He has gone from his mother's basement to interviews on Fox News.

    The US Conference of Catholic Bishops gave it a good review. They thought it was well done.

  3. Good point regarding The Chronicles of Narnia.

  4. I really feel bad for people that listen and act based on what those like Donohue tell them to do. And they think atheists live in the dark!

  5. "I don't have much trouble separating fantasy from reality."

    That's why you're an atheist, Larry. ;)

    I'm not big on fantasy, but I may go see this just for shits and giggles. If the born-agains and their Catholic counterparts have their robes in a bunch over this, I might as well see what all the brouhaha is over.

  6. have you seen the trailer for Prince Caspian?

  7. I saw it last night, and I enjoyed it. Not a great movie, but pretty good, in my opinion.

    The theatre was packed, I didn't see any empty seats. So I guess these odd boycotts aren't having much of an effect around here.
