Friday, February 09, 2007

Uncommon Descent Supports Bigots

Considering the mess that Paula Zhan has created, you'd think the Intelligent Design Creationists wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. After all, they don't want to be seen defending bigots, do they?

Yep, they do. Bashing atheists and Muslims is just too much for DaveScot to resist [Karen Hunter and Debbie Schlussel - YOU GO, GIRLS!].

(I think I've figured it out. The best way to predict how the IDiots are going to behave is to assume they'll do the stupidist thing you can imagine.)

Here's the original show—the one that impressed DaveScot. Watch the followup tonight when Paula Zhan interviews Richard Dawkins. Given Paula's track record I'm predicting that she will look very stupid foolish. I'm betting the IDiots are gonna love it.


  1. I've been reading about this whole CNN fuss and have only now had the chance to watch this clip.

    Before I even go into the semantics at hand, I must say that I'm appalled by the level of IQ of this conversation. It's as if they're giving air time to people at the local café!

    It's like rambling about nothing. And what would an ESPN comentator have to say about something like this? Why not professionals related to the field at hand like sociologists, psychologist, theologists, etc

    WTF does a Hallmark card have to do with anything? And how can someone so dense (excuse me... but it had to be said) win a Pulitzer prize?

    I'm writing from Europe, and sometimes it's scenes like these that make America look stupid.
    So many intelligent people in America, and they handpicked these three... what a sad sight.

  2. To be expected from an idiot and bigot such as Dave Springer ("DaveScot")

  3. Paula, could you get a more ingnorant one-sided panel to discuss a topic? When you book people for the show shouldn't you try to get people that can actually voice different opinoins or at least as the host/moderator, pose some possible alternative viewpoints yourself.
    Now time for my politcally incorrect statement: nothing like two women, one black and one a jew to discriminate against others. I wonder how the jewish lady feels when 90% of nazi Germany thought it was okay to think the jews are wrong and decide that extermination is the best way to deal with their "jew problem." How about when 90% of the US in the first 150-200 years of our country were convinced that blacks were a lesser race and needed to be kept in their place. Or how about that women need to honor and "serve" their husbands and get their asses back in the house to cook and have babies. I'm at least glad for you that there were enough tolerant people to oppose those prevailing thoughts and beliefs and let you live as a free person with freedom of thought and mind.
