Friday, February 09, 2007

The IDiots Don't Under stand Irreducible Compexity

Evolution News & Views, the Intellgent Design website, has just posted a quotation from a Professor of Design and Nature(?) at Bristol University in the UK.
I've been designing systems like spacecraft for more than 20 years. One of the lessons I've learnt is that complex systems require an immense amount of intelligence to design. I've seen a lot of irreducible complexity in engineering. I have also seen organs in nature that are apparently irreducible. An irreducibly complex organ is one where several parts are required simultaneously for the system to function usefully, so it cannot have evolved, bit by bit, over time.
I thought that by now even the IDiots would know that irreducibly complex systems can arise by evolution. Apparently I was wrong. The IDiots haven't been paying attention to anything that scientists have been saying over the past 15 years.

I guess that's why they're IDiots.


  1. In fact, he designs parts for spacecraft and doesn't know that the Earth is older than 6,000 years old.

    According to this Wikipedia article, Stuart Burgess "appeared on a radio interview with BBC Northern Ireland on 18th April, 2004 ... [and] stated his position that the Earth 'is around 6000 years old, that's what the bible says'."

  2. Yeah, that's Stuart Burgess. He's a major player in the UK's very own ID outfit 'Truth in Science' – the same group who've recently been pestering school teachers with Discovery Institute DVDs.

    I remember that radio interview. In it he claimed:

    1) The Earth is 6000 years old.

    2) er, but God made it look like the Earth is a lot older.

    3) Evolution can't explain the knee.

    4) I'm a space engineer and I know about these things.

    5) You lot out there had better start believing, 'cos otherwise you're damned!
