Thursday, January 11, 2007

Stem Cell Debate in the USA

Furriners like me sometimes have a hard time following American politics. Take the debate over funding stem cell research, for example. America doesn't do it. Bush is very much against changing the law to permit development of new lines of stem cells. It's against his religion.

Mathew Nesbit has written an excellent summary of the situation over at Skeptical Inquirer [Political Communication in the 2007 Stem Cell Debate]. He follows up with a report on his blog [STEM CELL BILL PASSES THIRTY-SEVEN VOTES SHORT OF VETO OVERRIDE]. Apparently this is another fight over which "power" (President or Congress) is supposed to make laws. You'd think the Constitution would be clear about those things.

Now, if only someone could explain who's supposed to be in charge of making war ..... people seem to be confused about that as well.


  1. Attached is a link to a column in yesterdays' Washington Post by Charles Krauthammer on this subject.

  2. Try again
