Friday, January 12, 2007

Barack Obama Is a Closet Muslim

Friday's Urban Legend: FALSE

There's an email circulating that Barack Obama was educated as a Muslim in a Wahabbi school in Indonesia. According to the email message ("The Enemy Within"), his step-father, Lolo Soetoro, was a Muslim who brought up Obama in the Muslim tradition. (The truth is that Obama's mother was an atheist and so was his biological father. His step-father was a non-practicing Muslim.)

Later on as an adult, Obama joined the United Church of Christ in order to convince voters that he was a Christian but he's still an ideological Muslim, according to the email message.

The take-home message is FALSE according to [The Enemy Within] but there are elements of truth in the email message. It's worth reading the entire snopes article in order to understand Obama's religious views. This is the sort of thing that's going to come out during the Presidential campaign and if the snopes article is accurate, there's trouble brewing.


  1. Who cares?

    If he's got christianity badly, then he is at least 95% as bad as a muslim.

    People with imaginary friends running modern countries, I mean, it couldn't happen today, could it?

  2. Tingey, you're an idiot. There are no Christians out there who want to chop your head off. Want to talk about imaginary friends? Mohammad is about as imaginary as it gets. You're just a Socialistic, jingoistic idiot.

  3. What about the Constitution of the United States? No religious test for office. We seem to forget that. Oh and by the way...Barack Obama is a Christian.

    Independents for Obama

  4. seth asks,

    What about the Constitution of the United States? No religious test for office. We seem to forget that.

    Yeah, right. It doesn't matter if you're an atheist, or a Muslim, or a Buddhist. Everyone has an equal opportunity to become President.
    Oh and by the way...Barack Obama is a Christian.

    Why did you feel that it was necessary to mention this? I thought it didn't matter?

  5. There is a religious test for office, and it's called the democratic process. Everyone was amazed that Kennedy got elected president, as a Catholic. Imagine that? I will be very amazed when the first atheist who admits s/he's and atheist gets elected.

    Most presidents are pretty smart people. Some of them are probably atheists who keep that to themselves. (For which they will go to hell when they die, right?)

    Seth, I'm not trying to give you a hard time. I agree with you. But 75 percent of Americans still think that the jury is still out on evolution. We are screwed.

    I think there should be a religious test. As implied by tingey. Insanity is not good in these positions of power. I'd rather have someone pretending to be a christian in order to have a career in politics (though I don't like that) than to have someone who does what a voice in his head (or dog or wherever) tells him to do.

  6. "Why did you feel that it was necessary to mention this? I thought it didn't matter?"

    Probably because if one doesn't read the blog post too carefully, one can come away with the impression that it claimed Obama is a Muslim.

  7. J.J. Ramsey says,

    Probably because if one doesn't read the blog post too carefully, one can come away with the impression that it claimed Obama is a Muslim.

    You may be right but it sort of misses the point, doesn't it? If there's no religious test for political office then why does it matter whether he's a Muslim, or an atheist, or a Christian? If you're working to elect Obama, as Seth is, then you really want to get the word out that he's a Christian, in spite of what the constitution says.

  8. "If there's no religious test for political office then why does it matter whether he's a Muslim, or an atheist, or a Christian?"

    Because seth wants to show you how wrong you are for mistakenly believing that Obama is Muslim. :-)

  9. As Larry said, read the article. Obama reconizes the power of "the historic black church to give people strength in very difficult circumstances." Seems like a very realistic stance and the best sort of motivation to align with a church.

  10. what is the big about him being a suspected muslim? is being muslim a crime? after reading whats on I am convinced this is a retarded issue.

  11. Oh I wonder why he did not vote for the war!!!!!! He did not want to bring harm to his MUSLIM kind!!!!!!!!! And don't cry me the river about his new Anti White Church........ If this was a White church it would rank next to the KKK. You Liberals are so blind it makes me sick.........

  12. "What about the Constitution of the United States? No religious test for office. We seem to forget that. Oh and by the way...Barack Obama is a Christian."

    When have we forgotten that? Surely you aren't dim enough to believe that the Constitution proscribes the electorate from voting according to religious affiliation? There's a difference between being Constitutionally prohibited from occupying an office for some reason and simply being unelectable for that reason.

  13. islam is a gutter religion. christianity is a shithouse scam. moremons think jesus us coming salt lake city.

    anyone who tells you they know what happens when you die is full of shit.

    obama is fucking brilliant. president of harvard law review. mccain graduated 894 out of 899 at annapolis.
    mccain is not a war hero. heroes dont get shot down. they kill the enemy and get home. patton was a war hero.
    anyone anti-abortion is an idiot. if your little 12 year old sister was gangraped by 4 black criminals with histories of psychological problems then she shouldnt be forced to carry that shitbaby for 9 months and take care of it for the rest of her life.
    if you belive otherwise, you're an idiot.

    when obama is elected, the whole goddamn country is going to paaartaaay!!!!!
    btw, palin's an incredibly uncurious idiot. she didnt get a passport until she was 42. all she knows is what the neocons feed her.

    dont get me wrong. i LOVE the war. i am a hawk.
    i want to carpet bomb tehran, damascus and bagdad(again).

    but mccain is whack. obama is a brilliant guy.

  14. When this post was written in 2007 you may have had a plausible argument that he wasn't a closet Muslim. However, since then he has done and said so many things that you'd have a lot harder time convincing a person that he's not a muslim in quasi-christian (jeremiah wright) clothing.

    The evidence just keeps piling up!

  15. Obama spent his first 10 formative years in Indonisa, a Muslim nation. He spent 20 years in Reverand Wrights, radical black liberation church, where his wife was inspired to say after his election: "for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country." He cellebrates all the Muslim holidays with special proclamations. Name me another Christian President of the U.S. that has done that? And what a slap at decency by giving that terrorist tyrant a 40 minute burial ceremony before dumping him into the ocean. Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck. Barack Hussein Obama, II, our first Muslim President. Why is he ashamed of it? You "looney" lefty Democrats would have elected him anyway! Right?
