Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Difference Between Rationalism and Superstition

Bill Dembski's Comments About Comments.
I don’t plan on policing or editing comments. If you post a comment that I don’t think is productive, I’ll probably not just eliminate your comment but you from this blog (which, given the way WordPress handles comments, means all your comments will be removed). So if you have any doubts about whether I’m going to react negatively to your comments, back them up — I won’t. Note also that I’ve had it happen where someone ingratiates himself with me and then turns. Bait and switch is a sure way to be banned from commenting here.

My policy on comments: anyone can post whatever they like, especially if they disagree. There will be no censorship of ideas on Sandwalk.


  1. Even better though is his first commandment:
    (1) Thou shalt not be boring...I’ve been at this game for about fifteen years now, so I’ve seen most of the objections. Don’t repeat what I likely have already seen
    Hmmm, wonder if he'd like to apply that to himself and the rest of his IDiot ilk and stop beating the creationist talking points to death, all of which have been thoroughly dealt with. Maybe he needs a copy of the Counter-Creationism Handbook?

  2. The more I hear about Dembski from Dembski the less I can tolerate his stench. And I didn't think he could go further downhill after his fart-video.

  3. Im suprised that you don't have an ant-spam filter on it, though.
    Or have you got some other method for stopping the auto-bots?

  4. "Or have you got some other method for stopping the auto-bots?"

    Hire some decepticons? :-)

    Sorry, sorry, I just could not resist that one.
