Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Darwin's Grave

Mike Dunford visited Westminster Abbey today and stood at the place where Charles Darwin is buried. He wonders what an agnostic should do under those conditions. See A Strange Moment.

Here's a photo of Darwin's final resting place in Westminster Abbey.


  1. What an enlightened comment. Please elaborate.

  2. Absolutrely nothing in the Darwinian model ever had anything to do with evolution beyond the production of intraspecifc varieties none of which were incipient species anyway. The entire paradigm is a myth and a hoax invented and then perpetuated by generation after generation of "prescribed" atheist mystics who were, without exception, unable to see that there was a purpose in every aspect of the living world.

    Is that elaboration enough?

    "Then there are the fanatical atheists whose intolerance is the same as that of the religious fanatics, and it springs from the same source.... They are creatures who can't hear the music of the spheres."
    Albert Einstein

    "A past evolution is undeniable, a present evolution undemonstrable."
    John A. Davison

  3. Darwin would have said, "John, old bean, you are a crank and an idiot."

  4. Just one more flame blog I see.

    "A past evolution is undeniable, a present evolution undemonstrable."
    John A. Davison

  5. Darwin doesn't have a resting place. When he died he entered eternal oblivion. Nothing he did, and nothing that any of us do, has any lasting significance or meaning.

    One day our sun will turn into a red giant. When that happens its corona will expand beyond the orbit of the earth. The earth's atmosphere will be stripped away, the seas will boil away, the sands will fuse into glass, and all life will be exterminated. There will be no record of anything anyone has ever done, created, or thought.

  6. Gil Dodgen,

    Great job in posting your brilliant comment to a month old post. But the delay was worth it because your ironic post is just a work of genius.

  7. But Gil is right!

    Darwin has ceased to exist.

    LIke all of us, nothing will be left, all will be forgotten.

    Dawkins would call this "elegant" and "inspiring".

    So whats the beef?

  8. yes he ceased to exist. So what?

    Even idiots like Gil Dodgen have forgotten Darwin.

    Dawkins never said the fact that Darwin ceased to exist is "elegant" and "inspiring".

  9. damn what an idiot i am. I meant to say "Even idiots like Gil Dodgen have NOT forgotten Darwin. "

  10. I heartily recommend anyone who doubts the value or veracity of Darwin's work to check out the marvelous Nova on the Dover School Board debacle and the rather impressive take down of intelligent design:

    It makes a pretty decent case that Darwin's theories have been repeatedly validated by testable, measurable physical evidence. Namely, the entire field of genetics wouldn't really exist had it not been for good ole Darwin's cockamamie logic.
